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Jun. 4th, 2014


Bonfire on the beach Friday night. Be there or weep at the lack of s'mores in your life.

Apr. 18th, 2014


Allison, we need to go shopping now. Spring Fling is less than a month away and I'm not letting us get stuck with dresses no one else wants. I've marked a few stores in Honolulu that I think are worth visiting, and Saturday we can find a ride to New York to look there.

Ar Nevermind.

Apr. 15th, 2014


[ Teen Wolf Types ]

Hey. So, I've been sitting on this a while, because it's big. I got some help from Bonnie Bennett last week; I had a chunk missing from my memory. She was a big help, so I pretty much owe her a fruit basket or something now.

As you may or may not know, I'm a banshee, and my earliest memory was being found in the desert in Afghanistan about seven years back. No name, nothing on me. I got by on an assumed name after that. Same identity I used when I got my job at the station in Beacon Hills. Anyway, bandage off: I was actually originally from Beacon Hills, though I didn't know it when I moved there. My original name was Camden Lahey. Yeah, that one.

Anyway, I'll pretty much answer to anything but any of Paige's nicknames for me, I guess. I've got most of what was lost back. I was blown to bits hurt pretty bad, and I guess that rattled my head hard enough that I just forgot most of everything.

[ /Filter ]

[ Isaacs of All Varieties ]

I didn't want to leave. I regretted it once I was there. But I was hearing voices pretty bad growing up and it was getting worse every day, and Dad was Dad was Dad, and I was seventeen and scared stupid.

I don't know exactly what the protocol for this is. I know we're all from different worlds, so hell, my story sure as shit isn't universal. But I consider you - all - family.

I can skip off or not. Your choice. I'll respect it. But I wanted you to know how sorry I am that I left you there. I didn't think Da I've got no excuse. I'm just sorry.

[ /Filter ]

Apr. 11th, 2014


Uh, okay. Definitely need to lay off the caffeine and actually sleep tonight.

[ooc: Stuart from The Internship!]


WHO: Grumpy Cat and Sexy Werewolf
WHERE: Around Honolulu
WHEN: March 30, 2014
RATING: PG / Flirtiness and talk of inevitable sexy times, but fades to black!/ ALSO this thing is 12000 words long.
STATUS: log; complete

Lydia Martin wants to make plans with me. Lydia Martin likes me. )

Apr. 8th, 2014


Left for Werewolf!Stiles )

Apr. 3rd, 2014


I've never partied myself into a coma before, BUT HEY, sign of a good birthday amirite? Two days later. Oops?

I hope everyone else had as much fun as me and my less attractive twin, Freddie! I drink to make her look better ♥

Mar. 30th, 2014


I think this sassy second grader's answer says it all in response to having to prove why a simple math problem is correct. Keep listening to those voices, sweetie. They're keeping you on the right track.

I'll drag you shopping with me if you try and prank me on April Fool's, and I'm not talking about the fun, sexy lingerie shopping that you're imagining right now.

Mar. 27th, 2014


And here I thought the weirdest thing today would be getting attacked at the station by disapparating monsters from Mortal Kombat.

Shows what I know.

Mar. 23rd, 2014


[his stiles, allison and lydia -- "wolf au"]
And now, apparently, we're dealing with dopplegangers and time vortexes. Never a dull day in Beacon Hills. I really want a dull day in Beacon Hills :( Stiles? Al? Lydia?

Mar. 20th, 2014


Listen, I know a lot is going on, but I need to know who considers themselves apart of my pack.

Mar. 18th, 2014


Any weapon makers here? Swords and bows - not hi-tech video game guns. We're classy ladies.


cut for teen wolf spoilers, filters to were!au, serena don't look until after you watched )

Mar. 11th, 2014


So Monday nights are now super surreal.

But Tuesday started with stumbling upon a little stray. Scott, use your schooling to come take a look at her?

[ college au ]
These poor kids. I'd have never thought it possible to say that we got lucky with the way high school went, but I think we very well may've.

Mar. 7th, 2014


Well, you know what they say. You can take the kid out of Beacon Hills, but the crazy, weird, possibly (and most likely) evil shit will follow him.

I don't trust you, Hawaii. Stop trying to trick me with your sandy beaches and scantily clad women.

Mar. 6th, 2014


package to allison and lydia of the disneyteenwolf variety )

Mar. 3rd, 2014


His World's Allison and Lydia
That show some version of us is on tonight. Heard I'm posses

Mar. 2nd, 2014


Since there's an almost obscene amount of us here, Danny and I are thinking about putting together a lacrosse league. Danny's already said he'd try to find us a venue, so let us know if you're interested in joining in.

We'll probably have to do some fundraising for equipment if people want to make this a thing, and I volunteer car washes in Oahu.

Mar. 1st, 2014


Someone smack me the next time I say "How much weirder can it get?"

[ooc; RTW!Danny who is in the know, helps out Deaton and Stiles with researching, and generally has been helping where he can.]

Feb. 26th, 2014


Dr. Deaton failed to mention the whole "the last Tuesday in February is for portal hopping to alternate realities" thing during my training.

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