July 2016



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July 11th, 2014

[info]talhale in [info]blackpoint

I'm unconvinced that you aren't responsible for this, Petra.

[info]delgados in [info]blackpoint

Listen, I'm having a really bad year. So can we just not?

[info]minijenna in [info]blackpoint

When I said summer break was getting kind of boring, I definitely didn't mean oh hey, let's get magically sent to Hawaii.

But it's Hawaii, so.

[info]ohtheirony in [info]blackpoint

Newcomers, emote more quietly. Your angst is deafening.

In more-serious news, I know the reason that we've been deposited here by the portal. I'm afraid our peaceful vacation laying about on the beach being brought drinks by women in sarongs of questionable integrity is about to be cut short. In fact, I suggest that we band together - yes, even you, Avengers - to defeat this evil about to be unleashed upon us. Cut it off at the knee. And the throat. And then set it on fire for good measure.

On the other hand, it is Brooklyn. There are worse losses.

[info]alexargent in [info]blackpoint

Mom/Dad, I apologize for everything that is about to happen, only I probably don't actually.

Little known fact! Lyle forced me to watch Chicago a few years ago and now it just happens naturally when we drin. Lyle makes a ravishing Velma Kelly, all involved parties, to no one's surprised.

Lyle, you're on. It's (five six seven eight...!)

[info]braidsnbowties in [info]blackpoint

Hello there!

I hope everyone's doing well this afternoon! As some of you know, back home I had a children's clothing line called Snickerdoodles that was about to launch before i came here. Luckily I had my sketches on me when I arrived, and I'll be debuting the line next Saturday at the Children's Museum of Los Angeles. Admittance is free to everyone here, and if any of your children would like to model some of the outfits I still have time to alter the clothing to their measurements. The only images released will be from the professional models, not your children, so please let me know if you're interested! We'll have some yummy food and snacks to celebrate, and it would mean a lot if some of you came.

[info]darlinglily in [info]blackpoint

Is it just me, or has there been another influx of my favourite people from Teen Wolf?

James, baby, sweetie, I love you, we need more room ♥

ooc: lily's got a new face!