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March 23rd, 2015

[info]thevampslayer in [info]blackpoint

[ Filtered to HPD + Buffyverse ]

We interrupt your regularly-scheduled corralling of The 100 kids to bring you some truth tea.

Hi! We lived! Go us. And now that things are quieter since Angel went into hiding and probably hates himself and is eating rats I thought I'd give you a quick kanima update. Basically, you know how he was looking for a master? Orrrrrr, more optimistically, a friend?

Hi, so that happened.

I don't know how it happened, but he listens to me, which is good news for the public at large. I don't think he's dangerous right now. We still need to figure out how to keep him from turning into a scaly thing, but we're no longer operating in Worst Case Scenario, which is a win, right?

The Teen Wolf kids still don't know. Jackson would prefer them not knowing, I think.

[info]alreadystrong in [info]blackpoint

Left next to the bed for Lincoln. )

[info]onehandedpirate in [info]blackpoint

Thanks to the supreme efforts of one Regina Mills - and I like to give credit where credit is due - I now have two fully functioning hands. I'm adapting the hook for a more costume-y role on the ship, and not that I'm not happy offering up the job of diaper changing to everyone else... It was well past time.

Cheers, Ms. Mills.

[info]ninon in [info]blackpoint

I've managed to acquire new space for my school, and I expect to open it come fall. If there are any educators in the community looking to work with some of the most intelligent young women around, please let me know. The same goes for parents of young ladies who are seeking a more specific education.

the older musketeers + tristan )

[info]formerlyevil in [info]blackpoint

Swan, you should start listening to me now and stop drinking that cheap wine. It's literally poison.

[ooc; Regina got a new pb!]