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Jan. 26th, 2016


[ Filtered to Dragon Age + Friends ]

This is it. I've had enough. Blackwall isn't coming here, and to be honest I'm not sure if I'd accept his company after what he pulled, and I'm bored and I'm young and the world isn't ending so I can focus on things that are shallow. I'm giving myself permission to do so.

I want male company. I want to be told I'm pretty even when I'm covered in grime. I want to have someone to wear skimpy things for. Is this I mean, obviously I intend to keep my full responsibilities of the I Screw it You know, I don't think any of that is too much to ask. I can multitask! I have low standards! My first date with Blackwall was in a BARN for Maker's sak Hell, our armies defeated Corypheus while I was starry-eyed, I don't think wanting to go out and have a little fun is indicative of me sluffing off my destiny or title or whatever you want to call it.


PS: This is not permission for you to set me up with someone, probably. This means you, Hawke.

[ /Filter ]

Dec. 5th, 2015


So, we haven't made any progress on catching this damn demon, right? Dorian, you sick of me shadowing you yet? Maybe you can do some magicky crap in the Fade, draw her in, pull her through where some of the rest of us can be waiting?

I don't know if this is actually possible, but if anyone wants to try and trap this thing, speak up. Let's end this shit already.

Oct. 31st, 2015


There's a tear in the veil. It's not natural, either. The Fade here is already ... strange enough, but this is

This is unusual. And I don't like it. In the early hours of the morning, I was nearly possessed by a demon - a demon much stronger than I had anticipated, and I almost let my guard down. I'm not But it wasn't a demon as we know them. It was different. A woman, her face wasn't completely visible but she was not natural. Sharp teeth, bloody mouth, white eyes. If the demons from this world are converging with the Fade, it could mean very bad things.

[OOC: Going off of this! Essentially the Fade Veil is weakened because of Samhain, and it was enough that the Nogitsune dinkered around and caught Dorian off-guard. Feel free to have your characters loop in anyone they feel is appropriate and get on the Suspect Nogitsune/Allison train!]

Sep. 19th, 2015


This is what I get for trusting a magister.

If this device tries to possess me, you will wish you'd finished me off.

Sep. 13th, 2015


This is quite possibly the strangest walk through the Fade I've experienced, and Maker knows I've had some doozies. I would very much appreciate the spirits to leave me be; I don't imagine adding "possession" to the Exalted Council's list of wrongs against the Inquisition would endear us any more to them, and I've urgent matters to attend back home.

[ ooc - Inquisitor Trevelyan! Human mage, horrible AU, you know the drill ]

Sep. 9th, 2015


And how is everyone feeling today? Recovering well, I hope?

I think now may be a good time to start planning our escape. Did we want to go to South America first? Live in the wild-

Ugh, no I can't even finish that. Wherever we go, there had better be at least semi-decent accommodations.

Jul. 31st, 2015



Alright, I can't remember who's working on what but I'm feeling agreeable. Let's try some magic.


Assuming we've decided to settle into wedded bliss in Hawaii, amidst the volcanoes...

What do you say we put your brawn and my brains to good use and build a house? I miss living in something... bigger. Decadent. Something that allows us to share a shower without hitting delicate parts every time we move.

Jul. 11th, 2015


It's Dorian Pavus' birthday. Don't ask him how old he is. Unless you don't care if he singes off your eyebrows, then hey, don't let me stop you.

If you're in Hawaii and you want to come over and be nice to him instead, there might be cake in it for you. Depends on how fast you get here.

Jun. 26th, 2015


Well. That's interesting news.

Bull, what say you?

Jun. 6th, 2015


Magical portals are never nice enough to send you with your inheritance vault, are they?

I can't believe I'm about to say this, but... Mage for hire? Maker, I sound like an Antivan Case by case basis, of course. I could strike fear into the heart of your enemies, haunt your neighbors garden, charm your house to have snow over it for a short period of time, help you impress your loved one by putting on a spectacular display. I won't raise the dead for you and nothing sexual (those days are behind me - well, in public, at any rate) and maker help you if you want the two combined. My services are currently required elsewhere for healing, but I would make exceptions.

That reminds me, I've been enlisted in helping a gentleman who is dying of a disease.

Should be interesting. Might go nowhere. He happens to be part of the group of people who don't trust magic, if you can believe that. Someone who doesn't trust magic? It's almost like being home again.

Home. Not Tevinter. I will, at least concede that it was nice temporarily being around those who can appreciate magic wholly. Not enough to have wanted to stay for the rest of my life, mind you, but there had been a lack of magical theorists around Skyhold after Vivenne returned home and Solas... went off to do Maker knows what.

Jun. 5th, 2015


What in the hell kind of person decided to make running a hobby. I mean dear god. Why?

[ Dorian Pavus ]
My kid, Stiles, mentioned that he's been talking to you about my health. I wanted to get a sense of what he's told you and what you have in mind. I'm not sure if he mentioned, but I'm hesitant when it comes to magic.

[ P. Hales ]
Stiles said he's talked to some of you about some kind of magic in relation to me. Which ones of you was that, and what did you have in mind?

May. 27th, 2015


Argent, before you freak out, you should know that open floor plans are very popular these days in apartments, so you should probably thank me for the minor demolition. You're on trend! You're welcome.

Also, don't touch any of the green slime, please. I'm working on it.

May. 26th, 2015


Another breach, time magic and alternate universes. And here I thought that was all behind me and the most exciting thing I would get to do today is to make someone cry or free a slave.


[OOC: Future!DAI Dorian! 5 years, stuck with the Inquisition, became a Magister when his dad died and started raising hell in Tevinter. From the same game canon as the rest!]