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Dec. 30th, 2015


Famous last words: Sure we can make that. That looks easy. )

This is a sign that I should stick to fixing bikes and that my kids inherited my baking ability.


Well, at least no one's pointing a gun at my face. But apparently this is America, and while I now have the right to vote, it's dampened quite a lot by the fact that the problem of The Great War being resolved and manifesting into a dozen other issues.

Lydia Frye. It was 1918 from where I come, and a very... wrecked area of London. The beach is a nice respite, but I apologize if I'm not quite on top of things in this century. I didn't pack well for a trip to the tropics of the future.

Sep. 2nd, 2015


You lot ever think about what it'd be like if we didn't co-exist in our world and this one? If we were just here. Got to thinking about my son's future, and one little death of his da' puts the rest of his life on a path that ain't what I wanted for him.

Goddamn Templar. Templar. Birch, I'm damn glad Jenny killed you, even if I wanted to be the one to slide a knife in your throat.

Don't get me wrong, I'm damned thankful that Haytham gets a second chance here. That I get a second chance here. But it's more than a little alarming to know the shit your kid gets up to after you're long gone.

How the hell do you make amends with your toddler for an act you never would've forgiven him for in the future? Blame the ones who made him that way? How do you learn to stop blaming yourself for your children's future choices? 'Cause the drink ain't doing it.

Aug. 31st, 2015


Boys, which one of you wants to watch the kids this Friday? I have a date.

Jun. 28th, 2015


The last thing you ever think of when you get a tattoo is that someday your son will use you as a human coloring book.

Mar. 4th, 2015


Now that I've established gainful employment and practically memorized Lilo and Stitch, who wants to show me how to stand up on a board?

Feb. 23rd, 2015


You'd think falling into the ocean would get easier once you've lived at sea. It don't. Fishing out the little tyke is even more of a fun challenge.

Oy - portal. One kid, not the other? No love to you either. Sincerely, Edward Kenway.