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Jun. 3rd, 2012


Saturday May 30th 2009

Who: Lily and Fox
What: Drinkin'
Where: Some dive bar
When: Evening
Rating: TBD

George Thorogood was playing tinnily on the shitty jukebox, blaring almost too loud to be coherent. It was giving Lily a headache, but then again, that could have been from all the whiskey. She didn't even like whiskey, but when you went to a honky-tonk bar with a loud jukebox playing terrible music, that was what you used to drown your sorrows. She wasn't entirely sure what she was trying to drown away, though. Finn was leaving, sure, but he was only going for a few months. He'd come back eventually. And Rez wasn't really gone gone, he was just with his new happy family and all his new babies and shit. And Lily didn't even have Lyle to fall back on because he had gone home to deal with his dad's death. Just another something to drink about.

There were seven shotglasses sitting at her table, and the waitress brought over another for her with a wary smile on her face. Lily nodded, tossed it back, and swallowed grimly. Her stomach had been empty to begin with, so already she could feel the heavy effects of the alcohol. The room suddenly spun on her, and she grabbed the table to stay upright, then rested her forehead onto it. This wouldn't be the first time she'd passed out in a bar, and it wouldn't be the last.

She didn't look like she wanted company, but it didn't hurt to ask. )
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Jun. 2nd, 2012


Friday: May 29, 2009

Who: Maggie and Fox
When: Friday evening
Where: Charlie's apartment
What: a short-ish chat

AIM scene that I did NOT clean up.. so get over it )
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Apr. 16th, 2012


Wednesday: May/6/09

Who: Candi and Fox
What: discovering new things
Where: On school grounds
When: Morning
Rating: NSFW

Candi was in an unbelievably good mood, she was sure she had never been this happy, except when she had been pregnant. After she had gotten dressed, the woman ran outside and then ran back inside for a sweater; it was a little chilly when the wind blew. Even that made her smile, temperatures affected her again. When Candi walked outside she immediately lifted her face to the sun and smiled, it felt so good she never wanted it to go away again; but in the pit of her stomach she knew it would.

The non vampire was walking over campus when she saw someone she hadn’t seen in awhile. Fox was leaning against a tree, as far from anyone as he could possibly get. Candi didn’t really think about it she just made her way over to him, thrilled down to her toes with the knowledge she could touch him and it wouldn’t cause any small amount of pain.

Can you not be so happy? )
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Apr. 6th, 2012


Monday April 27th, 2009

Who: Ryan/Fox
What: Pretty much...Sex.
Where: Riley's house.
When: early afternoon.
Warning: NSFW

Fox had left the school to head over to Riley's. He knew it was the middle of the day, but maybe he could surprise the guy into playing hooky this afternoon and shooting some pool or something. Riley was right. They hadn't just hung out for quite awhile.

Driving over, he parked his bike in the garage and let himself in. "Yo! Riley." The guy typically came home for lunch and to check on Mara, right? So he should be around.

I'm not most people star shine. )
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Mar. 8th, 2012


Wednesday 15th April 09

Who: Kate and Fox (Fate? Kox? Both seem appropriate in a way :p)
What: Hanging out.
Where: His room.
When: Wednesday evening.

Fox, alcohol, most likely sex. That sounded like a good way to make the middle of the week more interesting. Kate closed her laptop and stretched. The angel may have been joking about streaking, just as she was about her laundry... well sort of... she really did have next to nothing, but it gave her ideas on how to make him smile.

It was hardly a long walk. Fox's room was only two doors down from hers, so there weren't many people to see her as she unashamedly made her way over there in just bra, panties, and a button up shirt loosely buttoned. She didn't knock since he said the door was open, just walking in and sitting on his bed cross legged. "Hey."
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Feb. 25th, 2012


Friday: April/10/09

Who: Maggie and Fox
When: Friday early evening
Where: Fox's room
What: Maggie practices shifting

AIM scene )
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Feb. 20th, 2012


Thursday, April 9/09

Who: Harlow and Fox
What: Breakfast
Where: Fox's room
When: Morning

Harlow made her way up from the cafeteria to her brother’s room. She had spent twenty minutes in there trying to figure out what Fox would want to have and then just rolled her eyes at herself and thought about him and what he would buy. It didn’t always work like that but with Fox it usually worked well, probably because they were siblings and he didn’t know she was doing it.

So she knocked on his door, armed with extra large coffees, his exactly the way he liked it, hers loaded with flavoured creamer and sugar. And a bag with his favourite breakfasty foods from the cafeteria, or at least she hoped he liked them. Harlow had to knock with her foot a couple of times as she waited for her brother.

Oo! Sprinkles! )
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Feb. 13th, 2012


Sunday, April 5th 2009

Who: Harlow, Fox and Starbuck
What: A first meeting, and a healing
Where: Fox's room
When: Afternoon

Harlow made her way up to Fox’s room, nerves did not even describe how she was feeling at the moment. Her stomach was going to burst with butterflies. The whole way to this school she had been hoping that her half brother would be better than their father. But Harlow didn’t let herself believe that he was, because if he was dick like Chase than at least her heart wouldn’t get broken.

The little blonde rolled her eyes at herself. “Of course your heart will get broken Harlow, he’s all the family you got left.” She said quietly to herself as she stopped in front of his door. Her powers wanted to push into that room ahead of her and find out what he was doing but she held them back since that would have been extremely rude. Harlow knocked on the door and waited, trying not to crumple the letter Chase had given her for Fox in her hands.

She worried about her appearance for a moment, chase had left some spectacular bruises on her wrists, a black eye and a split lip that was just starting to heal. It was her punishment for standing up to him. Hopefully Fox wouldn’t say anything to bad about it.

you’re kinda the only family I have left but I don’t expect shit from you )

Feb. 10th, 2012


Saturday - April 4th, 2009

Who: Charlie, Riley and Fox
When: Night
Where: The Quinn House
What: Naughty Stuff
Rated: NSFW

I want us all to go upstairs. )


Tuesday - March 31st, 2009

Who: Fox and Charlie
When: Afternoon
Where: Salem mostly
What: Talking and walking
Rated: Some of the conversation is pretty NSFW

Well, she went from zero to sixty and back rather quickly. )
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Feb. 6th, 2012


Monday, March 30

Who: Ryan and Fox
Where: Rec center then the bar
When: Monday Night
What: Meeting

Ryan had come to the rec center to take a swim in the pool, the house didn't have a huge one and she wasn't sure if her alternate ego had told Charlie about her or not so the rec center it was. Ryan had lost her sense of direction after she got out of the pool and instead of walking into the hall that lead to the locker room she walked into the weight room. She frowned at herself and was about to walk back to the hall when her foot got caught up in somebody's bag and she ended up falling on top of the weight bench and unfortunately on someone.

Compliments for the girl who tried to kill you? You charmer. )
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Jan. 26th, 2012


Thursday - March 26th, 2009

Who: Candi and Fox
When: Evening
Where: Candi's apartment
What: Sex

her beast was happy with this one )
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Jan. 14th, 2012


Tuesday - March 24th, 2009

Who: Charlie, Riley, Alex and Fox
When: Tuesday Afternoon
Where: Starting off in Riley's office at TJS
What: A freak out!

Charlie Edwards was not very receptive to therapy, a fact that Alex was finding out very quickly. She was stubborn, insanely so, and he had barely managed to get a word out of her this afternoon during their session. But he was still hopeful that he would be able to break through. She wanted to talk. He could tell that much. She just... needed a little time to trust him, that was all.

Alex was just dropping Charlie off on campus since Riley had a few more hours to work. The plan was that Charlie would sit in Riley's office while he did some paperwork and then they would go home together. She had even brought a book to keep her entertained in the meantime, but something happened the very instant that she stepped into the room.

"Hey Riley," Alex said, a smile upon his lips as he stepped into the room. "We made it both in one piece," he teased as he looked over at the girl who was standing beside him staring at Riley as though she was looking through him. He was just about to ask her to step out of the room so that he could talk to Riley alone for a moment before Charlie spoke.

"What the fuck..." The words came out as a whisper, her brow furrowing slightly.

Upon hearing her speak, Alex looked at her, his own brow furrowing with confusion. "Charlie, is everything alright?"

She wasn't even hearing him. Charlie scoffed, opening her mouth as if she were going to speak and then she closed it again. Her face was going red, as it always did when she was angry, her body language tensing up as she stared hard at Riley. "What the fuck?!?! Who the fuck was she?"

Jan. 12th, 2012


Monday 16th March 09

Who: Kate, Fox, and Riley
What: Amused succubus, pretty boys, play.
Where: Riley’s house.
When: Monday evening.
((OOC: Still in progress))

A little bullying the angel into telling her where to go, and making him go with her, and Kate and Fox were headed to the doctor’s house. )
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Jan. 3rd, 2012


Sunday 3/15/09

Who: Riley and Fox
When: Super late-night Sunday/early Mon morning
Where: Riley's House
What: Drinking and angsting

I felt lust, guilt and the need for release..very catholic of you actually. )
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Jan. 2nd, 2012


Wednesday - March 18th, 2009

Who: Charlie, Riley and Fox
When: Mid-morning
Where: Riley's House
What: Craziness
Rated: NSFW maybe

So that's what I am to you? Some sort of cock receptacle you can loan out to your friends?!? )

Dec. 29th, 2011


Thursday: March/6/09 ((backdated for last week))

Who: Maggie and Fox
When: LAST Thursday
Where: Fox's room
What: Maggie gets a lesson of sorts ;)

Maggie was confused by Fox's post. Why did he want cameras installed in another student's room? And why was he complaining about the noise? She noticed comments on his post were equally confusing, and it seemed Fox was unwilling to outright explain it to her. Everyone was dancing around the topic at hand with vague references to whatever was going on. Was it a party? She wanted to know! A party would be fun.

Heading out of her own room, she headed for the older students' dorms and Fox's room. Maggie heard noises that she didn't recognize. Screaming, names, some moaning. She knocked loudly on Fox's door. It sounded like someone might be in trouble! As soon as he opened the door, she looked at him with wide eyes and grabbed his hand. "It sounds like a fight.. or someone hurt. We should go get security to help!" She was genuinely worried. Maybe she should call Uncle Charlie.
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Dec. 16th, 2011


Friday - March 6th, 2009
Who: Riley and Fox
When: Night
Where: Bar/Riley's house
What: Talking/drinking

Riley looked up at the bar and sighed slightly to himself. He was back in Danvers, and everything had changed. He was starting things over again. Someone had let him know Rez had moved on, with a chick no less so he had no choice, he had to move on too. Besides, Riley would only remind Rez of bad things so there was no point in fighting about it. As long as the guy was happy that was all that mattered to Riley...yeah sure it was, he just had to keep telling himself that and maybe one day he would believe it.

Riley walked into the bar and winced at how loud the music was for a second, but then quickly got used to it. How long had it been since he was in a bar? A few years anyways, going through rehab would do that to you...Rez would be so disappointed to know he was going to drink...but fuck it he needed this, and what Rez thought didn't matter right now. The texan walked over to the bar, wiggled his way between a tall blonde and some old guy, ordered a beer and a shot of whiskey. He downed the whiskey and ordered another before starting on his beer.

You say to-may-to, I say to-mah-to )
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Dec. 13th, 2011


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Who: Fox and Kai
When: Evening
Where: Rec Center Pool
What: Random run-in

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Nov. 18th, 2011


Monday- February 22nd, 2009

Who: Fox and Kate
When: After classes
Where: Off campus?
What: Fox is bored and wants to get out

After classes, Fox piddled around in his room checking his favorite sites online, flipping through the TV channels, debating about going to the gym again. The gym. Last time he'd gone he was interrupted by a mouthy blonde with a great ass. It was past time to go see and antagonize Kate again. He had no plans in mind. Just the knowledge that he was bored as hell and wanted something to do with someone fun. Cassie was all up in her boyfriend so he hadn't seen the demon in a couple weeks. It was about time to cause his other friend some trouble.

Throwing on some boots and grabbing a jacket just in case, Fox headed two doors down. He didn't even bother to knock or see if the door was locked. Fox sauntered right in. "C'mon, Remy. Time to get dressed and get the hell out of dodge."
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