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Jan. 26th, 2016


Role call.

[ ooc - post-PH Future Michonne! ]

Nov. 18th, 2015


Hello, it's (another) Allison Argent. Which isn't a sentence I'd ever thought I'd write, but honestly, I'm so relieved to be back here in Hawaii that I'm not even going to ask what happened for us to suddenly have alternate universe doubles.

Um, the cheat sheet says that we all have different histories, so... I moved to Beacon Hills, werewolves happened, then a few years later I was whisked away to Hawaii where I lived for another few years, and then the portal took Isaac and I to the Pacific Rim world and we couldn't find a way back, so-- it's really great seeing a coastline that's not destroyed right now! I'd forgotten that people laid out on the beach.

This feels like the first day of school.

[ one [info]shestays, all grown up - future!PH + memories ]

Sep. 30th, 2015


I need to get eyes on Kate Argent right now. There was a fire at the Hale house and we need to know if this was her.

Sep. 4th, 2015


Time's of the essence, so I'm making this quick.

Detective Williams, from the zombieverse, just had his daughter from the same world come through. It looks like she's in the process of turning. She's in quarantine and he broke quarantine to be in there with her. We don't have long and we need to do something to solve this before it gets any worse.

Can either one of you do something to help?

Jul. 9th, 2015


Posted early this morning

Okay people, I have like ten minutes before the adrenaline wears off and I'm drooling in a chair so here you go.

The Newest Stilinski )

Jul. 8th, 2015


James, Harvey - in order to cut down on the attempted lawsuits, I administered earplugs and an instructional card, along with an apology note and description of exactly why they should be using said earplugs, to every single person in the wing.

Assorted family and pack: Suite 4 in Lenox Hill Hospital. We've got a few hours to go, so that's your prep call.

Jun. 12th, 2015


Right then, which one of you kids is to blame for this whole... this?

[ ooc - always-been-a-lady Jane Stilinski! ]

May. 4th, 2015


So James and I got engaged.

Just FYI.


Apr. 10th, 2015


I told you that you used too many chicken feet, Petra.

Feb. 21st, 2015


I feel like there's enough snow we could probably make an igloo.

Jan. 30th, 2015


If anyone's interested, I've staked my claim on part of the beach tonight for Lilys' birthday. Some of the other magical people will have to provide transportation tonight as I'm responsible for manning the grill and making sure the women of the day are having a good time, but everyone's more than welcome to come out. There will be plenty of food and fireworks to go around.

Happiest of birthdays, my darling. You've probably noticed by now, but I added a little something to your bracelet this morning.

Jan. 3rd, 2015


Okay this is a new one, I'll give you that, portal. Or a lot of old things mixed in with new. But please tell me it's temporary, because the older you get, the less fun starting over is.

James Potter, front and center. Erica? Boyd?

Dec. 29th, 2014


Really, Scottie? Magical time portal and alternate world and you didn't think to ask permission? You're grounded.

[OOC: Genderswap world Melissa McCall - Marcus Delgado! Details here, biggest thing to note is that he's a werewolf and the TW crew should know it!]

Dec. 22nd, 2014


Well, that officially answers that.

Sara does, in fact, make the cutest puppy ever.

Dec. 15th, 2014


I know everyone has their celebrations and multiple family gatherings to do, but Stiles and I are officially requesting at least an hour of your time on Christmas evening. 6pm. There will be food and drinks and to make things easy; a white elephant gift exchange. Spending limit is $50 and nothing completely tasteless, please.

Nov. 11th, 2014


I don't know what to say.


I already spoke to Erica and we're willing to have him at our Thanksgiving dinner, so long as he keeps away from the kids. But since you guys are our family and we invite you over every year, we want to make sure this is something you would be comfortable with before I broach it with Mom. Talk to any of the loved ones in your lives that you may bring over too, but your comfort comes first to me.

EDIT: Nevermind. Non-issue, he's not coming.


I had a request, and I want you to all know that I'll respect any answer given. There's no expectations here, and I know the history enough to know this is a long shot.

But I was wondering if Peter would be allowed at thanksgiving dinner. I'm probably crazy to even ask this, but there it is. He's already offered to bring silence and good alcohol.

What kind of pie does everyone like?

[OOC: Top portion crossed out after an hour or so, anyone is welcome to have seen it via Scott's post or before it was deleted!]

Nov. 10th, 2014


It's hard to believe, but Miss Sara Charlotte is one month old today.

cut, not filtered )

filtered away from his allison
Anyone (or a few someones) want to babysit for awhile Saturday night? It's our anniversary and I want to take Allie out.

Oct. 15th, 2014


Peter, be in my lab first thing tomorrow morning. You'll be staying for at least a few hours so we can test and observe. Momelissa and Ezra, you're both welcome to come with but it'll most likely be boring.

I haven't been a fan of keeping things from you in years (... unless it's for your own good.) (Like that surprise Cabo trip years ago.) I don't know how much she's told you, but the latest mom that came through the portal approached me due to having the outbreak virus in her. It's a reservoir virus in that world, and won't affect her until her immune system is shot by something else - like HIV or inactive Ebola. Or she dies.

I'm not particularly worried about that happening to her here, but I understand the concern and started looking into a vaccine for her. Quietly, because the last thing we need is the media catching wind.

Werewolves seem to have natural immunities - but not instant. They fight it off better than human bodies do, which we've already learned by the fact that it's astoundingly difficult to give you a cold. Still hate you for that. Same principal. The virus, when activated, does exhibit symptoms in werewolves, but provided they're already previously uncompromised (no wolfsbane or silver poisoning), they fight it off in a matter of hours. Ezra, while not a werewolf, seems to exhibit an even stronger immunity. His vasoconstriction and white blood count regeneration is like nothing I've seen since.. Wolverine. Basically. It's very strange comparing Greenberg to Wolverine, let me put that out there.

I'm also probably immune, but as that's a probably... Well, I'm not jumping at the idea of testing on myself (this time, no peanut gallery comments). Anyway, point is, Peter offered himself as guinea pig (Ezra did too), so I'm going to be spending tomorrow sticking him with large needles.

Oct. 13th, 2014


[ Filtered to New Parents Isaac and Allison ]


[ /Filter ]

[ Filtered to all TW Alpha Werewolves ]

I don't like you. I won't like you. I'm sure it's mutual.

But if you keep you and yours from harming innocents, my weapons will remain in their sheaths.

Not a difficult equation to figure.

[ /Filter ]

[ Filtered to Christina Argent ]

So I was busy, today.

[ /Filter ]

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