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Jan. 1st, 2015


posted on instagram )

Dec. 29th, 2014


Why is everyone hot? That's unfair.

Dec. 28th, 2014


Thanks for making a good Christmas for me. I know you worked hard on it, and it was really sweet. I thought I'd hate this time of year, and I kind of did, but you made it have good parts. Really good parts, I mean, that made up for all the parts where I wanted to make a den of blankets under my bed and see you suckers come spring.

I was pretty sure Santa didn't exist before the accident, but I didn't tell anyone because I didn't want to ruin it for my sister. Then after I was a coyote for eight years, it never came up again, and I guess I sort of assumed that he was an actual thing since there was already so much magic in the world. I had been waffling about saying anything about it all December because it felt like it was this big joke that I wasn't in on, and because I didn't like thinking about Christmas things since the family I knew best is either dead or preferred me being missing to found. But you guys wrapped presents for me. I can't imagine anything more boring. You did that for me. Thank you so much; I definitely would have kept believing in Santa if it wasn't for the fact that the presents all smelled like you guys.

It was really kind, and I don't really know who all was in on it, but thank you. I didn't hate Christmas nearly as much as I thought I would.

And it's really good to know that some old fart isn't going to know when I'm sleeping.

Dec. 20th, 2014



[ooc; Canon AU AND genderswapped Stiles. Profile!]

Dec. 18th, 2014


Okay, okay. I get it. I've been slacking on my supernatural lore lately. There really was no need for this kind of immersion, though. Some of us have responsibilities.

Petra, I may be overshooting your abilities here, but this seems right up your alley.

Dec. 15th, 2014


I got As in everything. I can't even remember getting more than the occasional one at a time.

[ tw -victor and christina argent ]
So. I survived my first session with Mr. Argent. Wasn't really a stellar experience, but whatever. At least I didn't kill anyone, right?

Alex, Scottie -- thanks for not stalking me home. Or at least not letting me know you were stalking me.

Dec. 11th, 2014


[ away from peter and melissa ]
Fuck everything.

Anyone have any incredibly entertaining ideas or plans that I can join in on today? I need to get out of this house for a bit into something interesting, or I'll just keep collecting gnomes. I don't want to be known just for weird statue-related interests.

Nov. 27th, 2014


Pretty thankful for the fact that I didn't find out until I was an adult that I'm not anywhere near as smart as a seven-year-old.

Nov. 17th, 2014


Kind of agree about the skyline thing. It was one of the better parts of living in Paris.

[ mechanics or those who work generally with machines ]
Hey. I'm looking to maybe apprentice with someone who builds things. Shop classes were some of the only ones I really did well in, and I'm looking for work that's a little more in line with something I could do in the future. I'm pretty good with engines and that sort of thing, but I'm weirdly decent at learning hands on when it comes to this kind of stuff.

Thanks anyway.

Nov. 14th, 2014


I got a "Great Job!" and a smiley face sticker on my book report on The Outsiders! Mrs. Simmons says that I'm officially reading on the eighth grade level. She says I don't have any learning disabilities so much as just a lack of discipline and experience, which make sense since the last time I read anything was eight years ago. All I know is that it's so much easier getting through this when it's just me and the teacher. I still hate math but I've got a different teacher coming in next week to help me with it since my placement test went so horribly.

So I guess school isn't terrible. Beacon Hills is terrible. This isn't shocking.

[ Edited to Add 5 minutes later ] I HAVE TO READ ANOTHER BOOK

Nov. 4th, 2014


Portal, you can take me from the desert to paradise anytime.

Nov. 3rd, 2014


Ah, the memories. And I only had one kid.


Trick-or-treating was fun, so thanks for the invite, Scott. My candy collection is impressive but it could be improved. I'm willing to barter my raisins in exchange for anything-but-raisins. Please comment if you're interested.

So when I first got here I lied about my age to get out of high school, but after some thinking and reflection and a really awkward conversation about percentages-off in Target, I guess I might need some help after all. So I have a private tutor through the school system here in Hawaii, and if that works out I guess they're going to put me back into classes with other kids in January.

Are we sure I can't just be a coyote?

Oct. 31st, 2014



Oct. 28th, 2014


80s in late October. I can't remember the last time I was this far into the fall without having to worry about keeping warm. I even had a little sunburn for about fifteen minutes earlier.

Points to you, Hawaii.

Oct. 13th, 2014


ALRIGHT, I'm playing 'WHO IS MY PACK' a second time. Because I need to know.

[Screencap of this.]

I trust you, even if he doesn't. Just know that that's what he said and if he does anything that even SEEMS threatening, let me know?


So. Um. Note to self: scavenging in this world is basically just shoplifting.

I am so, so embarrassed. I promise I'm not a bad person!

Oct. 6th, 2014


I think I'm getting sick. Do were-coyotes get sick? It feels like my entire body is trying to fall into cracks in the earth. When I talked to the check-out lady at the grocery store about it, she said it sounded like I had a broken heart. I don't know much about broken hearts but I'd think it'd be biologically impossible. They made me go to see a therapist at school when I first started attending and she said that my relationship with Stiles seemed "co-dependent" but she's just a therapist; what does she know about relationships?

I take back everything I said to Stiles about country music sounding harsh and grating and annoying to my ears. It is the music of pain, and only it can reflect how everything is terrible and black and lonely and how it feels like my heart is falling out of my butt.

Oct. 3rd, 2014


Lunar eclipse coming up. Fair warning.

[ her co-workers ]
So in the most recent batch of drunk calls forwarded to us for their supernatural subject matter, I learned that the Loch Ness Monster has taken residence in the mall fountain.


What. the. hell.

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