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January 21st, 2015

[info]thevampslayer in [info]blackpoint

[ Filtered to HPD + Buffyverse Folk ]

Hey, so I was in Honolulu yesterday night for a job interview (why do they always ask you if you want to ask them any questions at the end of the interview?? I freaked and asked him if he preferred crunchy or smooth peanut butter. I suck. Anyway - ) and took a walk downtown and got some coffee. When I was leaving the coffee shop, I heard something on a roof above me and what to my wondering eyes should appear but a totally gross snake/lizard/Geico Gecko/dragon thing? I scaled the fire escape, but it hissed at me and took off and I lost it.

It was about six or seven feet of scaly foulness. Vaguely human shaped? I know there's a bunch of different were-things here, but I didn't get the impression that this thing was at all safe to be around people. Something about its eyes I could be wrong; I have a bad history with snake people. Like, way bad.

This mean anything to you guys?

[ /Filter ]

[ Added after this: Filtered to Steampunk!Jackson Whittermore ]

Hey, so I saw what appeared to be you doing your best impression of a Gucci crocodile bag last night. Are you okay?

[ /Filter ]

[ ADDITIONAL FILTER: Once more, to the HPD + Buffyverse ]

Here's a transcript of the convo. Going over there now. Slayer out.

[ /Filter ]

[info]silvershot in [info]blackpoint

I was told there were Argents here.

[ OOC; Race-swapped young Chris Argent from a slightly altered world! ]