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Oct. 6th, 2014


I think I'm getting sick. Do were-coyotes get sick? It feels like my entire body is trying to fall into cracks in the earth. When I talked to the check-out lady at the grocery store about it, she said it sounded like I had a broken heart. I don't know much about broken hearts but I'd think it'd be biologically impossible. They made me go to see a therapist at school when I first started attending and she said that my relationship with Stiles seemed "co-dependent" but she's just a therapist; what does she know about relationships?

I take back everything I said to Stiles about country music sounding harsh and grating and annoying to my ears. It is the music of pain, and only it can reflect how everything is terrible and black and lonely and how it feels like my heart is falling out of my butt.

Oct. 5th, 2014


My name is Victor Crawford, but they indicated most wouldn't know that name. I believe in the television show I was known as Victoria Argent.

I've done some preliminary research, but I have a lot to catch up on nevertheless.

[ ooc - past!genderswapped world Victoria Argent! ]


i have regrets

Oct. 4th, 2014


I can't say that I'm sad to be out of the hospital, but according to everyone this isn't supposed to be happening anymore. Hawaii's lovely, so please don't take any offense, but I'd really, really like to go home to a pillow fort in the living room and a husband who's trying to pretend we have more than old pizza and sympathy casseroles in the fridge.


So hayyyy, who wants to volunteer 6-8 hours of their time for charity? October 25-26th, I'll be hosting a Children's Halloween Carnival. I got permission to use Gramercy Park & Hotel for indoor and outdoor activities, and am currently getting donations and backers for rides, activities, booths, etc.

What I need from you guys - anyone who's willing - is volunteers to work one or both days, man booths, work the carnival, picture & autograph booths, face painting, judge costume contests, bob for apples, maybe sit in a dunk tank, get hit with a pie or two? All proceeds are going to Children's Health Fund charity. So, yknow, kids.

Sooo, if you want to help (please!) contact me ASAP with when you're available. All day, a few hours, etc. I'm asking if you sign up, you at least do it in a 4-hour block so that I don't have to shuffle people around too much. Currently working on getting lunches donated for all of the volunteers.

(Thor, I'll be abusing your arms to help set things up. Be prepared.)

Oct. 3rd, 2014


What. the. hell.

Sep. 29th, 2014


I have an appointment at UH for a tour on Wednesday, does anyone want to join me? 5:45 - 6:45.

Sep. 25th, 2014


snapchat to all friends )

Sep. 14th, 2014


No following. No freaking out. No stalking. Period.

Sep. 12th, 2014


Well. Who's joining me in Astoria, Oregon tonight?

Sep. 8th, 2014


In a bid not to cause property damage and wake all the neighbors, I've deleted all installations of Five Nights at Freddy's from my laptop, and I've returned to needlepoint as my non-violent hobby of choice.

Sorry I'm so jumpy, everyone. Clear your throat before you come up behind me. I'm seeing terrifying animal suits wherever I look.

Sep. 5th, 2014



Aug. 16th, 2014


After some seriously embarrassing begging on my end, Cyclops!me pulled a few strings and got me two last minute VIP tickets to the Gamer Expo in Honolulu today. Wanna be my date?
I'm going to be geeking it up today at a Gamer Expo, fair warning. You wanna get breakfast tomorrow? Maybe go snorkeling after?

Jul. 31st, 2014


[ teen wolf, stilinskis will get an extra alert ]
Hey guys. I wanted to drop in quickly to let you know that your father is being treated by some doctors right now at the hospital. He's fine, just a mild concussion and some bumps and scrapes, but they're giving him a thorough once-over to make sure he's good before releasing him.

Parrish and I are heading over, but he wanted me to wanted to give you a heads up. He should be out soon, and then he's taking the rest of the weekend off.

Again, reiterating that it's nothing to panic over, just precautions. Text me and I'll keep you updated.


Home sweet home.

Filtered to RTW TW:
We brought home plenty of kool-aid that we're willing to share, tonight. Our place.

We'll be making American food, at Allison's request. She (for some strange reason) missed mac and cheese.

Jul. 29th, 2014


ATTN: Anyone Visiting Chez Margent Today

Don't use the front door. Or the back patio door. And if you use a window, don't have it be the left-side ground floor. You can use the right-side ground floor window; that shouldn't won't cause anything. In fact, why don't you stand outside our apartment and yell whatever you need at us? That's probably safest.

I'm practicing building traps and disarming them is taking a liiiiittle longer than I had anticipated...

Jul. 27th, 2014


Dear Portal*,

I'm starting to feel really under-appreciated here. I remember once upon a time I was your favorite, and now Scott's measuring me for a cheerleading skirt because I was kicked off first line.

Isaac "My legs look awesome in a skirt but better in spandex" Lahey

*Hey to all the new people! I'm really glad you're here.

Jul. 23rd, 2014


happy batman day! )

Jul. 22nd, 2014


Scott, I found your heaven - apparently Croatia is the nudist capitol in the world. There's over 30 beaches for it.

I found one, in looking for a meditation spot. Meditating is currently on hold.

Jul. 14th, 2014


For the record, I have permits for everything. It isn't my fault that your portal dropped me into the ocean and soaked them through.

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