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Sep. 8th, 2015


See, I'd moan about there being a shortage of jobs for a lawyer, but that'd be a lie. The issue is that while I don't usually end up basing my decision to help people people on what they can pay, I also have to pay bills.

So. Anyone have use for a blind wannabe ninja? All positions acceptable -- there are no wrong answers.

Sep. 4th, 2015


New phone, new number. Old one got, well, crushed, and I was getting calls from sales people too much anyway. Did you know you actually have a limit to how many numbers you can block at any given time? So if you get a text from someone that seems like they know you but you don't recognize the number, it might be me.

Someone needs to perfect the indestructible phone, by the way.


I think I've gon Hello? Can someone tell me if this is really ... real?

[ ooc: Swap!Clarke Griffin from the end of season 2 ]

Jan. 23rd, 2014


Portal's been dropping people in like rain lately. I don't remember it being like this back when this was the right year for me, but I totally enjoy alternate universe mixups, what could have beens, and what could bes. I mean, Thor looks like Ronon Dex - and I can totally see it.

Anyway, welcome all new people. It's a wild ride.

Nov. 12th, 2013


Welcome or welcome back to all the people showing up recently. Some of you may remember me (or maybe versions of me? If so, please tell me about me as you know me) or may not, but I'm Dave Lizewski. If you get up to New York, I'll buy you a beer (or an ice cold Coca-Cola if you're under age).

Was I right? 2 minutes or less til one stepped up?

Nov. 5th, 2013


So I'm thinking all my facetwins and I need to get together and have a few drinks, see what kind of commotion we can cause. It'll be fun. Who's in? I'll buy all the rounds, so it's 100% win/win here.

Oct. 28th, 2013


I have no regrets in life except for the fact that I wish I could pull this off.

Wolvie, this is your Halloween costume. Y/MFY?

Oct. 6th, 2013


Dear X-Men movies,

I want a Lockheed. :(

Dear fanboys,

Your pick up lines are never as clever as you think they are.

Dear boyfriend Mick,

I know you can't eat Chinese, but want to watch me awkwardly attempt to eat with chopsticks?

Sep. 26th, 2013


I do not need two hulking masses stalking me.

Sep. 25th, 2013


If I'd known I was going to go back in time, I think I would have paid more attention to lottery numbers.

Did you know that my place in the future is, right now, a fucking daycare? I never knew that. I've done things in that place where kids sleep.

Sep. 12th, 2013


I thought we were through with all this portal bullshit. Though I guess getting pulled backwards from my own future makes plenty of sense, it's happened in a fuckload of comics. But 2013? That's exactly the same year I first got pulled through. That can't be coincidence.

Yeah. Hello. I'm Dave, or Kick-Ass if you prefer. I'd have picked a more awe-inspiring name once I got older, but unfortunately brand recognition is a thing. If you see a younger version of me, tell him to get a haircut. Though I'm given to understand there's some interesting differences in this version of the past, like I could even be a girl or look like The Rock. This is sorta my first AU, guys. Be gentle. That's right, Mindy, still a nerd.


2013, huh? Well, hellooo Blackpoint. I hope I'm not going to run into midget-me. That kid was an asshole.

Then again, she did have an excellent weapon stash. If this lasts more than a week and I have to start all over, I'm going to be fucking cranky.