July 2016




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Jan. 4th, 2016


Promotions that come with nicer offices are great, but couple that with a new undercover mission and I'm set for the new year.

Dec. 3rd, 2015


» [NSFW Image]
» Now that I have your attention, you're not handling any cases in Uzbekistan, right?

Nov. 15th, 2015


Annnnd I am now officially reminded why spending time with coeds Just Isn't Worth It. And why I didn't become a counselor outright.

Nov. 7th, 2015


Man, I love co-eds. Liking grading these papers a lot less, Professor Williams. You couldn't give me a prime party night off?

Oct. 31st, 2015


My first weekend in my new job counseling students and it happens to be Halloween. Go figure.

Oct. 18th, 2015


[ text message meant for beth, but accidentally sent to oliver VERY VERY EARLY this morning ]
literally just kill me now, b. even when i don't make bad decisions, i keep thinking i want to.


There is something very significant to be said about getting full range of motion back. I'm officially (more or less) all-healed up now and back to full active duty.

Which, naturally, means it's time for a new mission. B, you up for it?

Oct. 11th, 2015


[ text message to oliver argent from his private, personal cell number | last night around 9pm ]
» Argent. It's Lincoln.
» The guy sitting beside you just drugged your drink.

Oct. 9th, 2015


The only way Dramamine actually helps is if I take it before swimming, boats, or docks. Not only was my entrance remarkably ungraceful and swear ridden, the waves are not what I'd call calm today so basically I'm just going to lie down for a little while.

So how many Swans and Joneses are there at this point? Are we talking sizable baseball team or actual village? (Just so you know, I counted and did this research when drunk one night, and we absolutely could have our own village. And town motto. Who wants to come up with the motto? I don't know why this is still in a parenthesis.)

Oct. 7th, 2015


October is a hell of a month, even in 2015. The moment it starts, you can count on arresting the most interesting people. Costumes start early, apparently. Ah, NYC.

I interrogated a Sexy Buzz Lightyear earlier.

Oct. 4th, 2015


You know, I can forgive having to go two decades backwards on my computer. WoW 2 is weirdly still a thing in the 40s, so WoW isn't that difficult to get used to. Very 2d and retro. I can forgive the lack of private theaters and hovercars, space travel, Jaegers, teleportation.

But really, grunge is back in style? What's next, guys using wallet chains?

I'm consoling myself with Broadway, who wants to go with me to Hamilton, Wednesday night?

FILTERED TO FAMILY - Olders & Stella only:
Has anyone approached you guys about me? Asking questions?

Oct. 1st, 2015


I can't complain about being back home earlier than expected when it means enjoying more of October.

Also, I'm back home earlier than expected.

Sep. 30th, 2015


Phone call to Lincoln Lewis

Phone call to Lincoln's unlisted emergency number. )

Sep. 22nd, 2015


Well, shit. That was my good suit, too.

In somewhat related news, I'll be incommunicado save for secure lines for a bit here soon. Don't panic.

Aug. 29th, 2015


Somoneon was going to taekke my phone away but JOKESON YOU I'm not eavven drunk.

I looave evryoeryone in this bar.

Aug. 22nd, 2015


Alright, which strings can I pull to get my credentials back in place? I'm ready to get back into official work status.

Aug. 18th, 2015


You know, when you grow up hearing all the stories about how truly fucked up this place can be, hearing your parents, aunts, uncles, cousins... Everybody talk about how Blackpoint the Freak Show, see the reality TV shows that crop up, get stuck going to the beach BBQs and know more cops than anybody should ever actually have to meet in their lifetime...

All that?

Doesn't make this any less of a mindfuck.

Sorry mom. Moms. I don't even know, at this point.

Aug. 16th, 2015


Oh, come on.

[ ooc; grown up!lincoln lewis! ]