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Oct. 4th, 2014


I can't say that I'm sad to be out of the hospital, but according to everyone this isn't supposed to be happening anymore. Hawaii's lovely, so please don't take any offense, but I'd really, really like to go home to a pillow fort in the living room and a husband who's trying to pretend we have more than old pizza and sympathy casseroles in the fridge.

Oct. 3rd, 2014


What. the. hell.

Sep. 29th, 2014


I have an appointment at UH for a tour on Wednesday, does anyone want to join me? 5:45 - 6:45.

Sep. 25th, 2014


snapchat to all friends )

Sep. 14th, 2014


Well, at least Hawaii is pretty.

[ OOC: A new Kira! She's canon compliant, but from a less clusterfuck-y season where Kate was the Big Bad, there wasn't as much unnecessary plot, and the girls weren't as useless-except-as-romantic-interests. See here for (slightly) more info. She's coming straight from Mexico. ]


It's not supposed to get above eighty degrees this morning, so I'm breaking out my first official fall scarf and making a pan of this to celebrate. Be jealous. There might be enough for Scott and Kira to have a bite, but the rest of you will have to fend for yourself.

Sep. 12th, 2014


Well. Who's joining me in Astoria, Oregon tonight?

Sep. 8th, 2014


In a bid not to cause property damage and wake all the neighbors, I've deleted all installations of Five Nights at Freddy's from my laptop, and I've returned to needlepoint as my non-violent hobby of choice.

Sorry I'm so jumpy, everyone. Clear your throat before you come up behind me. I'm seeing terrifying animal suits wherever I look.

Sep. 5th, 2014



Aug. 27th, 2014



What's more awesome - weasel or crow?

Aug. 16th, 2014


After some seriously embarrassing begging on my end, Cyclops!me pulled a few strings and got me two last minute VIP tickets to the Gamer Expo in Honolulu today. Wanna be my date?
I'm going to be geeking it up today at a Gamer Expo, fair warning. You wanna get breakfast tomorrow? Maybe go snorkeling after?

Aug. 13th, 2014


Congratulations, Maryam. If I'm out of the running for the time being, at least there's someone kicking patriarchy in the ass.

Aug. 11th, 2014


Hey there. I know I've talked with some of you already, but I wanted to apologize for coming off a little curt the other day. It's been a real month.

Name's Jordan Parrish. I ordinarily don't look like this, but when I came through the portal made some refurbishments, I guess. Still trying to figure out where I stand in all this, but thanks for the hospitality and the explanations. Think I'm up to speed, now.

Oh, I talked to the other me, and I'm not a banshee, and I didn't grow up in Beacon Hills, either. So I guess our backstory's are pretty different. I still don't think I'm anyt If anyone needs any help cleaning up after the storm this weekend, let me know. I'd be glad to help out.

Aug. 10th, 2014


I know power is out in a lot of places here in Hawaii, so if you need some electricity, let me know. Or, barring that, just come on over to my place if you can get here safely! There's plenty of room for whoever.

Aug. 4th, 2014


What the actual fuck.

Why do I have so much hair?

[ OOC: portal-swapped isaac! ]

Jul. 31st, 2014


Home sweet home.

Filtered to RTW TW:
We brought home plenty of kool-aid that we're willing to share, tonight. Our place.

We'll be making American food, at Allison's request. She (for some strange reason) missed mac and cheese.

Jul. 29th, 2014


ATTN: Anyone Visiting Chez Margent Today

Don't use the front door. Or the back patio door. And if you use a window, don't have it be the left-side ground floor. You can use the right-side ground floor window; that shouldn't won't cause anything. In fact, why don't you stand outside our apartment and yell whatever you need at us? That's probably safest.

I'm practicing building traps and disarming them is taking a liiiiittle longer than I had anticipated...

Jul. 25th, 2014


[...] I've been told there are multiple A. Argents here. I'm looking for one in particular, though I'd like to meet you all.


Can someone tell me how to get back to Beacon Hills? Allison's alive Something really important just happened and I need to be there.

Jul. 23rd, 2014


This is

But I was finally starting to blend in a little. Sort of. A little I mean, not really, but

Is this really Hawaii?

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