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Sep. 25th, 2011


Friday - January 30th, 2009

Who: Nico and Lyle
When: Evening
Where: Boston
What: A "date"

Nico was actually pretty excited about planning tonight once he had had an idea of what he wanted to do and had found something precisely along those lines going on in Boston that evening. Lyle had made their last night out so wonderful that Nico wanted to do the same, he wanted to show Lyle that he got him too and he had a feeling that what he had planned for tonight was going to do exactly that.

By the time he had made it back to the apartment to get ready for the night out, Lyle was already there. He was all grins as he remarked, "Pardon me, but I have to get ready for a date." He then proceeded to ignore Lyle and Ingrid both and go about the business of getting ready for the evening out which consisted of taking a shower, shaving, and finding something to wear.

It didn't take Nico all that long to accomplish everything he needed to do prior to heading out and he hoped that the fact that he was getting ready would clue Lyle in on the fact that he needed to be ready too so they could make it to the place they were going on time. When he came out about an hour later all refreshed and ready to go, he was ready to go. He had already checked his pockets to make sure he had everything and had arranged for a cab to pick them up because, well, he didn't have a license and he didn't want Lyle to have to drive. It was actually nice having money to do that sort of thing even if he only had it because Lyle paid him.
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Sep. 20th, 2011


Thursday - January 29th, 2009

Who: Nico, Ingrid and Lyle
When: Night
Where: Lyle and Nico's apartment
What: Nico experiences a home invasion.

Nico felt a bit uncertain about answering the door when he heard the knock upon it. Lyle was out and he was sure it was for him but... Well he did live here now, right? It could have been a customer or a test subject or something so he got up from the sofa to answer it, glancing toward the grow room to ensure the door was closed beforehand.

"Can I help you?" He asked the small brunette on the other side.

"You're not Lyle." She looked confused or possibly annoyed.

"No, I'm not. He's out."

A frown pursed the woman's lips for an instant before she asked. "So who the fuck are you?" Meanwhile she was hoisting up an old guitar case and making her way into the apartment without an invitation.

"I'm Lyle's.. er.. Nico." He was a bit taken aback by her brashness, having to jump aside to avoid being touched by her as she invited herself in. "Who are you? Can I help you with something?

"What the fuck kind of name is Nico?" The case was sat in the floor near the sofa as she regarded the place with a quick look around. "Ingrid. Is that his room?" She pointed toward a door.

"The name my mother gave me." He paused, scowling slightly. "No, it's not."

"Down the hall then?" Ingrid asked, not waiting for him to answer before she headed down the hallway and left Nico standing in the living room confused.

"Lyle's out. He should.. be back later." What the hell was wrong with this woman? She wasn't paying any attention to him, it would see, and he took a few steps toward the hall to see what she was doing just in time to see her cross the hallway in the nude to head into the bathroom.

"What the fuck?" He practically growled when he heard the shower start. Who the hell was she and why was she here? He was tense as he took a seat on the sofa, listening for the slightest sound, the minutes passing by infuriatingly slow before he finally heard the water turn off. Soon after, he heard the door, and Nico was on his feet once more.

"I think you should go," He called down the hall after her, but she simply headed into Lyle's room and closed the door behind her, saying not another word to him.

"Fuck," Nico looked around like there would be some answer peering out to him and then he saw it on the coffee table. Crossing over to grab the cellphone, he shot a quick text to Lyle. Somethings up. Get back here ASAP. He then sat on the sofa and waited, senses keenly tuned in for the slightest sound from the other room but he heard nothing.
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Sep. 14th, 2011


Thursday January 22nd 2009

Who: Lyle and Nico
What: A date
Where: Starting on campus, then the Arnold Arboretum at Harvard
When: 7pm
Rating: PG 13

Promptly at seven, Lyle was at Nico's door, knocking. He was actually a little excited about tonight. It was weird to have a date with a guy, but it was fun to be planning one. It had been awhile since he had been on a date with someone, or had had any interest in dating someone. And while this wasn't really romantic, at least not emotionally, he was pretty damn confident that if he were actually trying to woo Nico, he could do it. Lyle had always been good at dating. And tonight was going to be fun, even if it wasn't romantically charged. He was dressed casually, because there was no point in putting in too much effort, and it would've been wasted on where they were going anyway.

When the door finally opened, the vampire grinned, giving the other man's attire a once-over. He looked pretty good actually, though it was really obvious that his clothing was second hand. It made Lyle's heart wrench a little bit. Obviously, they would need to go shopping sometime in the future, because no one would believe that Lyle would let his "boyfriend" wear thrift store jeans unless he really, really wanted to. But not a word (vocal or otherwise) was said about it. Instead, Lyle held out his hand, offering his boquet of flowers, as requested, and grinning.
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Sep. 7th, 2011


Who: Lyle and Klaus
What: Meeting in person, possibly bonding, something involving brownies
Where: Lyle's room
When: Wednesday January 21st 2009, afternoon
Rating: We'll see
Status: Incomplete

Walking, alone in the dark, in subterranian tunnels, talking to myself... )
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Aug. 7th, 2011


Tuesday - January 6th, 2009

Who: Nico and Lyle
When: Afternoon
Where: Student Art Gallery then Lyle's Apartment
What: Deals are made

Deciding that he needed to get out of the apartment more, because Nox lived two doors down and he was probably going to be banging down the door unless Lyle made some kind of effort to socialize, the young vampire was wandering himself around campus to the various places he had never been. Some places, he hadn't gone to for good reason- they were boring as fuck. But some were okay, like the pump house in back (apparently teenagers thought this was an awesome makeout place) and the weird little art gallery that was stuck down a random hallway in the educational building. Some of the stuff was crap, really flowery and overly perfect and obviously done by amateurs. But one thing in particular, a very odd house on a spoon, caught Lyle's eye. It was weird. Really weird. And he liked weird these days.
He'd definitely had worse dates before. )
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Sunday January 4th 2009

Who: Lyle and Nox
What: Getting yelled at
When: Late afternoon
Where: Lyle's apartment
Rating: PG 13 (pretty lame for a fight)
Note: Aimscene

You fed me pot! )
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Jul. 27th, 2011


Saturday: January/3/09

Who: Frankie and Lyle
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: her room
What: hanging out

Frankie put up an away message on her laptop and hopped up from her bed. Her room was kind of a mess. Granted, it often was, because she wasn't the most tidy girl, but it was even more so because she'd just returned from a trip. She had stuff scattered all over the place and a huge pile of laundry that she'd removed from one of her bags. Hmm, not ideal for company. Good thing there was a closet!

Rushing about, Frankie stuffed a bunch of things in her closet. Clothes, shoes, some things she'd bought on vacation. She then made her bed and tried to tidy up her desk and night stand. Her room looked decent enough. Frankie did as well, though she wasn't all that worried about her personal appearance with Lyle coming over. Yes, she thought he was hot and had asked him if he wanted to be her friend with benefits, but she wasn't actually interested in dating him. It wouldn't work out, and neither of them was ready for that anyway.

Her room as tidy as she was able to make it on short notice, she plopped down on her bed and opened a book, reading until Lyle showed up.
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Jul. 26th, 2011


Friday January 2nd 2009

Who: Fisher and Lyle
What: One of those conversations
Where: Their apartment
When: Afternoon
Rating: PG 13 for language

This wasn't going to be easy. As Fisher shut the door to the apartment, his heart sank. He knew that he was being completely, totally selfish and that Lyle was probably going to be furious and he'd have every right to be. He knew that this was impulsive and stupid and he should just forget it altogether, scrap the idea and never think about it again. But he couldn't. He couldn't let this go because this was just everything he wanted. It was everything James wanted, too. It was what they both needed. Distance, space, nobody else. No judgements from people, no more looks. No more responsibility. Everyone in James' world just took from him, demanded things and then put him down when he wasn't living up to their expectation. There was only one person in Fisher's world, and he never asked anything, he never demanded anything. He was always understanding, patient, and Fisher was about to stomp all that. Push it to its limit. Because, in a way, Fisher knew that Lyle wouldn't stand in the way of him leaving. But he would be hurt by it. And he knew that he could just save his brother hurt and betrayal and anger by not even asking him, but...

Knocking softly on Lyle's bedroom door, Fisher peeked his head in. "Hey," he said quietly, his voice almost too afraid to be too loud. Lyle was going to hate him. That look he was getting right now, the patient, kind half smile, was going to disappear so fast. "Um... can I talk to you a sec? It's kinda important."

Where are you two going? )
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Jul. 8th, 2011


Friday December 19th 2008

Who: Fisher and Lyle
What: Confrontation/Intervention
Where: Their apartment
When: Evening
Rating: PG 13 [questionable content]

Hands trembling slightly, Fisher closed his laptop, and took a deep breath. He was nervous. He had never been on this end of a "talk", and he never thought he'd have to be. Hopefully, Nox was right, and all he needed to do was be patient and supportive, and it would be okay, Lyle would be okay. Lyle had to be okay, because if he wasn't, Fisher didn't know what to do. He could be strong, start his own life over, but only because Lyle had been there to help him, keep him going. Now Lyle wasn't going anywhere, and Fisher felt like he was drowning. But this wasn't about him. It was about his brother, and he was going to help him, make him better somehow.

What if it was too much for him, all of it, being a vampire and drinking blood and always having to live in the dark? What if he didn't want to do this anymore? )
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Jun. 30th, 2011


Thursday: December/18/08

Who: Frankie and Lyle
When: Thursday night
Where: Lyle's apartment
Note: incomplete.. doing this via AIM

stuff under here )
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May. 25th, 2011


Friday: December/5/08

Who: Nox and Belle (and all wedding guests, which is most of the charas in game)
When: Friday night
Where: The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
What: their wedding, FINALLY!
Note: EVERYONE is welcome to join in the fun. Normal group thread rules apply. Post the who/when in the subject line and have at it. If you have questions about the set up or location, just ask!

It was a cold night, but the sky was clear without a threat of snow. Nox wouldn't have minded. He liked snow, and it would have been a beautiful sight to behold from within the massive glass room. Still, the twinkle lights on the bare trees that adorned the courtyard were lovely. They added a touch of magic that would have otherwise been missing.

...continued )

May. 9th, 2011


Friday November 28th 2008 - Early Morning

Who: Fisher, Lyle and Nox (Charlie briefly)
What: Early Morning Meeting
Where: Nox’s office, then his apartment
When: Around 2am Friday
Rating: PG

It had been an insanely long flight, and Fisher was exhausted. But Lyle... he couldn’t tell with Lyle. There was nothing to tell. All Eight hours of the flight, Fisher had stared at his brother, trying to figure out what this was, what was happening, what he could do. There had only been one clear thing for him to do, and that was to find Nox Alekos. And he didn't remember much about the man, but he did remember where he was. And it was most ironic that the last place Fisher had wanted to go was exactly where he needed to be.

The security people hadn't been as surprised to see the Majors brothers as perhaps they should have been. Fisher didn't recognize any of them, but that was no surprise. All of them seemed to recognize him, though, which was unnerving. But they were nice at least, calling to Nox's apartment to have him come to the security office and pick them up, offering coffee, and such. It almost made Fisher relax.

Lyle and Fisher in his office. The Majors brothers back at TJS. Fuck. )

Mar. 27th, 2011


Tuesday November 3rd 2008

Who: Lyle and Fisher
What: Discovering something
Where: Orange County Rehab Center
When: Tuesday Evening
Rating: PG 13
Note: A drabble that just came to me and needed writing

Lyle got to talk to the therapist, see what kind of progress Fisher was making, and Fisher got to sit in the little chair in the hallway and wait. He could have gone in there, but there was no point. He already knew what they'd talked about all week, he didn't need to relive it. Besides, while Lyle talked to Cara about their sessions, he got to play on Lyle's phone. He didn't have a phone yet, because rehab didn't let him, for understandable reasons. Not that he had anyone to call, but still, playing the games on Lyle's phone was almost reason enough to get one. Plus, he had video and photos and an MP3 player. Phone technology had really come leaps and bounds in the past sex- well, seven- years.

Whose dick is this in your phone? )
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Jan. 29th, 2011


Monday 6th October

Who: Rocky and Lyle
Where: Rocky's room
When: Monday afternoon
What: Lyle is coming over to hang out.
Rating: Probs swearing.

It was full of suck that Lyle and Fisher were leaving and she'd been thoroughly depressed about it for several days. Ever since Fisher had lost his memory the world had seemingly become increasingly full of suck anyway but this was just the cherry on the cake. The thought of losing both of them at the same time to the Californian sunshine was just shit. But before she went increasingly upset, she was gonna look forward to hanging out with Lyle during his final days at TJS.

It was casual chic with her usual comfy shorts and baggy shirt. in her room comfort was key. The door was open for Lyle to let himself in whilst she lay sideways in bed, legs resting up against the wall as she read a magazine.
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Jan. 21st, 2011


Friday 3rd October 2008

WHO: Lyle, Vinnie and Tiger
WHERE: Boston!
WHEN: Friday evening
WHAT: Lyle’s send off!! The vamp is leaving!
RATING: B for Boys having fun.

Tiger was very bummed that Lyle was leaving the school. Very, very bummed. But he wasn’t going to get teary or misty-eyed tonight, tonight was about fun. It was going to be absolutely amazing because Lyle deserved a huge Bon Voyage party with the boys of the band. Rocky was being a little bit depressive lately anyway because of the Fisher situation, and Tiger didn’t know whether asking her out on a big boy bash would be a good idea. He’d make it up to her if she got pissed about it.

With his best yet warm t-shirt on and hair freshly washed and styled so it was bed-head chic. He wanted to look his best for Lyle, give him a good parting memory until he decided to crash his new Californian pad. He had such a plan in store for the guys’ enjoyment. Oh yes. They would party something hardcore.

Only thing left to do was actually get the fuckers to his car. They were such girls. ‘Fashionably late’ his ass. “DUDES!” he yelled, hoping that they were in earshot. “COME THE FUCK ON!” Eager? Why yes.
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Jan. 10th, 2011


Saturday - September 27th, 2008

Who: James, Lyle and Fisher
When: Very Late Night
Where: Lyle's Dorm
What: drunken debauchery

After James had left his apartment early that day, he had gone to a bar and started drinking. He had continued to drink at this bar up until the point where they would no longer serve him. At that time, he moved on to another bar. This continued until well into the night, and probably would have kept going, had a certain song not come on the radio and made him think of Fisher. It was at that point that, in a terribly drunken state, he decided he had to go see the other man, just to make sure that what he had been told was true. At this point, he was far too drunk to drive, so he'd had to walk back to the dormitories. It was by sheer, dumb luck that he hadn't gotten picked up for drunk in public along the way, or fallen in a ditch somewhere and passed out for the night, but by some miracle, he'd made it back onto campus.

As he found his way into the wing where he knew Lyle's room to be, he got the urge to sing. And so, with no regard for anyone who may be sleeping at this time on a Saturday night, he was singing the very song that he had heard in the bar earlier that night.

"I don't mind where you come from
As long as you come to me
But I don't like illusions I can't see
Them clearly."

He tripped and nearly fell, catching himself on the wall and regaining his balance before he picked up where he left off.

"I don't care, no I wouldn't dare
To fix the twist in you
You've shown me eventually what you'll do."

He realized then that he had no idea where the fuck he was, so he stopped, looking around with a bit of a frown before he saw the door that he was looking for. He clomped across the hall and stopped outside the door, one hand rested against the wall next to it as the other moved up to practically pound on the door, humming to himself as he waited. He looked a mess compared to the norm. His designer jeans and white t-shirt were wrinkled from having gotten wet that morning and drying on their own over the course of the day, he wasn't wearing a coat, and his hair, which was usually so carefully styled, was a bit of a mess, like he'd been running hands worriedly through it all day long, and he had. The smell of liquor was strong upon his breath and his eyes were red-rimmed and bloodshot. But he was grinning.
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Friday - September 26th, 2008

Who: Rez, Fisher and Lyle
When: Night
Where: Lyle's Dorm
What: Dinner

The nap had done Rez a world of good. He had slept like the dead for the few hours that he had managed to sleep and when he woke up at 7:30, to the sound of his alarm, he'd felt a lot fucking better. He really couldn't thank Rorie enough. The kid had been there for him when he'd rally needed someone to be, without any expectations or any real reason to do it. He'd have to remember to get him back for that someday.

Stopping by his dorm, Rez changed clothes, donning something that was more like him, a t-shirt with a long sleeved shirt underneath, baggy jeans, skater shoes, etc, and had brushed his teeth, washing his face of the remnants of drool from having slept. When he knocked on Lyle's door at a few minutes after eight, he felt more like himself than he had the first time around, but nervous, of course.

This was probably going to be the most awkward dinner ever, and he wasn't sure which part would make it that way the most, the fact that Fisher didn't remember him or the fact that Lyle was going to be there.
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Jan. 6th, 2011


Friday September 26th 2008

Who: Fisher, Lyle and Nox
What: A meeting
When: 3pm
Where: Nox's office
Rating: TBD

Lyle knew Fisher didn't want to go. Fisher knew Fisher didn't want to go. Nox probably knew Fisher didn't want to go as well. However, this was a meeting that Lyle knew was needed. Nox was good at getting Fisher to open up, getting him in line, and seeing more than the medium wanted people to see. And Lyle needed help. Nox would offer advice without being demanding, wouldn't let his fondness for the little emo get in the way of his judgement. Lyle found it hard enough having to be strong enough for Fisher, let alone everyone else who was hurt by what had happened.

Arriving on time with a reluctant brother in tow, Lyle knocked on Nox's office door and went inside. Fisher walked, most reluctantly, arms crossed and pouting. He didn't want to meet this person, and talk about his "future", and be scrutinized and watched and hovered over. He liked Rez. Rez didn't hover, he just talked. Lyle said Nox only wanted to talk, but Fisher wasn't so sure. He looked like a high school principal.

"Hi, Nox," Lyle said as he came in, sitting in one of the chairs in front of the desk and motioned for Fisher to do likewise. And after a look, and a small huff, he did.
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Jan. 3rd, 2011


Thursday September 25th 2008

Who: Rocky, Lyle and Fisher
What: Reintroduction
Where: Lyle's room
When: Afternoon
Rating: PG 13

Rocky wasn't sure whether she was prepared enough for this but then nothing would probably prepare her for seeing Fisher with no memory. She was seriously considering backing out and telling Lyle she didn't wanna go through with it - but then she wasn't being a good friend or a baby sister if she ran away in both the Majors' time of need.

Steeling herself Rocky stood outside of Lyle's room and took a deep breath. She was dressed down, much more muted than usual with hardly any make-up on and her hair pulled up into a ponytail. Fisher was gonna look at her and not see her, not even register her, more than likely. He'd be scared and he'd only have seen a picture of her. There wouldn't be any reluctant glimmer of care in his eyes there'd be nothing. It was hard to grasp but it would probably be harder to see. Gritting her teeth she announced her arrival by knocking twice.

Lyle wasn't even ready for this, so how could Fisher be? )
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Dec. 28th, 2010


Sunday: September/21/08

Who: Starbuck and Fisher
When: Sunday morning
Where: the infirmary
What: taking care of a patient and friend

Starbuck had considered spending the night at the infirmary when Fisher was brought in Saturday, but after healing the gash on the dude's head and taking care of a messed up shoulder, Starbuck was tired. It had been a long day, and Fisher hadn't been the only one in need of Starbuck's healing powers. He was better at keeping his energy levels up thanks to lots of practice, but everyone had a limit, and Starbuck had reached his. Fisher was still unconscious, and Starbuck sensed there was something more wrong on the inside, but head injuries were so damn tricky. Since Starbuck didn't know exactly what was wrong, he didn't want to risk healing the brain and it draining him dry in the process. Fisher seemed stable, and hopefully he'd come to on his own after getting some rest. There was nothing more Starbuck could do for the time being, and he'd be better served getting some food in his system and sleeping, so that's what he did.

When he returned in the morning, Fisher was still out cold. It made the healer frown. "Fisher?" he said, coming to the man's side and checking a few vitals. He'd learned enough from his EMT training now that he had a good medical foundation to back up his magical skills.

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