MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'peter+parker+%28stnas%29'

Jun. 7th, 2017



[431] Video/ Beach Birthaversary Mingle


Hey guys! It's me again, Becca, back at it with the beach plans for the 'Birthaversary' as I like to call it. There'll be good company and great food at the Beach in Sector 1 all day, so come on out okay? There'll be dancing and beach smores. And gifts for everyone. If that doesn't sell you, let me know what will.

It's also kinda my birthday. You don't wanna disappoint the birthday girl, do you?

[The Beach]

[Rebecca's done her small part in setting up the beach for some all-day fun, from a volleyball net to some (half assed) streamers hanging from the beach huts. There are coolers full of ice and drinks next to a barbecue set up that she's hoping she can con her lovely boyfriend into working at - otherwise it's free grill for those self-inclined. There's food such as salads, burgers, hot-dogs and veggie options ahoy, there's also a ton of pies and cakes contributed by one Charlotte Charles on some set up tables with checkered table cloths. On one such table nearby there is a table of idential bags for guests. Rebecca took some time yesterday to stick random small trinkets and generic gifts in each one so that everyone goes home with something in celebration.

Come nightfall there will be light from some lanterns to set the mood for a warm night by the fires easily lit individually or the larger bonfire that will take place more center stage for smores and general hand-warming. Throughout the day there will be some alcoholic beverages present, but come darker skies it's more liberally passed about in the name of good fun and celebration.]

(Ooc: Comment notifications will be turned off but Rebecca's comment below will be used for network replies. Otherwise, this mingle is open to all for beach birthaversary party shenanigans!)

Jun. 1st, 2017



430 - video/action

[ Yesterday was traumatising. What do we do when things get traumatising? Deflect! Suppress! Build a ridiculous monstrosity with hydraulics and lawnmower engines! Yeah, he's literally spent all day on this thing that the camera is currently focusing on. This highly NSFW thing that shouldn't be viewed at work or around minors even though it contains no actual humans. ]

Yeah, I'm quite proud of this baby. I really think I'm on to the next super weapon here - she's got enough fire power to blast us out of here and all the way to Denny's!

[ He revs the engine a bit, testing how firmly that dildo is attached. Looks good for now. ]

I'm starting an illegal fight ring behind the museum. Bring whatever dildo nunchuck or vibrator taser you can fashion and meet me for some good ol' fashioned butt kicking. Oh, and bring beer!


[ As promised, Deadpool will be lounging around on the lawn behind the museum, fiddling with his gorgeous invention and building a quite frankly frightening assortment of sex toys based weaponry. ]

May. 8th, 2017



427 - Group Therapy Mingle


More linked as they come up!

Turning a New Leaf
Polyamorous Individuals
PTSD and You
Murderers Anonymous
Addicts Anonymous
Counting Days - Managing Life with a Chronic Illness
Phobias and You
Impostor Syndrome
Abandonment Issues

Event info!

Mar. 29th, 2017



Day 421 : Video

I wanted to let everyone know I stepped down from the Defense Force, and I don't think it is going to be continued by anyone at this time. [There's really no reason anyone would have to inform her if they were, but based on the discussions that came out of talking to the other members she didn't think so.] If that changes, or anything similar is created in it's place, I'm sure they'll let you know.

(OOC: If your character was on the Defense Force they already know.)

Mar. 10th, 2017



[417] video

[Welcome to the great beautiful visage that is Spider-man crookedly in frame, or at least what happens to be Peter in a onesie with his mask on and a box of poptarts in hand. It's the only thing he knows is edible, even if it's taking him several minutes (also thoroughly documented) to fumble it in attempts to open the packet after the recording starts.]

Why is this so hard... to... [paper crinkling] Oh, right. Hey, neighborhood Spider friendly man here to ask what's going on, how ya dooooing. [Anyone else suddenly blind? No, maybe that's too forward. Not something to really advertise either. Shit, is he even looking at the lens?] Everyone... good and okay? Awesome. Good to know.

[Still can't open the poptarts. Throws them up in the air in exasperation as he falls backward to lie on the floor in despair.]

Adulthood wasn't supposed to be this hard.

Message for (1) one Deadpool McDeadypools )

Feb. 13th, 2017



415 - closed voice to Spider-Man

[ Guess who's currently hiding out in the bathroom of an apartment that isn't his, quietly freaking the fuck out about what can only be a lapse of judgment. Whether it's his or Kirk's he doesn't know, but he'd really like to phone a friend right now. Please, Regis Philbin. Send him a life line. ]

C'mon, c'mon... pick up, Spidey.

Feb. 6th, 2017



Day 414 - Mistletoe Mingle



Jan. 26th, 2017



412 - closed video


[ Reid has spent some time carefully setting up the encryption, knowing fully well that his attempts to keep this discussion away from from the people that might take it the wrong way may result in them taking it the wrong way, should they ever find out. This is the best way he can think of to discuss this though, as a community and after yesterdays events he feels a stronger need to rally than ever before. 

He's in full on Serious Mode when he clicks on the feed, voice even and confident, perhaps more so than most are used to seeing him. ]

Good afternoon. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Spencer Reid. I'm a member of the Behaviour Analysis Unit of the FBI back home — law enforcement. I used to be part of the Investigative Team- [ Pretty much co-founded it back on day 150. ] - but quit the Force some time ago... and that leads us to what I want to discuss.

As some of you might know, the Defence Force has been controversial for longer than we've been in this prison. I feel, and I doubt I'm alone in this feeling, that it has outgrown its original purpose. There aren't that many of us left, certainly not enough to warrant an internal police force like this. Concerns have been brought up in the past that the Force acts without taking into account the wishes of the rest of the population, with regards to escape plans as well as punishments of our fellow inmates.

This is why I'm addressing you — I want to hear your opinions on the current state of the Defence Force. What is your impression? And, in a broader sense, what do you feel we as a community should do to better protect and care for each other?

Oh, and - please be discreet. I'm not looking to cause trouble with the current leaders of the Force, but I also don't wish to provoke them with this discussion. For the time being, please keep this between us.

[ Video - Chekov ]

Chekov - a word?

[ Video - Karev ]

Hey, uhm... Alex? Can I talk to you?

Jan. 23rd, 2017



Day 412 The rewind

[Video/Action | OPEN]
So that...happened.

I've been here for awhile and for those of you who are on the newer side of things, I wish I had some keen insight for you, but that's just one of the games they play. It was kind of a remix of some of their old ones. [She's seen people remember more future before and seen people think they were connected to others in new ways. She had a husband for a day once before.] I think it's just important to remember who you are without their toying and lean on people when you need to. We're in this together.

I don't think what we saw was a real future even if parts of it seemed like they were. There were some conflicting outlooks. Of course, that hasn't stopped me from trying to remember exactly how we overthrew them in mine. [It hasn't stopped her from thinking about a lot of things it brought up.]

Anyway... [She hopes you're all okay. She would have been better at saying that yesterday when it was still twenty years from now. So, she just ends the feed there and you might find her out and about looking particularly thoughtful. Maybe absently walking through solid objects including you! As one does.]

[Action | Closed to Chekov]
[Before her broadcast or any other calls there is just a girl waking up next to a boy. Everything feels right at first. She snuggles closer and the details don't feel important. Are they still in the future? Was yesterday a dream or an experiment? It doesn't matter yet. She's only half awake and warm and comfortable.]

[Video | Closed to Jack]
Hey, so, how are things? [Concerned but also unsure how to ask if yesterday ruined his relationships for real.]

[Video | Closed to Ianto]
Need a coffee? [Code for "let's talk."]



412 - open/closed action/video


[ Okay so, yesterday was a thing. A thing that may or may not happen two decades in the future and as nice as it was to walk around out of the mask that's not something Wade is at all willing or able to unpack just yet. Nope nope, he's going to continue as if nothing has happened at all, violently pretending that yesterday wasn't even a thing. That's cool, right?

You can bump into him as he goes through his errands for the day, in full Deadpool regalia, picking up a fancy dessert and a pan of frozen lasagna for what can only be assumed is going to be a super hot date. ]


[ Ring ring bananaphone. ]

Hey babe, want to come over tonight? My parents aren't home.

Jan. 19th, 2017



[411] action/ voice


[Coffee Stop]

[Mutated genes make for slow aging, but it does strike its course with a few laugh lines and the threat of silver in his hair. Nothing dramatic, and honestly he'd take that over a receding hairline any day, so he's really had no reason to complain. There's this slow misery that settled for a while here however, from about when he realized he's most certainly outlived aunt May, that's given him a strong sense of futility. That and that MJ and Harry were somewhere in the ether too, lost to him. He wondered about them often but there wasn't anything he could do to connect with them, despite all efforts. So for the last five years in particular he's tried to start saying goodbye to it. To them. Like he said goodbye to the suit not long before that.

People didn't need Spider-Man here. They took care of themselves, they rose up to do it and there was no need to hide his face when the influxes stopped. When the risks of overlapping his home timeline stopped being risks, when he was older and grew closer to a lot of people with similarities that made him no longer the freak. He was Spider-Man, and now he's just Peter Parker. And he's okay with that. The biting sarcasm, dry wit, it melded with his real persona and simmered down at around the same time he stepped up to be a mentor, a teacher and a tutor.

The days were definitely more low key now and that was... a challenge, to start. But he's filled his time with studying and in turn, the teaching. A curriculum of which he's updating on his laptop, a cup of coffee in arm's reach. Dressed a little better these days, he's rocking his old glasses less for need and more for the image. The "I'm totally put together" false image.]


I was thinking of putting together a lecture tomorrow for anyone who's interested in reviewing some sweet, sweet intros into Human Genetics. Or Microbiology. Or both, for twice the fun. [Dry; he's not expecting anyone to show, in all honesty, but if he's going to brush up on topics he might as well have a purpose.] Tutoring gets shoved back a day, but if that's gravely concerning we can negotiate something if you really want to impair my social life that bad.

[A pause, then a hiss as his train of thought completely derails.] Wade, did you not fix the sink? I asked you yesterday.

Nov. 28th, 2016



DAY 404 - Mingle


(Event Info)

Oct. 31st, 2016



Day 400 — Spooky Anniversary Mingle


(( OOC: Happy Halloween - sort of! EVENT INFO ))

Oct. 3rd, 2016



DAY 396 — Rhyme Mingle


((ooc: EVENT INFO ))

Sep. 12th, 2016



Day 393 - voice + action;

[ It's a few hours after daypost when a, to some, familiar voice comes over the network. Voice only, this time, very deliberately so. There's been a need for adjustment. ]

Heeeey, so... look who got picked up for a sequel! Yeah yeah, I know... I shouldn't be surprised, what with all this charm and charisma. There's still about a million things I'd rather do than be here, including pulling out every single pube on my balls with a tweezer - no offence, of course. It's not you, it's me. Where was I...

Right! Big guns. Things that go boom. Will settle for something long and sharp, if you know what I'm saying. Any progress on that? It's been like... a while since I asked.

[ Locked to Spider-Man. ]

[ Usually he'd go to Weasel for this sort of thing but of course he's nowhere to be seen so- ]

Hey, Spidey. You around? I have a problem.

[Action ]

[ This is pretty much the worst case scenario and despite the reconciliation with Vanessa, Wade is feeling way too exposed here. He knows what he looks like and maybe she can get drunk enough to love an incestuous pizza face but he has a feeling he won't get as lucky with a dome full of strangers. He needs his suit, but until then he needs a temporary concealment. Back to his roots, to hoodies and balaclavas, one problem at the time.

He stealths through the dome to the best of his abilities, which isn't a lot all things considered. You can't sneak in a bright orange jumpsuit, but he gives it a damn good try, aiming for the nearest clothing store where he can cover the hell up. ]

Aug. 23rd, 2016



390 - video

I'm usually not a fan of bottle episodes but I guess I can make an exception just this one time. You got the scenery right at least, so much better than, say, a basement. You got a Gilligan's Island thing going on here, except I don't have to choose if I want to jerk off to Ginger or the Professor. Lots of extras out there, I've noticed. Guess someone did the work for a big budget, huh? If you catch my drift.

So. I only have one question. Where do you keep the really big guns? I have an itch that only a semi-automatic can scratch.

Oh, and while I'm at it – any X-men out there or is this another instance of you not making the cut?

((ooc: as some of you may know, Deadpool has the superpower of the 4th wall break. If you don't want me to 4th wall your character (i.e. treat them as fictional) tell me in the comment and I'll lay off it! ))

Jun. 21st, 2016





[Private to members of the Defense Force, Spencer Reid & Himself (Spooderman)]

So um, hi guys...

Not that anyone's panicking or anything. But uh, just for the curious... At what point are we going to start panicking? Asking for a friend.

Should someone come up with a PSA before people turn storefronts into disasters out of Black Friday shopping videos? Y'know, shoving each other and pulling hair, yanking flashlights out of kids hands, knocking over...

[Not important.] Not critiquing! Just suggesting.

Jun. 13th, 2016



Day 380: open video / open action - afternoon

[Damon is bored. BOOOOOOOOOOORED. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORED. Which is why he posts this video from the Blood Shack.]

Well, since the whole point of these social networks is to whine about your stupid problems, I guess I might as well join the "cool kids" [exaggerated air quotes] and complain about the shitty service we've been getting. Where are all our little robot slaves, picking up the trash? And why didn't anyone tell me they were cutting off my blood shipments?

Speaking of which, the Blood Shack is hiring. Servers. [There's a bit of a fang in his smile; you can probably guess how exactly you'll be serving.]

[posted a few minutes later]

I can't believe I forgot to post a pointless picture of my lunch that nobody cares about! Here it is.

Hashtag Delicious.

[ open action ]
[Damon is hanging out at the Blood Shack, bored and restless and cranky. Bother him at your own risk.]

Apr. 20th, 2016




A little thing like rain isn't going to stop Kara — or rather, Supergirl, clad in a makeshift costume — from soaring up into the sky and doing a few laps around the island to both in attempt to better understand this place and stretch her freshly (re)superpowered legs. And while she's getting something of a feel for her limitations, exploring the dome more thoroughly than she was able to yesterday is providing her with far more questions than it is answers.

She can be found throughout the day flying around various sectors — from stopping by the Athletic Complex to pick up a few barbells (effortlessly, and perhaps all at once), to roasting some of the Shooting Range's marshmallows with her heat vision, to stopping by the Sizzle & Sear to grab something to eat, and even taking the time to walk through the museum's pig exhibit.

"I will never look at bacon the same way again."

Apr. 11th, 2016



day 371; video;

[Bruce is not amused for a variety of reasons not least of all that he has more important things to be doing. Whatever that person showed him, the future, a dream, he isn't sure what but something's coming and he needs to be finding the other people like Diana to help.

But instead he's here. In prison. He's usually the one putting people in prison. (Well, Arkham is more of an asylum than traditional prison but close enough.)

In any case, he puts on his public persona before opening up the video, at least it's a mask he's used to wearing.

I have to wonder if everyone's list of crimes are quite as colorful as mine is -- if I didn't know better I might think someone was trying to slander my good name.

[Actually, most of them are right but people don't need to know that. Bruce Wayne is totally not Batman.]

Perhaps you've heard of me, Bruce Wayne, the owner of Wayne Enterprises in Gotham City. I will admit I've had a shall we say colorful reputation over the years but I would hardly think it warrants being imprisoned.

I'd ask how one gets out of this place but if that was possible I'm sure none of you would be here still. Of course, if I'm wrong in that assumption, please let me know. I have things I need to attend to back home.

[There's a smarmy sort of smile as he thinks of how to end this message. ]

If there's anything you think I should know about this place, please enlighten me, I'm all ears.