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Oct. 14th, 2014


A witness for a gas station robbery just called me "sweetie".

Unrelatedly, I'm beginning to see the allure of police brutality.

Oct. 7th, 2014


About two years too late, Portal. I'm still pissed at you for leaving us there.

They told me my kid is here. Scott?

Oct. 4th, 2014


I can't say that I'm sad to be out of the hospital, but according to everyone this isn't supposed to be happening anymore. Hawaii's lovely, so please don't take any offense, but I'd really, really like to go home to a pillow fort in the living room and a husband who's trying to pretend we have more than old pizza and sympathy casseroles in the fridge.

Oct. 3rd, 2014


Lunar eclipse coming up. Fair warning.

[ her co-workers ]
So in the most recent batch of drunk calls forwarded to us for their supernatural subject matter, I learned that the Loch Ness Monster has taken residence in the mall fountain.


What. the. hell.

Sep. 29th, 2014


So potentially weird and awkward question for you - but if I don't ask you, who else would I ask? - How do you deal with dating?

Sep. 16th, 2014


I could use a break, and I know I'm not alone in that. So, cookout on the beach this Saturday night? I'd say we could do a grill-off, but that wouldn't be fair to anyone else because I actually do make the best burgers on the planet. Wouldn't want to get your hopes up.

Anyone, everyone, come join me. I'd love to see some of our newbies, and some of the crews from around the rest of the world if they can swing transportation. Grill's on around 7:30pm. I'd appreciate some people bringing other things; I've got burgers covered.

And yes, I will be answering to Grillmaster Parrish rather than Deputy for the purposes of this 'fest.

Edited to add: Also, beach volleyball, in which I kick all your butts.

Aug. 19th, 2014


I'd like a spotter, please. Someone who isn't busy.

I need to do a little experiment.

Jul. 31st, 2014


Going to need you two to handle things for a few days. And mark the Fuller case as closed. Turns out, the case was supernatural and vampires are native to this world.

Jul. 18th, 2014


FILTERED TO POLICE-TYPES (5-0, private investigators, Sheriff Stilinski, Paige, Deputy Parrish, etc.):
I helped the Romanian police find Any need for someone that's particularly good at locating missing people that are on the edge of death? I have a knack and no desire to do what everyone else is.

Jul. 9th, 2014


Teen Wolf Spoilers )

Jun. 27th, 2014


I've resigned myself to the fact that I stand no chance of really rebuilding the business as it was back home. Not for some time, at any rate. Unfortunately, taking vacations is just not something I've been trained to do.

That said, I can't fault the view.

[ argents ]
Alright, this would be the time where I'd call a family dinner so that we could catch up, but since half of you are scattered all over the place, this will have to do.

If you don't mind, take a minute to catch me up on what and how you're doing, and what your plans are in the near future.

Apr. 15th, 2014


[ Teen Wolf Types ]

Hey. So, I've been sitting on this a while, because it's big. I got some help from Bonnie Bennett last week; I had a chunk missing from my memory. She was a big help, so I pretty much owe her a fruit basket or something now.

As you may or may not know, I'm a banshee, and my earliest memory was being found in the desert in Afghanistan about seven years back. No name, nothing on me. I got by on an assumed name after that. Same identity I used when I got my job at the station in Beacon Hills. Anyway, bandage off: I was actually originally from Beacon Hills, though I didn't know it when I moved there. My original name was Camden Lahey. Yeah, that one.

Anyway, I'll pretty much answer to anything but any of Paige's nicknames for me, I guess. I've got most of what was lost back. I was blown to bits hurt pretty bad, and I guess that rattled my head hard enough that I just forgot most of everything.

[ /Filter ]

[ Isaacs of All Varieties ]

I didn't want to leave. I regretted it once I was there. But I was hearing voices pretty bad growing up and it was getting worse every day, and Dad was Dad was Dad, and I was seventeen and scared stupid.

I don't know exactly what the protocol for this is. I know we're all from different worlds, so hell, my story sure as shit isn't universal. But I consider you - all - family.

I can skip off or not. Your choice. I'll respect it. But I wanted you to know how sorry I am that I left you there. I didn't think Da I've got no excuse. I'm just sorry.

[ /Filter ]

Apr. 11th, 2014


Okay, since the funding just came through...

I'll be heading a team dealing with more supernatural cases. We'll be working with HPD, with oversight from 5-0. We'll have almost unlimited immunity and means here on the Hawaiian Islands, but I won't tolerate any kind of abuse of powers.

I already have Deputy Rivera and Deputy Parrish on board, but if you have any kind of law enforcement background and are interested in joining us, let us know.

Apr. 4th, 2014


[ Filtered to Magic Users/Practitioners ]

Hello, my name's Aaron Parrish. I've got an issue I was wondering if someone could help me with related to supernatural memory loss. Can't promise money raining from the sky as compensation, but I hope we can work something out, anyway.

[ /Filter ]

This isn't a complaint, but I think this is the longest I've gone without a nearby mysterious death or ancient demonic force being awakened in months.

Mar. 27th, 2014


And here I thought the weirdest thing today would be getting attacked at the station by disapparating monsters from Mortal Kombat.

Shows what I know.

Mar. 12th, 2014


I've found myself in a police station more often lately than I usually prefer.

Allison, they said you were here.

[OOC: RTW!Argent!]

Mar. 7th, 2014


Well, you know what they say. You can take the kid out of Beacon Hills, but the crazy, weird, possibly (and most likely) evil shit will follow him.

I don't trust you, Hawaii. Stop trying to trick me with your sandy beaches and scantily clad women.


Children of mine - birth and married into - family dinner in Honolulu tomorrow night?

Completely up to you if you want to come along or not. I'd like to see you there, but I won't push.

I'm not allowed to number my kids, am I?

Feb. 25th, 2014


Can I keep them? )

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