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Jan. 18th, 2016


Tomorrow, I'm hiding in my apartment with the blinds drawn and I'm NOT coming out. We're talking full-on hermit crab. I'm going to be crabby. I'll have crabs. ...wait, not the last one.

So if anyone wants to hang out with me today and hopefully break my world-ending birthday curse, I'm all for it. Fair warning though, if you hang with me, and you're celebrating my birthday, your chances of dying horribly or being maimed or traumatized go way way way up. So if anyone asks, we're celebrating MLK Day, who if you ask me needs to be celebrated after all these #alllivesmatter buttheads started speaking up.

Any takers? (Jackson, you're not getting out of this one, so don't try.)

Sep. 21st, 2015


My reptilian counterpart ruined my bedding, and the teenager at the shop implied that I was an old man. This has been a trying day.

Jul. 17th, 2015


I don't suppose anyone just happens to have a particular knowledge of methods of moisturizing post-lizard transition? My scalier side has this uncanny knack for leaving my skin dry. It's horrid.


Cordelia. Now.

[ooc; Same universe as Cordelia!]

Jul. 11th, 2015


Soooo, the world is NOT on fire, there's fresh fruit, gorgeous beaches and they're telling me it's not a dream.

What's the catch? There's gotta be a catch. Like, major catch. Cause I've been around this stuff long enough to know that good things don't just happen.

[OOC: Apocalypse!AU Cordy! More hereeee.]


I'm sorry for my distance. After what happened, I couldn't handle the thought of losing control and hurting the people I love again. It took some time, but with Lindsey's some help, I'm ready to try again if you'll let me.

Some friends have been working on a way to tether my soul to me so what happened will never happen again, if that gives anyone any peace of mind.

May. 25th, 2015


And I thought my own family was complicated. Miss Summers, you take the cake.

I've accepted a position lecturing at the university. Apparently, much of what I learned to gain my qualifications as a barrister is now considered historical law.

Apr. 8th, 2015


[Filtered to Angel]

I don't know if you're still in hiding, but I need to talk to you, it's very important. Please message me when you're ready.

[Filtered to Buffy (AU)]

Hi! Just checking in and seeing how the Buffster's doing. I'm going to see if Angel will let me talk to magic users about his situation. How's things with cute and scaly?

Apr. 2nd, 2015


My thanks once more to those who have shown discretion on my behalf.

I am a kanima. It has been my state of being for some years now, since I was a younger man, and is in direct correlation to an attack by what I am now led to presume was a werewolf. For much of that time, it has been largely uncontrollable. I transformed quite often in my home world, though always after nightfall. Since arriving here, such has been the case each evening. Compliments of the puppet spell, I do not believe it has hurt anyone, but I do not remember but bits and pieces of my time not myself. Since late January, Miss Summers has been spending her evenings acting as a guardian to keep the beast from becoming a danger. Recently, it has apparently elected to view her as a companion and follow her guidance.

I do not believe there is as much danger now at all, given the combination of the spell and Miss Summers. I merely wanted those of you who happen upon me to be aware, particularly those with personal histories with the creature.

[ buffy ]
For the record, I hated every moment of writing that.

Mar. 23rd, 2015


[ Filtered to HPD + Buffyverse ]

We interrupt your regularly-scheduled corralling of The 100 kids to bring you some truth tea.

Hi! We lived! Go us. And now that things are quieter since Angel went into hiding and probably hates himself and is eating rats I thought I'd give you a quick kanima update. Basically, you know how he was looking for a master? Orrrrrr, more optimistically, a friend?

Hi, so that happened.

I don't know how it happened, but he listens to me, which is good news for the public at large. I don't think he's dangerous right now. We still need to figure out how to keep him from turning into a scaly thing, but we're no longer operating in Worst Case Scenario, which is a win, right?

The Teen Wolf kids still don't know. Jackson would prefer them not knowing, I think.

Mar. 17th, 2015


I'm sorry. Lindsey, I-

[ooc; Angel got his soul whammied back into him and he's DISAPPEARING TO BROOD. Expect no replies!]

Mar. 12th, 2015


[ HPD Supernatural Force ]
My means of separation seem to be working. I have not woken up after either of the past two nights in a populated area.

Thank you once more for your assistance and discretion.

[ ooc; If Whit and I didn't speak to you about it, basically Jackson decided after managing to escape his chains and cell on Monday night that he'd best high-tail it out of town and find somewhere secluded and unpopulated where he wouldn't risk hurting anyone. He was a wood hermit Tuesday night, and then managed to actually wake up in his home last night, which is FOR THE MOMENT a baffling thing for him. ]

[ Buffy ]
So what's this locket meant to represent? BFF?

Mar. 10th, 2015


Anyone in the market for an evil hand? Thinking about cutting off Lindsey's.

Mar. 8th, 2015


[ Peter Hale ]
I need to get some insight from you, but I need to secure your discretion first and get a sense of whether or not you're actually going to be helpful.

[ Edit to add: Buffy Summers (Monday afternoon) ]
How's the soul reclamation going?

Mar. 5th, 2015


Goddamni So we might have a problem. Kind of a missing soul possible future terrorizing of Los Angeles kind of problem. Might want to watch your asses. Help

Mar. 2nd, 2015


[ Filtered to HPD + BTVS/Angel Characters ]

Checking in with Canada Kanima updates! The lizard-y guy makes his appearance every night, sometimes in a good mood (which looks remarkably like a bad mood) and sometimes in a bad mood (which looks remarkably like an even-worse mood). The puppet spell's holding fine, so there's been no further incidents, and unless he's feeling extra feisty I can corral him just fine and keep him local. Gold star in the Slayer column!

Do we have any movement on Whittermore not turning into a scaly horrible being? Did we find out if any of the newbies from Jolly Old England are controlling him? Orrrrr should I just get used to being nocturnal forever, as was my destiny before I even met Mr. By Jove Whinnymore?

Buff out!

PS: Sympathy food would not go amiss at this point.

[ /Filter ]

Think how cute I would look Slaying in these.

Feb. 22nd, 2015


Alternate dimensions do not surprise me at this point.

Feb. 17th, 2015


Miss Summers. You lied to me.

Feb. 14th, 2015


What exactly is a Kingslayer and why are the few individuals I've encountered over the last few weeks possessed with a keen interest in shaking my hand?

[ Filtered to Buffy Summers [info]thevampslayer ]
Miss Summers, are all of your birthdays truly so terrible? I do not see how you could begin to trust a bloody person around you, my god.

Jan. 21st, 2015


[ Filtered to HPD + Buffyverse Folk ]

Hey, so I was in Honolulu yesterday night for a job interview (why do they always ask you if you want to ask them any questions at the end of the interview?? I freaked and asked him if he preferred crunchy or smooth peanut butter. I suck. Anyway - ) and took a walk downtown and got some coffee. When I was leaving the coffee shop, I heard something on a roof above me and what to my wondering eyes should appear but a totally gross snake/lizard/Geico Gecko/dragon thing? I scaled the fire escape, but it hissed at me and took off and I lost it.

It was about six or seven feet of scaly foulness. Vaguely human shaped? I know there's a bunch of different were-things here, but I didn't get the impression that this thing was at all safe to be around people. Something about its eyes I could be wrong; I have a bad history with snake people. Like, way bad.

This mean anything to you guys?

[ /Filter ]

[ Added after this: Filtered to Steampunk!Jackson Whittermore ]

Hey, so I saw what appeared to be you doing your best impression of a Gucci crocodile bag last night. Are you okay?

[ /Filter ]

[ ADDITIONAL FILTER: Once more, to the HPD + Buffyverse ]

Here's a transcript of the convo. Going over there now. Slayer out.

[ /Filter ]

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