MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'sam+winchester'

Jan. 4th, 2016



Day 357 [Video | Fail Private/Action]

[That awkward moment when you wake up and scratch your chest and nothing is as it should be. It's impressive how the prison finds ways of increasing the weird even in a life like Sam's. So impressive he manages to forget to actually hit the private button when making his frantic call.]

Chuck! We have a problem.

[Why is his voice so high while he's so short? How do people live like this? Why didn't he put a shirt on first or make a voice call? All good questions, but you try waking up as a girl and see how you react. Luckily for actual Chuck, the video is cropped just above the area where the censors would need to get involved if the prison had censors.]

(OOC: Feel free to catch him in action mode too! He will be very covered up by then.)



Day 357 — Body/Mind Swap Mingle

[Everything may be a bit topsy turvy today. Maybe you lost your head. Maybe you lost everything else. Or maybe you're perfectly you and it's just your friends and neighbors who don't make any sense.

Good luck going out and about to figure out your new surroundings.]


Dec. 21st, 2015





Twas the day after Newbie Day, when down by the beach in the dome--

Stockings and other decorations were hung alongside jack-o-lanterns, baskets full of colored eggs, boxes of heart-shaped candies, and other things. The only creature that seemed to be stirring in this early morning hour was Quinn Fabray, who took it upon herself to see to a good bulk of the set up. Tables and chairs were set up alongside a makeshift stage and dance floor, with bright orange extension chords stretched out across the sand to give life to the lights, music, and karaoke machine. Games, should anyone want to play them, were set up to the immediate right of the food tables.

Don't be late! The Holiday Mash-Up starts promptly at 5PM. Bring your dates, wear your gowns and costumes, and celebrate all those holidays from home.

Nov. 10th, 2015



( day 349 ) video

[ a graveyard. a prison. underwater, no less.

of course.

she should be angry. (but is she truly undeserving of punishment?)

elena should be livid, maybe. she can't quite access that emotion at the moment. she looks as composed and resolved as she possibly can, circumstances not withstanding, but clinging to her like a second skin is sadness. she is tired. hungry. worried. it doesn't matter. she can't afford to think about it, much less feel any of it. she can't process yet someone plans to hold her here for the rest of - there is only this moment. one step at a time. surely there are answers; she just needs to find them. play it smart.

I can't say I've given prison a lot of thought, but if I ever did? This is not exactly what I'd have in mind. ... Except for the jumpsuits. [ her lips quirk wryly into a faint and halfhearted smile. her attempt at levity is equally halfhearted. she feels heavy, heavier than the monitor that sits squarely at her ankle, but she is pushing past it. she needs to. the smile is initially brittle, but it remains steady. this hardly feels real. ] If there's anyone out there listening, I'm Elena. I'm new. Ish.

[ new to the prison world, but definitely not new to weird shenanigans, and that includes experiencing the multiverse. ]

I guess I just wanted to know what everyone's thoughts on this place are and how long they've been here, if they don't mind sharing. I've - [ she cuts herself off. blinks. blinks a few more times. ] Is that a robot?

[ ??????????????? ]

Oct. 26th, 2015



DAY 347 : Haunted Hotel Mingle


[You have a lot of baggage for your stay. Not the kind you stuff free robes and toiletries into. No, the kind of baggage that helps drive the sort of scenarios you experience. Your fears and your hang ups. Or maybe not everything is about you after all and you have a perfectly random, horrific time. Either way, the adventure starts now. Ring the bell for service.]

OOC: Haunted Hotel Info/Plotting

Oct. 5th, 2015



344 - Animal Parts Mingle!

[ Something is weird. Perhaps you've had a snack that had some unfortunate side effects, maybe it's something in the water or you just got out of bed wrong this morning. It takes so incredibly little to end up with a strange day on your hands, although this is perhaps a little stranger of a day than usual.

Duck your heads, watch where you put your paws and be careful about yiffing the poodle next door. ]

(( ooc: EVENT INFO! All animal side effects will be reversed by daypost tomorrow! ))

Sep. 14th, 2015




the young man who comes into focus as the video feed clicks on exudes an aura of calm and clarity more than anything else, apparently unperturbed by the bizarre circumstances in which he's found himself -- or maybe just used to dealing with the like. he looks directly into the camera as though trying to meet the eyes of whoever's watching. the wardens, he assumes (or hopes). it's his best guess without the force to guide him, and that's something he's trying not to dwell on.]

I've had worse welcomes, but I would've preferred getting this one face to face. Your offer is a gracious one, but I'm afraid I can't take you up on it. [as justified as it is. but instead of articulating that, he just raises his eyebrows with faint amusement.] The rest of my natural life has already been spoken for, you see. But please -- allow me the honor of a personal audience with you. I'm sure we'd be able to work things out once we have a chance to talk.

[he believes it about as much as he'd believed jabba would show them mercy, but he has to try. even if he didn't want to avoid a fight anyway, his odds without his lightsaber or the force aren't promising.]

(ooc | for an action option, anyone can find him near the beach -- he'll probably be watching the ocean in utter awe.)



Day 341: video [open to action]

[the video feed cuts on to show a determined looking redhead standing on the beach. she doesn't hesitate once audio connects and it's clear, if only by the way she holds herself, that neither unfamiliar technology or being randomly abducted to some ridiculous "prison" intimidate her very much. when she speaks, she somehow manages to sound authoritative, friendly, and irritable all in one. what can she say? she has skills.]

So hi there. My name's Charlie Bradbury and, to totes state the obvious, I'm new. Any chance someone who hasn't drank the Kool-Aid want to help a girl out and offer up the 411 on what's being done to blow this crapshoot? That'd be super.

[the next bit is private to sam and dean winchester and protected via charlie's own (albeit quickly tossed together) encryption protocol; charlie's neutral expression immediately becomes a grin and she waves almost perkily at the feed.]

Miss me, bitches?

[ooc: if anyone wants to meet charlie face-to-face instead, she'll be near the beach area unless they icly discuss meeting elsewhere.]

Sep. 7th, 2015




[The Loss/grieving therapy group was directed to the pet cafe. There are treats for humans and animals alike as well as activities to keep you busy and sharing and growing.]

Animal therapy
Talking about painful things is always easier when buried under kittens.

You look at them and discuss of course!
[Examples: A and B (Don't worry about actually taking that test.) Use any inkblot you find or make up!]

There will be a handout with the following instructions:
Go through the alphabet with a partner, taking every other letter. Come up with a word that starts with your letter which you associate with someone or something you miss and explain what it means to you. [Example: (you) A — Apples — Dad always peeled his apples first, but then he'd eat the peel too. (partner) B — Baseball — My dog had this ratty old baseball he took everywhere. He always slept with his head on top of it.]

Card prompts
There's a table full of cards to get conversations started.
— Finish the sentence: "Today, my grief feels like..."
— Finish the sentence: "Today, I'm really missing..."
— List 5 things you don't miss about what you lost.
— What is the first thing you think about when you wake up in the morning?
— What would you say if you had the chance to speak with someone you've lost again?
— What do you think they would tell you they want for you?
— Name 3 things you will do to fill your time and the void left behind.
— And many more...

(OOC: Don't let these prompts limit you. Be creative, if you want a different kind of prompt or activity then run with it! It's fine if your ideas require additional supplies too. This is everyone's post. Mingle! INFO)

Aug. 9th, 2015



335 - video/action - late evening

[ It's been a long and exciting day. So much food and drink and people and excitement and as the day comes to a close, so does the highlight of the evening. A secret thing, something they've been working on for a couple of days all hushhush.

Putting on a video feed, Chuck addresses the network. Kitty, Jack and Ton can be seen in the background and for once Ton isn't dressed in eyebleedy neon. There's some excitement in the air, some secretive smirks. Something is definitely happening and maybe most of the dome is already here, but if there are stragglers out there she's not going to miss telling them about what's going on. ]

If I can have your attention for a moment... you've all been invited here to the reopening of the Daffodil Dive and as thrilled as I am that you came here, there's something I have to confess. I've been lying to you, a little bit. This isn't the reopening of the Dive.

This is actually a wedding.

[ And with that, the ceremony begins. ]

((ooc: surprise! Feel free to react to this in video or action, if you're at the Dive. Video responses may come from either Ton or Chuck. ))

Jul. 20th, 2015



333 - Rubber Ducky mingle

[Rubber Ducky, you're the one. You make everything so much fun. Which is why you'll find them just about everywhere. Maybe even in that pitcher of tea you just made. Never a dull day here in MarinaNova Asylum. Whether you are trying to beat the heat at the beach or at the pool or running errands you're going to encounter a lot of them.]

(OOC: Event Info)

Jul. 19th, 2015



Day 332 Video.

[ Facilier did not enjoy being accused of murder, he really didn’t. And as such he has spent the morning at home but now he has decided to do something about all of this and that is why you can all see him on the video. He is quite huffy and has a sarcastic sneer as he speaks.]

Well isn’t this the cat´s meow and a kick in the can? I have never snuffed anyone in my life. [ He looks both sad, apologetic and angry.] The big cheese in this joint is using me like some kind of fall guy.

No, listen. Piper, listen to me… no one was in their right mind yesterday. You and Sam thought you were married… I would never do something like that, I wouldn’t! [Unless you have a huge amount of money and a daughter that would inherit everything and was at a marriageable age.] Y´all have to believe me, I might be a common poor sinner but I ain’t no killer.

Jul. 16th, 2015



[ video ]

So, um... yeah.

[Have a really weak wave from Piper. She definitely wasn't herself.]

I'm alive. No big deal, okay? Let's just... leave it at that.

Jul. 13th, 2015



Day 332

[Action - Closed to Spike]

[It's one of those mornings when waking up in a slow, wonderfully leisurely experience. The bed is warm and Ianto is pleasantly sore in a way that suggests he had a very agreeable night even if the details are still a little bit fuzzy. For a few moments he's content to continue dozing, curled up around the body in bed with him.

The unfamiliar body. The one that doesn't belong to Jack.

He'd faced a lot of terrifying things in his life but he's quite sure that neither Daleks, Cybermen or holes in the very fabric of time and space itself had never produced as much dread as he feels now as he reluctantly cracks his eyes open to confirm that, yes, that's Spike alright and no, neither of them are wearing anything. There's really only one appropriate response to this situation.]

Oh fuck!

[Action - Closed to Jack]

[Much later after Spike has finally been ejected from the apartment he finds himself in the kitchen, absently making coffee to give himself something to do while he waits for Jack to return. He has no idea how he spent yesterday, only that he never crossed his mind at all. He doesn't really know how worried he should be; after all Jack does have his 51st century attitude towards sex and relationships but he can't help but remember how jealous he was of Martha and their little charade so long ago. What's more Spike is hardly a random stranger. They both have a complicated history with him and he can't help but worry this is not going to go well.

[Video -Private to Sam]

[He looks very sheepish, but manages an awkward, uncomfortable smile.]

I'm fairly certain I owe you some sort of apology. Yesterday was a bit, ah, odd.

Jul. 11th, 2015



[ action | open with a closed section ]

[So after the big family picnic Euphie had in the park, Piper wasn't sure how many people would still be hungry for dinner, but since there seemed to be enough of a call for it (like the amusing double date in the corner she spotted), dinner service was in full swing.

After her amorous afternoon with Sam in the manager's office, she was busying herself with trying not to be too obvious about what just happened. Was that a glow? Nah. You were imagining it.]

[Closed to Facilier]

[She had come out from the back to take a break and check on how things were going. She spotted Facilier over near the bar.]

Looking for Sam?

[She smiled at her brother-in-law.]

[Closed to Sam]

[She'd been feeling weird all day.

Well, not all day. But long enough. It was close to closing time, and no one was around, so she'd closed the doors and made the place at least look closed so she could get finished up early and head back to the apartment she had with Sam. Because, that would be nice. Just curl up with him until this passed...

She headed into the kitchen, and was going back to the office to grab her stuff when the floor suddenly pitched sharply (to her, at least) and she fell.

When she tried to call out, it was suddenly hard to speak.]

Jul. 7th, 2015



Day 331 (strange relations) [Closed action/video][Open action]

[Closed action to Piper]
[The great thing about working with your wife is that when things are slow in the restaurant she's right there to keep things interesting. He steps up behind Piper, slipping his arms around her waist.] Something smells good.

[Closed video to Ianto]
Hey, can we meet up? [He'll bribe with pie if he must.]

[Open action]
[No matter what else is going on in his life his dog, Salty, still needs to take walks so this is a "married" Sam out walking and worrying about his "brother" Ianto's love interest.]

(OOC: Have you ever wanted to be related to a moose? Find out how!)

Jun. 29th, 2015



330 - video, action

[ Have a recently un-deceased Charlotte Charles beaming hopefully at you from the safety and warmth of her kitchen! She's still decked out in the jumpsuit, but orange is kind of her color so whatever. ]

Hey! I, uh. I just wanted to let you know that I'll be taking over the Devil's Compass. It's going to be renamed into the Daffodil Dive- [ See that, Ianto? ] - and I'm going to be making some changes but... it seemed a waste to leave it boarded up or run by the bots when I've been working there for so long.

There'll be a re-opening party later on. Invitations will be sent out, so don't worry about missing it. For now though, I could use some help painting and redecorating and probably clean out the kitchen. Any takers? There'll be pie in it for you when I'm not quite so prone at slicing my fingers off.

Oh! And if someone's good at making signs I would be very interested in talking to you. Call me!

[ Action ]

[ Actual noodle Charlotte Charles will be spending most of the day down at the bar formerly known as the Devil's Compass, vigorously scrubbing floors and picking out paint samples. There'll be some changes here and although she doesn't want to exorcise Tyki's spirit, she kind of doesn't want the bar to be known as that-place-with-all-the-bodyparts.

Come help! ]

Jun. 22nd, 2015



[Day 329] In Bloom Event/Dance Mingle

[DAYTIME: Walking in a floral wonderland. Not to be confused with an actual wonderland. Completely different event. You could be anywhere and everywhere today and not escape the petals.

DANCE: The sector 2 garden is a little extra pleasant and inviting this evening. Gentle breeze, beautiful flowers, delicious hor d'oeuvres, sparkling punch, and music. And dry. Did we mention it's dry? Not a single flood as far as the eye can see. So, find someone and get out there and dance.]

(OOC: Event INFO. Feel free to have your mingle set up cover both aspects of the day.)

Jun. 15th, 2015



Day 328 // voice //open & closed

[ It's been awhile since he addressed the network, but long time watchers may notice that there's a quiet kind of determination seeping into the young doctors shoulders. It's not the ideal day to do this on, but if he doesn't do this now he'll chicken out. ]

It's been a long time coming, but... consider this my official resignation from the Defence Force. Effective immediately. That's all.

[ Locked to Rebecca ]

Rebecca? A word?

[ Locked to Nathan. ]

I'm picking out an apartment today. There'll be a room for you, should you want it.

Jun. 8th, 2015



327 - Flood Event Mingle

[ Perhaps you're a really strong swimmer. Perhaps you've found a canoe to paddle around in, unhooked a door to recreate the ending of Titanic. Perhaps breathing isn't a necessity for you. Perhaps you're already doomed to drown. Whichever your situation, there's one thing for certain.

The rain isn't stopping. ]

((ooc: EVENT POST! Remember that death is, if not permanent, still cause for a punishment! ))