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Sep. 5th, 2015


I don't know if Scott's talked to you about it, but I need your help and I'm willing to pay whatever price I have to for it.

My dad's dying. Too much exposure to the nuclear core of his Jaeger. Cancer. He doesn't have much time.

He's going to get the werewolf bite from one if the Alphas. We realize he doesn't have good odds, that there's no guarantee he'll live through it.

What can I do to make it a guarantee?

Aug. 25th, 2015


Someone killed a bunch of selkies. They're all over the beach.

HPD? Someone? What should I do?

Feb. 14th, 2015


What exactly is a Kingslayer and why are the few individuals I've encountered over the last few weeks possessed with a keen interest in shaking my hand?

[ Filtered to Buffy Summers [info]thevampslayer ]
Miss Summers, are all of your birthdays truly so terrible? I do not see how you could begin to trust a bloody person around you, my god.

Jan. 23rd, 2015


I'm still not convinced that the fairies had nothing to do with this.

Jan. 16th, 2015


[Filtered AWAY from HPD/NYPD/Official Police types]
I require someone with underground knowledge. Black Market? Every world has one, I'm sure of it. A way to get items that may not be readily available for the general populace because they're dangerous in the wrong hands or more on the supernatural level of things. Your time and knowledge will be reimbursed.

Oh. I suppose introductions are in order. Dr. Lydia Martin.

Filtered to Steampunk Ladies:
I brokered a deal that involved trading in my entire coin purse to a collector, in exchange for money from this era. By our standards, it's a fortune, but given the incredible inflation of things... Well, we'll have to start making money soon.

Allison, you can stop wringing your handkerchief. Your future is secured.

Jan. 14th, 2015


I would very much appreciate direction towards somewhere I may find coffee.

[ OOC; He arrived last night, promptly became his Mr. Hyde Kanima self and spent the night lizarding around -- which, btw, someone is welcome to have seen as long as they don't LAUNCH IMMEDIATELY INTO CALLING HIM OUT FOR IT because it isn't common knowledge -- until he felt the urge to attack, at which point he became a puppet. He remembers only flashes of it, as per usual, and is his exhausted, disgruntled self atm. ]

Jan. 13th, 2015


I would very much appreciate confirmation of the lengthy and incredible explanation I just received for it not being the year of Our Lord, 1897, and for my presence here in the Republic of Hawaii.