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Mar. 26th, 2015


Filtered to Next Gen kids (all of 'em + young Chase):
Dad date night, Grace is going to babysit baby me and the B&B is going to be empty until this weekend.

Game night? One where everyone behaves? I'll provide some food and refreshments but it's mostly byob.

Mar. 23rd, 2015


Thanks to the supreme efforts of one Regina Mills - and I like to give credit where credit is due - I now have two fully functioning hands. I'm adapting the hook for a more costume-y role on the ship, and not that I'm not happy offering up the job of diaper changing to everyone else... It was well past time.

Cheers, Ms. Mills.

Mar. 13th, 2015


Jeff, you may want to, uh. Just stay at the shop.

I made the mistake of going to to the bathroom. )

Mar. 4th, 2015


I suppose there's something to be said about charging while you discharge. Good for the environment, but might be better for the younger crew, eh?

[OOC: NSFW link! Just text.]

Feb. 23rd, 2015


You'd think falling into the ocean would get easier once you've lived at sea. It don't. Fishing out the little tyke is even more of a fun challenge.

Oy - portal. One kid, not the other? No love to you either. Sincerely, Edward Kenway.

Feb. 19th, 2015


Guys guys guys GUYS.

Feb. 12th, 2015


Stuck as to what to do on Valentines Day? Lonely and sure you're going to die alone, your body eaten by wolves (you wish)? Single and ready to mingle, or at least tingle? Take the El Cheapo way out and come bowl with ~ME~ on Saturday. What's a better ode to the power of love than rental shoes, stubbed fingers and greasy pizza that's been sitting under a heat lamp since the Cretaceous period? NOTHING.

For those assorted couples who can keep their pookie eyes to themselves, come on by as well! If you violate the uncoupling code and get nauseating, in twenty years the bowling alley will be the site of an urban legend that culminates in the line "...and then they never found the lovers' heads...". This is intended to be a safe place for grouchiness and singleness and self-esteem crises, not an opportunity for you to host a speech about how you finally found ~the one~.

If I sound grumpy, it's because I am. I know I'm supposed to be cool and aloof and not care about Valentines Day, but I'm not, so. This is me being passive aggressive about it. Or is this aggressive? IDK IDK. COME BOWLING.

Feb. 7th, 2015


It's no Gauguin, but it's alright. Maybe someday it'll fetch me a hundred or something.

Cut, not filtered. )

Feb. 3rd, 2015


HPD, the gift basket of awesome coffee and chocolates are from me, don't let Parrish steal it all. But thank you guys for the appropriate "I'm from the future, here's my credentials" paperwork. And for not assuming I made everything up.... Since I only made up about 20%!

Now I have to work on my "trust me, I'm awesome" speech for DWB/MSF. I don't want to expend my dinosaur threats too early.

Family - you're all getting flu shots today.

Jan. 30th, 2015


Lost a bet. Good thing I've got no shame.

cut, not filtered. )

Jan. 28th, 2015


It's difficult enough to get out if bed when I've got dog and toddler cuddlings on a normal day, but add in freezing temps and snow? Nope. Not happening.

Filtered to Older!Jefferson:
Tell me the truth, how panicked are you that we'll go from two kids to five overnight?

ALSO. You know what we haven't done in a while? A vacation. Something longer than a two day honeymoon (and even that was a year ago. Holy shit.)

Jan. 27th, 2015


[Lock to BP-born future babies only]

Okay so I feel like we need to have a 'HEY IT'S 2015' party. Or I'm bored. It can be both. Just for the cool kids aka us. 2015 and we're yet again surrounded by ten billion versions of our extended families.


Haha lame, portal. Time travel is only cool when you go FORWARD in time. But heyyy, waste not, want not.

Where all the hot young dads at?

(Friendly PSA: B&B owners are NOT hot. For many scientific reasons! For example, there's EW? And also, ewwww. Don't fall victim to the lies. Educate yourself!)

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