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Jul. 27th, 2014


Really, portal, we have got to stop meeting like this.

Is it really 2014 again?

Jul. 12th, 2014


Soooo who wants to watch the prettiest baby for a day while I take my gorgeous wife down to Brazil to watch the final match tomorrow? I'll add a few extra teleports and some of Lily's brownies into the mix.

Jul. 11th, 2014


Is it just me, or has there been another influx of my favourite people from Teen Wolf?

James, baby, sweetie, I love you, we need more room ♥

ooc: lily's got a new face!


Listen, I'm having a really bad year. So can we just not?

Jul. 5th, 2014


So. Not to be a grump or anything, especially since I totally put up with them yesterday, but like.

Must we shoot fireworks after the 4th is over, America? Is this going to be an all-week thing?

Jun. 24th, 2014


¡Viva México!

I know that it's going to be hard to watch this season. I know some of you are going to ignore it. But for those of you that need to watch and want someone there for you, the door is always open at the Reyes-McCall home. We have a fridge full of pies and cheesecakes and a huge couch, guaranteed to hold half a dozen wolves.

None of you are alone.

Jun. 19th, 2014


Ouch. That England-Uruguay match hurt.

Apr. 27th, 2014


One of the benefits of going back to work is leaving my daughter like this and seeing how long it takes Lily to find her. The other benefit is listening to people whine about the safety measures I put on my office to make sure no one took it while I was gone. I'm not even a little sorry that the new hire was red for an entire day.

How's everyone doing? I draw the line at snakes in the house, but let me know if there's something you need.

Apr. 17th, 2014


It's so nice to be out of school tomorrow, even if I haven't really celebrated Good Friday or Easter or anything like that in years and years. I kind of want to go explore the island or something.

[ his allison ]
I got my letter from U of H.
[ james and lily ]
So I don't know if you heard through the grapevine or what, but Deputy Parrish is my brother, Camden. He'd lost his memory, but Bonnie Bennett was able to help him get it back. He just told us a few days ago.

Apr. 8th, 2014


Had to go get my phone fixed today and the guy looked at me so weirdly when I told him the baby in all of the pictures didn't belong to me and that the super candid ones of Allison weren't as totally creepy as they seemed.

Mar. 30th, 2014


Like almost everything else, we Brits tend to do things first. From one island to another, Happy Mother's Day to all of the lucky mums out there.

((ooc; If you're a mum and one of James' friends, you would have gotten a card that turned into a bouquet of your favorite flowers after you opened it. In addition, Lily would have gotten a full night's sleep, a little baby with a big bow on her head with her own card for her mum, and breakfast in bed this morning. Dorea would have gotten the same as well.))

Mar. 28th, 2014


I guess the world I'm from got a little popular lately.

[ his allison ]
I think I need to find somewhere to be for a little while.

It's gotten crowded.

I'm glad your girls are here.

Mar. 27th, 2014


Is this your idea of a birthday prank, Portal? Poor form. There's always cake involved in a proper birthday prank.

{{ooc; Portal-swapped James Potter! He's coming from March 2013 from BP, so he'll know everyone :)}}

Mar. 21st, 2014


Thanks for the free phone, Hawaii, but I kind of need to get back to Beacon Hills. And by kind of, I mean it's a matter of life and death. Literally.

Mar. 19th, 2014



When I first arrived in Hawaii, I spent probably the first month crying. I was told what happened to me, my husband, my son, our friends and family, and even though I was considered fictional to most, the pain was unlike anything I ever felt.

I didn't watch the movies, so I can't imagine what it is like to see yourself, or someone you love, go through what happened on Monday night. But if any of you need to talk to someone who understands loss and grief, our door is open to all of you. And if you don't want to talk at all, you just want somewhere to go, the same rule applies.

I baked. A lot. So really, you would be doing me and my post-baby belly a favour if you came over and ate some cake.

Mar. 18th, 2014


Teen Wolf spoilers! )

Mar. 13th, 2014


My wife is responsible for coming up with how to print moving pictures and I always have a camera on my phone with me, but I still believe that there's something special about printing pictures the "old fashioned" way. We had to wait for Sophia's homecoming pictures Lily took to develop, but I finally got around at 3 am to scanning in one of our favourites to show everyone.

Meet Sophia )

Mar. 7th, 2014


Sophia Emmeline Potter
7th March 2014
6lbs 9oz

We are in love, and she is perfect.

ooc: James text close friends & family when Lily went into hospital


Well, you know what they say. You can take the kid out of Beacon Hills, but the crazy, weird, possibly (and most likely) evil shit will follow him.

I don't trust you, Hawaii. Stop trying to trick me with your sandy beaches and scantily clad women.

Feb. 26th, 2014


I do not have time for portal crap today. I don't know what the hell this is or why I was dumped back into the ocean, again, but no.

Isaac is trying to be the next Werewolf Supreme or something, and I'm pretty sure Scott is drunk and trying to hit on Chris Argent so if you could just send me back right now.

Not that I expect it to listen. Because it never listens.

Starting over again is a bitch.

Alcide? anyone from home?

[ooc; ask and ye shall receive, Scottie <3 ]

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