July 2016



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July 9th, 2015

[info]lycurgus in [info]blackpoint

Two Full Moons in the month of July. Not unheard of, but atypical. In this case, it's happening with a Blue Moon. I'll let those of you blessed with humor make the obvious joke.

[ Filtered to HPD & NYPD Supernatural Divisions; TW Werewolf Alphas + Christina Argent can read ]

With some of the more enthusiastic arrivals through the portal in mind, I've created a tranquilizer. Acts a great deal like kanima venom, if you're familiar with that - paralysis being the key side effect. Wears off in around 20 minutes, less for werewolves - enough time for a puppet spell. I don't anticipate it being used on any more than a fraction of any arrivals, as being unable to move usually inspires panic more than an open-mind, but in the event that it's needed, I've sent a vial to your office. No more than 1ML for any humanoid person.

Christina can vouch that it's good work and not something ~evil~, if that's your concern. The ingredients are expensive and a pain in the ass to get. Use it well.

[ /Filter ]

[ Filtered to TW Werewolf Alphas + Christina Argent]

Likewise, you each will be getting 1ML each. I trust you to use discretion if the situation arises that such a tranquilizer is necessary.

[ /Filter ]

[info]hardcopy in [info]blackpoint

Posted early this morning

Okay people, I have like ten minutes before the adrenaline wears off and I'm drooling in a chair so here you go.

The Newest Stilinski )

[info]agentjersey in [info]blackpoint

I'm making the jump back up to NYC and being a little short when it comes to funds thanks to the portal's relocation method, it's going to be tough to go solo. As I don't want to have to take a tiny, cramped little place that I share with rats and cockroaches, I could use a roommate.

Or if anyone is looking for a roommate. Workaholic FBI agent who isn't home much but can cook like no one's business, doesn't cause a mess, respectful of privacy and space.