MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'spike'

Aug. 28th, 2017



443 - Final Mingle


[ It's the final day. Sector 0 is all that remains. Where will you go from here? What will you do, now that your sentence has finished? ]

Aug. 24th, 2017



Day 442 / Video and action / open

Video – 9 am

I assume it doesn't need to be said, but everyone get yourselves and anything you want to hang onto to Sector 0.

Anyone need help with anything, let me know.

Action – open

He spends the morning in Sector 2, picking up a few bits they might need in MAHR and then checking for anyone he needs to shoo out of the sector. He pauses to gaze at the Defence Force Headquarters where he spent so much of his time until the last few weeks, and the Library, where Ianto spent so much of his. A whole lot of memories there and who knows if they'll ever return.

The early afternoon is Sector 3, where he checks in briefly on the clinic, visits the hot springs for memory's sake, and then heads for the Bull's Eye store, where he starts loading sleeping bags and other equipment onto trolleys and shuttling them through to Sector 0.

Sector 4 is more personal. He's lived here the whole eight months he's been here, and built up a lot of memories. Bean Crushers, where he gets the last perfectly brewed coffee from his pet bot Taylor. The Daffodil Dive, with the conflicting emotions it invokes. The little row of restaurants called Little Earth where he and Ianto have eaten so many meals. Captain Jack's Exotic Emporium, a more recent venture but one he's put of effort a lot into; he bags up a few of his favourite items to take with him, just in case. And then there's the apartment he's shared with Ianto all this time, chock full of memories, and quite a few little mementoes he's determined not to leave behind, things like the little book of photos Ianto gave him at 'Christmas', and the box of photos he'd lost in the Hub that the wardens had thoughtfully recreated for him.

Come evening, he can be found in Sector 0, mentally checking people off to make sure everyone's there, and wandering around to see if anyone needs a hand setting up.

Aug. 14th, 2017



441 - video

[ Guess who stayed perhaps a little too long in Sector 5 over night? To be fair he had a good reason for it but he's still cutting it a little too close for comfort, stumbling into a half-run the last few yards into Sector 0, turning around as he's passed the Sector 5 gate to watch it just disappear.

This is when he turns on the video feed, showing a whole lot of nothing. The absence of being there, anti-existence, your eye just glides off it without finding purchase. ]

They weren't kidding. This place is really going to the dogs.

[ He turns the camera on himself, a bit of blood still smeared at the corner of his mouth, forgotten from his meal earlier. ]

To those it may concern... Tyki Mikk isn't going to be bothering anyone anymore.

[ And with that he shuts off the feed. ]

Aug. 8th, 2017



440 | Video

[Rebecca's not sure how she takes this ominous losing of Sectors or how far she should really be worried, but her brain's back in action mode and prepared for the worst. It's one of the few times she feels a pang of what it was like to be back home, when each passing second might be your last. That reminder that she's alive, not a resetable piece of data. That loss of the safety net that she had begun to cling to here.

She opens a feed and claps, dressed in a tank top with her hair pinned up. The room behind her looks disassembled, like she's in the midst of packing for vacation. In a way, she is, in at least that she's got her bag full of necessities ready by the door.]

So we're losing two Sectors. I know we all know to move it, but in those Sectors are some places that are going kaput for God knows how long. The hospital, the Shack, the convenience store and the pet cafe are in them. Now would be the time to root through them for anything to take with us, food - supplies, especially for pets that are getting displaced with us.

Ton, you and yours at the clinic - will you be alright on any supplies or should we loot the hospital while we still have a chance?

[Private to Aidan Reilly]

I want to say goodbye to the gardens, before maybe they're next to go. Meet me there?

[Private to Spike]

Will you be okay without the Shack? Is there enough blood to move for you to keep alright for a little while?

Aug. 7th, 2017



440 | Action


Closed to Spike )



Day 440 / Action / Closed and open

Closed to Spike

He spoke to both Spike and Ianto separately yesterday and was assured that Spike was handling it all and not to worry. He tried, but he can't honestly say he slept very well, and it's still early when he gives up altogether and slips along to Spike's apartment – early enough that Spike might not even have slept yet at all if he's stayed up watching over a distraught Ianto.

He knocks on the door softly so as not to wake Ianto if he has managed to sleep, knowing that Spike's superior hearing will catch it. "Spike? Can I come in?"

Closed to Ianto

Later in the day, he takes over custody of Ianto so Spike can go off and do what he needs to do. He keeps it together well enough while Spike's there, because there still seems to be something of a need to keep a brave face on in front of Spike, but as soon as the door shuts behind Spike he can't stop himself pulling Ianto tightly into his arms. "I was worried about you."


Tyki's back, and he can't help but be worried by that, but he's not going to let it stop him going about his daily business either. Especially since apparently tomorrow they're going to lose their beach for some indefinite time period, so he's damn well going to make the most of it while it's still there! He spends extra long this morning swimming, and then lying on the sand under the fake sun to dry off, enjoying its rays while he can. (Sure, it's the same sun in the rest of the dome, but it's the bit about being beside the sea that he enjoys, hearing the lap of the waves, smelling the salt in the air, feeling the spray on his skin.)

Later in the day, he goes along to Captain Jack's Exotic Emporium and sends away the helpful bot who minds the store when he's not there. He gazes round at all the stock, wondering if all this will be the next to go, right after he's got it all set up just the way he wanted it.

Towards the end of the day (but before he takes Ianto home) he can be found patrolling through Sectors 1 and 5, looking for anyone still remaining there, to encourage them to get out while they still can.



Day 439 (Backdated) | Action | Closed to Spike

[Ianto has barely hung up on his call with Tyki before he's staggering out of the library towards the Blood Shack. He'll have to talk to jack soon as well but right now he just can't take being alone with this and while Jack could be anywhere in the dome he knows exactly where he can find Spike. What's more he's the one who has a past with Tyki, the one who might actually try to talk to him in person and the idea of him being hurt is all he can think about.

The walk to the Blood Shack is a blur, one more thing that's impossible to focus on with his frantic pulse ringing in his ears and the barely controlled panic coursing through his whole body. He's genuinely terrified by this turn of events and he couldn't hide it even if he tried. He's white and his hands are shaking enough to make him struggle with the door. When he's finally inside he doesn't know what to say or do except stagger around the bar and into his arms.]

Aug. 6th, 2017



[439] video


[The camera opens up on a dimly lit room, only the sight of a man's hands hovering over the keys of a piano. He cracks his knuckles and then his fingers glide over the keys, starting into and playing out a solid rendition of Für Elise without error. The further into the song the faster his hands move, until the end where he abruptly shuts the lid of the piano closed.

He leans down to look in the lens, offering a wide (and wicked?) grin.]
I'm up for taking some requests on what to play next.

Jul. 12th, 2017



Day 436 / Action / Closed to Spike and Ianto

They've started making more of an effort to actually go on dates and interact with each other more outside the bedroom (even if it often ends up in similar sorts of activities as they do in the bedroom!) and now they're extending that to a three-way date night down at the Blood Shack. Jack finds it rather enjoyable to head out with Ianto on his arm, a pleasant tingle of anticipation inside him. Things are stable and really rather good, there's no big drama going on, and he can just look forward to a night out with his two lovers and enjoy seeing where the night takes them.


Jul. 10th, 2017


Day 436 (Invite)

Good evening my fellow lost souls. I have managed to get my club Caritas up and running. Opening night is this Friday night and first drink is on the house.

Jun. 28th, 2017



434 - Power Play Mingle



May. 24th, 2017



Day 429 | Arrival | Video.

[The screen will show a very crossed Slayer who aiming the camera at an odd angle, trying to figure out if its working correctly. Finally she got it focus on the upper half of her body]

Yo, where the hell are my clothes?

I don't know what kind of woman whoever kidnapped me thinks I am, if you wanted me to be naked, just ask. Since I didn't approve this, give me my shit back now!

May. 22nd, 2017



Day 429 | Action | Closed

[Action/Closed to Spike]

[He hasn't noticed today's glitch yet but then again why would he? He's still half asleep, curled up happily against Spike and in no position to notice his precious suits and everything else are missing yet. For now there's no rush to get out of bed and discover that this is anything besides an ordinary morning.]

May. 8th, 2017



427 - Group Therapy Mingle


More linked as they come up!

Turning a New Leaf
Polyamorous Individuals
PTSD and You
Murderers Anonymous
Addicts Anonymous
Counting Days - Managing Life with a Chronic Illness
Phobias and You
Impostor Syndrome
Abandonment Issues

Event info!

May. 3rd, 2017



Day 426 | Voice | Action

So we've gone from children's cartoons to what is arguably one of the worst phones on the planet. Oh, and eye wear that anyone who wears glasses can't actually use if they're not fashion glasses.

I'm just going to leave it there. Yeah, right there. With a big exclamation point on 'these people suck'!

action )

May. 1st, 2017



DAY 426 — Morning Greeting

Good morning, previous - erm, inmates... New collective? Sounds a little bit nicer, but it's up to you what you'd like to be called. I'd be interested to hear your suggestions. [What do you want to identify as, MarinaNovians? Where do you feel you stand now? It's fascinating.]

You may have noticed a few new changes overnight, one more subtle than the other. We removed the sentinel presence from the dome as it was feeling obsolete. Much like some technology of yours we've updated, replacing your previous headset system with a device and accessory modeled more closely to smartphones you may be accustomed to. This now allows for voice, video and text posts. I know this is a sudden change, but you've already acclimated to so much I'm sure you can handle it.

Oh yes, and I believe you like to finish these things off with a tune.

((OOC: The FAQ is updated, check for more information on the headsets and other changes.))

Apr. 12th, 2017



423 - closed

[ At some point, he fell asleep, warm and comfortable and safe in a couch fort with Ianto pressed against his side. He slept and then he woke up and nothing was warm or comfortable or safe anymore. Sitting up with a start, as if from a nightmare, Spike scrambles out of the couch half prepared to find himself in a blood bath again. ]



Day 423 - Video - Open

[It had taken some playing around with this weird device thing on his head before Remy got it working, staring at the feed in silence for a while before figuring out if he had gotten it working or not, and pushing past his concerns if this was a good idea or not. He was in an unknown place that was most certainly not New Orleans, in a (ugh) tacky orange prisoner suit, with none of his weapons, his powers not working, and had been told a mass of information that hadn’t really gotten through his confusion and shock to really register. Was he really wanting to draw attention to himself?

And this was all on top of the fact that the last thing he remembered was screwing up a mission to save his father from a group of people trained to kill and there was a good chance he himself had been left for dead on the Assassin’s back yard…

He was not having a good day.]

So, [Before he paused, as if reconsidering if he should cut the feed and just explore by himself first. But he was already in this, may as well jump in with both feet.] This place really needs to up its game with welcome parties. No drinks waitin’, none of those little stringed flower necklaces, especially here, at a beach, it all just sloppy. How a homme supposed to feel welcomed?

[A moment later of silent thinking before Remy finally addressed one of the many serious questions on his mind.] ‘nd I be guessin’ that, whatever ‘nd wherever I be, that that little voice through this headset thing be right, we all prisoners here. That… kinda puts a dampener on the day.

Apr. 5th, 2017



422 | Action | Open

[The gloomy atmosphere is actually kind of nice. It's a little unnerving, as he doesn't know what to expect on days like this. And really, he should have been better prepared when his fingers started turning an inky black. He tries to write it off at first. Maybe he got his hands on something while cleaning or sorting through boxes at the store.

But as the day progresses, the black spreads, like a shadow crawling over him, though he still feels solid. He takes to shoving his hands in his pockets as often as he can manage, though he can't resist checking every so often and trying not to panic when the black edges under the sleeves of his jacket.]

Apr. 4th, 2017



422 - action


[ He went to bed with Jack the night before. It was an attempt, he assumes, to bring this whole thing together. The three of them as the three of them rather than separate parts held together by necessity. Everything was fine, nothing to report and he slept like the dead through the night and well into the morning, schedule still not completely shifted from back in the day when the sun was actually something to avoid.

It makes waking up all that worse. He can see just fine in the dark of course but the harsh light of day adds a certain something. Colours are more vivid, shifting from browning rust to deep cherry reds, soaking into the sheets and clinging to his skin and face and mouth-

He scrambles out of bed, finding himself alone in more than just a physical sense, shock settling in like a fist to the gut. ]

[ OPEN ]

[ Jack is special in more ways than one and that's why he doesn't settle, doesn't wait for the announcement to confirm it the next morning. He's cleaned up now, scrubbed raw but some things you can't wash away and he keeps his hands tucked deep into the pockets of his coat as he stalks the streets, head bowed and jaw set. The taste doesn't leave his mouth, brown flakes and red specks and smears remaining in the lines of his hands and under his nails no matter how much he cleans. Nothing dramatic and that's perhaps worse because it feels so real. He's a killer. He'll always be a killer. Some things you can't wash away. ]