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April 15th, 2014

[info]fullmoonfeel in [info]blackpoint

Now I can stop wondering what it actually feels like for one of us to go through an eclipse.

[info]dynamic in [info]blackpoint

I always wanted to be a sea monster, and this totally counts.

[ ooc: genderswapped teddy! ]

[info]iwokeuplikethis in [info]blackpoint

Are you telling me that it was literally just the birthday of all the Stiles Stilinskis, and no one got any of them a puppy?

Let's all get puppies y/y?

cut )

[info]deputee in [info]blackpoint

[ Teen Wolf Types ]

Hey. So, I've been sitting on this a while, because it's big. I got some help from Bonnie Bennett last week; I had a chunk missing from my memory. She was a big help, so I pretty much owe her a fruit basket or something now.

As you may or may not know, I'm a banshee, and my earliest memory was being found in the desert in Afghanistan about seven years back. No name, nothing on me. I got by on an assumed name after that. Same identity I used when I got my job at the station in Beacon Hills. Anyway, bandage off: I was actually originally from Beacon Hills, though I didn't know it when I moved there. My original name was Camden Lahey. Yeah, that one.

Anyway, I'll pretty much answer to anything but any of Paige's nicknames for me, I guess. I've got most of what was lost back. I was blown to bits hurt pretty bad, and I guess that rattled my head hard enough that I just forgot most of everything.

[ /Filter ]

[ Isaacs of All Varieties ]

I didn't want to leave. I regretted it once I was there. But I was hearing voices pretty bad growing up and it was getting worse every day, and Dad was Dad was Dad, and I was seventeen and scared stupid.

I don't know exactly what the protocol for this is. I know we're all from different worlds, so hell, my story sure as shit isn't universal. But I consider you - all - family.

I can skip off or not. Your choice. I'll respect it. But I wanted you to know how sorry I am that I left you there. I didn't think Da I've got no excuse. I'm just sorry.

[ /Filter ]