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February 12th, 2015

[info]yougottafight in [info]blackpoint

Stuck as to what to do on Valentines Day? Lonely and sure you're going to die alone, your body eaten by wolves (you wish)? Single and ready to mingle, or at least tingle? Take the El Cheapo way out and come bowl with ~ME~ on Saturday. What's a better ode to the power of love than rental shoes, stubbed fingers and greasy pizza that's been sitting under a heat lamp since the Cretaceous period? NOTHING.

For those assorted couples who can keep their pookie eyes to themselves, come on by as well! If you violate the uncoupling code and get nauseating, in twenty years the bowling alley will be the site of an urban legend that culminates in the line "...and then they never found the lovers' heads...". This is intended to be a safe place for grouchiness and singleness and self-esteem crises, not an opportunity for you to host a speech about how you finally found ~the one~.

If I sound grumpy, it's because I am. I know I'm supposed to be cool and aloof and not care about Valentines Day, but I'm not, so. This is me being passive aggressive about it. Or is this aggressive? IDK IDK. COME BOWLING.

[info]deadmantalking in [info]blackpoint

I've obtained employment in a flower shop. It's certainly not what I was expecting, but I find greeting people very agreeable. And being among all these fresh, beautiful things is really lovely as well. London did its best with Hyde Park but there's nothing quite like the scent of roses whenever you walk through the door.

[ Filtered to Lord Whittermore ]

I apologize for how plainspoken I am about to be, but I have wrestled with this and any casual familiarity with your intentions would ring of falsehood.

There was talk of uniting our families back home, and while it would have made a great deal of sense, and while I would be honoured to be part of your illustrious family and a helpmate to you in the ensuing years, it makes less sense here. I confess to an interest in seeing more of this world, and I worry that our mutual desire to please our families may obscure our personal romantic indifference to one another. I care about you very much as a friend, Lord Whitermore, and I hope that I'm not out of place when I say that I think you care about me too, but if we were to marry I would wish to be less distracted. I cannot promise my full dedication, Lord Whittermore, not with my current frame of mind. You deserve nothing less than that.

I realize that we're edging very close to a holiday that heralds love above all over, and that my timing is unfortunate, but I couldn't bear the thought of leading you on or giving you false hope. I need to know where your intentions stand, and more importantly, that you will not think ill of me for raising the suggestion that we agree to remain friends and nothing more.

[ /Filter ]

[ Filtered to Steampunk Ladies ]

...I believe I just -- to use the modern word -- "dumped" Lord Whittermore two days before Valentines Day. I am a terrible woman.

[ /Filter ]