MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'aigis'

Jun. 13th, 2016



Day 380: open video / open action - afternoon

[Damon is bored. BOOOOOOOOOOORED. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORED. Which is why he posts this video from the Blood Shack.]

Well, since the whole point of these social networks is to whine about your stupid problems, I guess I might as well join the "cool kids" [exaggerated air quotes] and complain about the shitty service we've been getting. Where are all our little robot slaves, picking up the trash? And why didn't anyone tell me they were cutting off my blood shipments?

Speaking of which, the Blood Shack is hiring. Servers. [There's a bit of a fang in his smile; you can probably guess how exactly you'll be serving.]

[posted a few minutes later]

I can't believe I forgot to post a pointless picture of my lunch that nobody cares about! Here it is.

Hashtag Delicious.

[ open action ]
[Damon is hanging out at the Blood Shack, bored and restless and cranky. Bother him at your own risk.]

May. 23rd, 2016



Day 377 Heatwave Mingle



May. 2nd, 2016



Day 374 Shared Dreaming

Dream 1: The Kiss
[You resume this dream already in progress! Your lips are pressed up against Euphie's, and it's not even mistletoe bot day. What do you do?]

Dream 2: Geassed
[You're in one of the stores and there's Euphie in the next aisle trying to get the biggest knife there out of the package and struggling with it.] Oh! Could you help me? I need to get this knife so I can kill all the Japanese! [Just as sweet and perky as ever, but theses horrifying sentiments come with a distant sort of look like she's not fully connecting. But seriously why are knives so hard to get out of the package?]

(OOC: Possible sexy warnings for dream 1 and possible violent warnings in dream 2. Plotting if you have other ideas or need to discuss anything. You're welcome to just jump in!)



Day 374 | Action | Open

[1] The Dark Hour

[Surely you're in a dream, or rather a nightmare. There's no other way to describe your surroundings. It's night, and you're in a city - that much is normal. Everything else is wrong. The sky is an eerie, sickening green, the buildings are dark, the streets are the deep red of dried blood. The moon hangs impossibly huge in the sky a few days away from full - luckily for you.

There are coffins everywhere. Standing upright in the crosswalks, in the drivers seat of cars, clustered under darkened streetlights and by bus stops; every place people would be at this hour.

Above it all, rising high against the green sky, is a tower, twisted and misshapen and impossibly high. You can see it no matter where you happen to be right now; outside a school dorm, in a certain alley by the train station, standing on a suspension bridge over a dark bay. There's something wrong with that tower, you can tell just by looking at it. It shouldn't exist.

If you have a watch you'll find it stopped at precisely midnight. In fact any electronic device you have on you will have stopped working. Everything except the robot girl gleaming pale and alert next to you in the darkness.]

[2] Tartarus

[You're inside the tower, because where else could you be that would fill you with this much dread? The walls are that same dark green as the sky outside, the only light is a sickly yellow from the moon leaking in through the occasional window to spill across the stained, checkered floor. It's a maze in here, but if you wander far enough you might fin the stairs. You can take them up if you'd like but you'll never reach the top, not tonight. You could come every night for the one hour you have and fight your way upward and it would still take you a year to reach the summit. And every night the maze will have shifted, changed, morphed into some new shape.

You're alone, and yet not alone. There are no other people here, just the monsters. Shadows that roam the halls with you. You can try to hide, and you might succeed. You can try to fight, and maybe you can overpower one or two but you won't be able to keep it up for long. This place is a nest of Shadows, and there will always be more. Maybe if you're lucky someone will find you. Or maybe you'll be trapped here, forever.]

Apr. 10th, 2016



Day 370 - Open Audio

[You know what's a terrible idea? Going outside when outside is a dark place full of raptors and wasps and inexplicable feelings of terror. Gaeta thought that he could be useful—he's used to keeping cool in a crisis, and sometimes a level head is just as much help as someone who can handle a weapon—but all he managed to do is get stung by a wasp.

Just his luck.]

Giant bees? Completely irrational fear? Those weren't in the brochure. Thank you, wardens. [This is the voice of a man who is trying not to sound terrified and failing miserably.] Don't go outside. I know it's tempting with the dark and the warnings from the Defense Force, but be smart. Don't try to be a frakking hero.

[This has been a PSA.]

...Someone's still alive out there, right? [He doesn't sound sure.] It's been a couple hours since I heard a broadcast.

Apr. 4th, 2016



370 - Fear Itself: The Revenge



Mar. 21st, 2016



Day 368 - Hooked on a Feeling mingle



Mar. 17th, 2016



[Day 367 | Action/Video]

[Apartments. Which apartment? Who knows. | Action | Open]

[You're in your bed, wrapped up in your sheets like a toasty warm cinnamon roll. Maybe your dreams are great, maybe they're not. Maybe you're wearing bright yellow Pikachuggachoo pajama pants, maybe you're one of those warrior types that likes to sleep in armor.

Either way, you might get a rude awakening when one Eren Yeager, newly inducted into the prison of virtual reality, decides he's tired beyond belief and has decided to just plop face-first onto the nearest bed from the door, in a room some random passerby directed him and Levi to. The very same bed that you're imitating a burrito in. Surprise!

How did they get into your room? Good question, and probably not one that former underworld thug leader Levi will ever answer.


You're in your bed, wrapped up in your sheets like a toasty warm cinnamon roll. Maybe your dreams suck, maybe that cat you've been chasing in your dream has finally deigned to acknowledge your existence. Either way, you'll wake up refreshed to the non-existent sounds of birds chirping, only to find one strange brunet guy snoring away in the bed next to yours, while the other, much much shorter one, is furiously sanitizing your door jamb.

Dear lord is it filthy. When was the last time you even swiped at it with a tissue?

Hello. Nice to meet you. Either these two interlopers are your new roommates, or some jerk out in the common rooms decided to play a prank on them. Either way, they're your problem now.]

[Dining Room | Action/Video | Open]

[An hour later, Eren's blearily blinking down at his potatoes and bread, chewing slowly as Levi drinks a cup of tea beside him. He's fiddling with the communicator in his other hand, sending random transmissions of the table, people's legs, Eren's crotch, etc, in a broadcast to the prisoners of the asylum.]

((ooc: Joint intro! Let us know if you want Levi, Eren, or both to respond to your character. If you pick Eren for the video, just assume Levi was playing with Eren's communicator.))

Mar. 14th, 2016




I apologize for not getting back to you sooner about your invitation, but the general and I would be happy to join you for dinner. That is, if the offer still stands.

Good morning, residents of MarinaNova. My name is Princess Leia Organa. I'm hesitant to refer to us as "citizens," for we're all prisoners within this facility, regardless of whether we enjoy our accommodations or feel deserving of our sentences. I apologize to anyone who has recently arrived to the prison, for perhaps that makes my question poorly timed, but the influx of new inmates reminded me of something I must ask.

Who is and isn't from a planet called Earth? I am not, and I hadn't heard of it until I was brought here. I come from a world called Alderaan in a galaxy I'm sure most of you have never been to before. [ though some of them may have seen, as has been the case with a few. ] Surely I'm not the only one who finds it odd that an intergalactic, multidimensional serving rehabilitation center favors the population of this one world over those from other systems.

Feb. 29th, 2016



DAY 365 — Anniversary Festival Mingle

Happy Day 365, Marina Nova!

Hear ye, hear ye! Inmates, prisoners, fellow underwater dwellers! Lend me your ears and hands and actually just bring all of you because we're having a ye olde Renaissance Faire to celebrate a full year in this bubble under the sea!

The dome has of course been decked out appropriately. Flickering torches light the pathways, interspersed with larger bonfires that you can cosy up to with that special someone - or perhaps just a glass of honey mead. Pennant banners hang across the gates and along the buildings, sporting the proud coat of arms of the prison (a lot of purple and octopi, for some reason) and many of the clothing stores offer time-appropriate options for those of you who still knows how to have fun. The kiosk has even been re-imagined into a castle.

Many areas within the dome has activities to partake in and, if you're skilled or lucky or both, prizes to win!

Let the celebrations begin! Fanfare! )


Feb. 8th, 2016



362 - Mistletoe Bot Mingle!

[Pucker up, inmates! It's that day again—your favorite prison holiday! And, of course, the wardens provided lip balm stations for your convenience.

(OOC: Mistletoe Bot INFO)

Jan. 25th, 2016



360 - Instant Replay Mingle

[Maybe you're at the media store or educational center to play your disc. Maybe you're just out and about somewhere contemplating what you saw or whether to see it. Either way, you're bound to run into someone!]

(OOC: Instant Replay Event Info)

Jan. 4th, 2016



Day 357 [video/action]

[The video turns on while Yuuri is still mid-freak out. This is only fitting because he may well be freaking out for the remainder of this body swap.

Which means the face you're seeing and voice you're hearing is not Yuuri's. It normally belongs to Aigis. He's just the very unhappy renter.]

I'm a girl! I'm a girl robot! I'm a girl robot without feet! Who took my body!?

[BOOM! BOOM! His dresser bites the dust, and his eyes are as expressively horrified as his robot-form can manage.]


(OOC: Action also open. For probably inadvisable reasons he eventually leaves the apartment in the "hand" gun-toting body!)



Day 357 — Body/Mind Swap Mingle

[Everything may be a bit topsy turvy today. Maybe you lost your head. Maybe you lost everything else. Or maybe you're perfectly you and it's just your friends and neighbors who don't make any sense.

Good luck going out and about to figure out your new surroundings.]


Nov. 19th, 2015



Day 350 - Chill Out Mingle

[Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow~

Because you can't really stop it anyway, so grab yourself a steamy mug of whatever and build a snowman or snowwoman or snowporcupine or whatever you're into.]


Nov. 10th, 2015



( day 349 ) video

[ a graveyard. a prison. underwater, no less.

of course.

she should be angry. (but is she truly undeserving of punishment?)

elena should be livid, maybe. she can't quite access that emotion at the moment. she looks as composed and resolved as she possibly can, circumstances not withstanding, but clinging to her like a second skin is sadness. she is tired. hungry. worried. it doesn't matter. she can't afford to think about it, much less feel any of it. she can't process yet someone plans to hold her here for the rest of - there is only this moment. one step at a time. surely there are answers; she just needs to find them. play it smart.

I can't say I've given prison a lot of thought, but if I ever did? This is not exactly what I'd have in mind. ... Except for the jumpsuits. [ her lips quirk wryly into a faint and halfhearted smile. her attempt at levity is equally halfhearted. she feels heavy, heavier than the monitor that sits squarely at her ankle, but she is pushing past it. she needs to. the smile is initially brittle, but it remains steady. this hardly feels real. ] If there's anyone out there listening, I'm Elena. I'm new. Ish.

[ new to the prison world, but definitely not new to weird shenanigans, and that includes experiencing the multiverse. ]

I guess I just wanted to know what everyone's thoughts on this place are and how long they've been here, if they don't mind sharing. I've - [ she cuts herself off. blinks. blinks a few more times. ] Is that a robot?

[ ??????????????? ]

Oct. 26th, 2015



DAY 347 : Haunted Hotel Mingle


[You have a lot of baggage for your stay. Not the kind you stuff free robes and toiletries into. No, the kind of baggage that helps drive the sort of scenarios you experience. Your fears and your hang ups. Or maybe not everything is about you after all and you have a perfectly random, horrific time. Either way, the adventure starts now. Ring the bell for service.]

OOC: Haunted Hotel Info/Plotting

Oct. 6th, 2015



344 - Video - Open

[ Neil's looking pretty normal, except for the part where his ears are now like that of a cat, and he has a tail that's mostly not in the vid pickup. And his voice may be a little higher than usual. But he's fine, basically. So... ]

Yo. I know some of these changes may have left you without a chance to fiddle with the settings of your device, but replying should be easier. So I'm going to ask - any of you stuck somewhere they can't get out of, or needing something they can't get to? I think there may be enough of us still mostly with our full capacities so we can help.

For those who don't know me, I'm Neil Dylandy. If you're able to help, too, speak up, and so on.

Oct. 5th, 2015



344 - Animal Parts Mingle!

[ Something is weird. Perhaps you've had a snack that had some unfortunate side effects, maybe it's something in the water or you just got out of bed wrong this morning. It takes so incredibly little to end up with a strange day on your hands, although this is perhaps a little stranger of a day than usual.

Duck your heads, watch where you put your paws and be careful about yiffing the poodle next door. ]

(( ooc: EVENT INFO! All animal side effects will be reversed by daypost tomorrow! ))

Sep. 11th, 2015



Day 340 Video | Open Action

[Video | Private to everyone excluding Kitty the elder]

[The video goes out in the morning, before all the therapy and inevitable drama. Ianto looks predictably business-like even for this message.]

Hello. I know it seems like it's shaping up to be a busy day this morning but it's also Kitty's birthday. We'll be hosting a party in our flat this evening if anyone would like to stop by. It's a surprise, so please try not to utterly ruin that aspect for her in the few hours between now and then.

[Open Action]

[Fastforward to evening and party time. Somehow Ianto has found the time between therapy sessions to get the apartment he and Jack share tastefully decorated and throw together some food and, of course, coffee. He's not sure how many people will be feeling up to this after spending the day talking about their problems but even if no one attends he suspects she'll still appreciate the gesture. He's told Kitty to come over for drinks and talking, conveniently leaving out the bit where people are going to jump out and yell surprise when she arrives.]