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Dec. 30th, 2009


Wednesday March 5th 2008

Who: Jack and Ami
Where: The library
When: Mid-afternoon...ish?
What: Working on their partner-project for Belle's class.

Jack hadn't tried to contact Ami much after the last time they had gotten together. The strange way she had run out on him, cell phone in hand, confused him. He assumed it was safer to do what he originally intended, which was do most of the work himself, then deliver it, have her finish or fix whatever she liked, since she seemed so very interested in it, and be on his way. So this morning he had sent her two messages via AIM and waited for any semblance of a reply before starting his day. The basic gist being "work's done, meet me in the library."

He already had everything laid out for her arrival. Not only had he bookmarked exact quotes with post-it tags, (Rae's idea, he would thank her later), but he'd typed up a short outline for each part of the project that would talk about various myths. The outlines all matched in order between the Myth itself > the geographical origin > religious/beliefs that spurred it > accounts of disproving, etc etc. It was extremely organized, despite the typos and spilled salsa sauce on a lot of the pages. He even had a CD made up with the same outlines on out. She could take it and do whatever she wanted with it. The introduction and conclusion of the project was her job. He'd already decided. He sucked at them, and refused.
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Dec. 22nd, 2009


Thursday, March 6, 2008

Who: Fox and Jack
When: Thursday morning
Where: The gym
What: Fox is spoiling for a good workout: a fight.

Fox had no reason to be up this early. He didn't have class until 2:30 in the afternoon, for Christ's sake, and yet he found himself just after breakfast wide awake. He'd already gotten up, dressed and eaten, hoping that he would somehow be able to lull himself back to sleep on his semi-comfortable mattress. It'd been 30 minutes and not a damned thing had happened. Sitting up and grabbing his bag with his gym clothes he tossed on a jacket, not the leather one since that hadn't gotten cleaned yet, and headed out, intending to head to the gym and make himself tired. He had found three ways over the years to make himself tired. Get fucked senseless, get completely wasted, and a hearty workout. Well, there was no woman handy, he had no liquor since he hadn't gone to the store yet, so the only option available was the gym. Fox was starting to become quite the regular there.

Finally making his way to the building, he headed to the locker rooms and changed, coming out with a water bottle and an mp3 player. Slipping the earbuds into his ears, he checked out the room. Not many people here. Most were probably in class anyways. There looked to be a couple familiar faces, but unless they approached him, he'd leave them alone. He hit the play button and Celldweller started blasting into his ears. Smiling and nodding to the beat, Fox did a couple stretches then reached for the 40 pound weights. Some curls sounded like a good idea for a start.
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Dec. 20th, 2009


Wednesday 5th March 2008

Who: Rae, Fox, and maybe Jack, later
When: After art meeting in the late afternoon, probably close to dinner time
Where: Outside, in a secluded spot, but obviously not TOO secluded.
What: Fox almost sees Jack's little sister naked. Almost.

Cold. Fucking cold. Changing inside was impossible, though, so she didn't spend time dwelling as she dressed as quickly as she possibly could. Although a delicate beauty of a white tailed deer had squeezed itself past a narrow opening on the side of the education building, using shadows and the far, unpopulated side as a cover, in a few minutes a young woman would emerge.

First, though, she needed to stop being naked. Rae hated the fact she couldn't change with her clothes, but that, too, wasn't worth dwelling on as the fact was unchangeable. So instead, completely naked, she hissed out a curse and set to dressing as quickly as possible. All of her clothing had been stashed her during her jaunt. It was rare for anyone to be back here unless they were smoking or buying unmentionable things. She knew that there was a chance she'd be caught naked, but then, that was a chance all shifters took. Generally, as a shifter, you needed to be okay with the fact at some point a complete stranger would see your bare ass.

She pulled her tee shirt over a black and pink leopard print bra, then reached for her coat. It was fucking cold!
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Dec. 16th, 2009


Wednesday: Feb/27/08

Who: Starbuck and Jack (maybe Meike later)
When: Wednesday evening
Where: the garage
What: Starbuck checks the repair progress on his car.

Seeing as how Meike had special powers where mechanics were concerned, Starbuck really didn't expect it to take this long to fix the damage done to his car. He might have been more understanding if he had some sort of rare vehicle, but it was a Honda. He could have stolen all the necessary parts from any shopping mall parking lot if necessary! Maybe Meike's connection to machines made her work slower, because she treated them more like people than inanimate objects. He supposed if that were the case, then he could understand, as he felt that way about sea creatures when many did not.

Hoping to find a fully repaired car, Starbuck left Kamea in Frankie's very capable hands and went down to the garage Wednesday evening. He didn't know a lot about car maintenance, though his father had taught him the basics. He could change tires, oil, and a few other parts and fluids, but he was no mechanic. Still, he knew enough to not feel completely out of his element while surrounded by metal and exhaust fumes.

Instead of finding Meike working on his car, he spotted a man. It took a moment for him to put a name to the face. "Jack?"
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Dec. 9th, 2009


Friday: Feb/29/08

Who: Nox and Jack
When: Friday evening
Where: upper level of the rec center
What: playing basketball

Nox didn't teach any classes on Friday, but he held office hours in the morning. Thankfully, he wasn't forced to deal with anything major today, because his head was a mess. He was worried about Dante and Roger. Having mini strokes thinking about the possibility that Elle might be pregnant with his child. And then there was the fight he'd had with Adora regarding both. To make matters worse, he hadn't discussed these problems with either Katie or Belle, and he felt both were entitled to know how monstrous he'd been. Though he couldn't see them right now, and had even canceled plans to spend this evening with Belle. There was also a creeping dread that his days at this school were numbered. Hope was sure to fire him.

The afternoon was spent cleaning, because it was the one thing Nox could do well when he was under duress. His campus apartment was immaculate to start with, but the countertops looked like they'd been polished by God's hand by the time he was finished, and Nox didn't even believe in a god.

He ran out of things to clean, so he changed into his work out clothes and headed to the recreation center. Sometimes when he was upset, he ran laps around the track. Other times, he would lift weights. But right now, he needed to remember how his life had once been. When he was still on the force and struggling with problems, usually work related, he and Hale would play basketball. It allowed them to take out their frustrations on one another productively, and often an answer would come to him in the end.

Nox began shooting hoops, stretching his distance from the basket with each shot. He rarely missed, but one shot circled the lip and was thrown sideways. It rolled across the court toward the feet of an approaching man. Nox jogged over. "Sorry," he said gruffly.
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Dec. 8th, 2009


Tuesday, Feb 26th 2008

Who: Jack and Ami
Where: The library.
When: After classes!
What:  Jack comes bearing gifts, and to work on the vampire presentation he has to do with Ami.

Jack was prompt and on time, as he had promised. He hadn't meant to really upset her so much yesterday. She had pushed his buttons though, just a little, with her little joke about he not knowing where the library was. It was unfair of her to assume that just because he didn't want to pounce on the project like a lion on a zebra, he was stupid and lazy. It was just..he had better things to do.

A temper that flashed so hot often died quickly, though, and now, twenty-four hours later, he was smiling and amused at the prospect of speaking to her again. He wondered if she too had forgotten, or if she held a probably feminine grudge. He hoped to ameloriate it with Doritos and mini-muffings (all the school store really had to offer, at the moment, and the cafeteria was too far away). 

He approached her from behind, hoping the number of people and old stained books in the library might throw his scent off. He wanted to surprise her. When he was close enough so that a gentle throw wouldn't scare the hell out of her, he chucked the bag of minimuffins in the middle of the table, and waited for her to turn around. He was grinning.
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Nov. 30th, 2009


Friday - Feb. 23rd, 2008

Who: Jack and Ingrid
When: Friday Night (After Curfew)
Where: The woods outside of the school.
What: Someone's been bad!

She had arrived and she had settled into a room. It wasn't too shabby of a place. The bed was comfortable and there was running water. Already it had a few up on the last place she had been staying. But Ingrid was never the type to be able to simply sit and be still, especially not at night. So shortly after the last of her things were unpacked, she tucked her lighter and her cigarettes into the top of her black boot and pulled on her worn black leather jacket before sneaking out of the building and onto the grounds where she could have a walk and a little time alone with her thoughts.

The feeling was stronger than she could have ever imagined being this close to him. It was like she could feel the very blood pulsing through his veins, like she could hear the sound of his faint, almost non-existent, heartbeat over the sound of everything else. It was almost torture... And she liked it.

Eventually she found herself perched upon a tree branch, feet dangling as she took drag after drag off of her cigarette. Her eyes were focused upon a light in the distance, in a single window of the main building where she knew he presently was. But in spite of this focus, she still felt it when the man began to approach. And she pulled her legs up onto the branch with her, hidden in the shadows of the tree, dark eyes watching the figure that was lit rather clearly by the light of the waning moon.

It wasn't until the man began to tug off his shirt that Ingrid decided to make her presence known. The sound of her boots hitting the ground as she jumped down from the tree was louder than it should have been in contrast to the silence of the night around them. "Nice abs," she remarked cooly as she exhaled the last drag of her cigarette and dropped the remnants to the ground, crushing it with the toe of her boot.
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Nov. 22nd, 2009


Thursday, Feb 21 2008

Who: Rae, Jack, and OPEN (to more than one person)
When: evening
Where: Rec Hall
What: The siblings went to movie night for all the nonlycans! Well, Jack WENT, Rae was forced to come along.

Jack had shown up at Rae's room to force her to get dressed and go. So what if it was a little lame to attend a function put together by the school for the kids. At least it meant he could get out of his tiny room! Also, it meant Rae had to sign off the goddamn computer, so he considered it a plus. If the movies completely sucked, at least they could make fun of them together. Mocking things was one of the siblings' favorite activities.

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Nov. 21st, 2009


Monday, Feb 18th

Who: Jack and Xander
Where: Their room
When: Monday Evening after practice
Rating: PG13 more than likely, given two jocks and their language.

After the weekend had gone by, Xander was almost looking forward to school again. The album he had been working on was nearly finished. He had some ideas for the remaining songs, and the rest of his band had given him raw works that he could easily work into the main picture. Even his agent had been useful, which wasn’t always something that he could say. Agents were agents, after all, and didn’t always have the band’s best interests in their mind, since they had to run a business.

His dorm room would be just like all of the others with, perhaps, one minor exception. Against one wall would have a pair of guitars resting against it. One was electric and a deep shade of blue. The other was more classical, wood and brown in color. The demon’s desk next to them would have a piece of hardware for a computer that most wouldn’t have seen, since very few people really had need of a musical I/O device. Both that, and the laptop resting in front of it, would definitely look high tech and quite professional.

Xander wouldn’t even pay attention to who else might be in the room when he arrived. His gym bag was tossed to the side, he would have to get the contents washed in the morning. His hair was even still wet from the pool he had just come from. Without so much as a glance around the room, he had no real reason to expect anyone else to be there, after all, he walked over toward his own bed and threw himself onto it with an exhausted sigh, though he had a grin on his lips as he did so.
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Nov. 19th, 2009


Thursday: Feb/21/08

Who: Jack and Meike (and Simon, later!)
What: Cars you say? Motorcycles? Er?
Where: The Garage
When: Afternoon

Jack was figuring Meike was a six foot two Amazon sort of woman. The kind with questionable fuzz on their upper lip and scary eyebrows. Charlie's commentary of her being "all woman" had been taken light heartedly. After all, Meike had said herself that when she wasn't in the garage, she was in the library. Not that there was anything wrong with smart girls! They could be hot!

He approached the garage slowly, bookbag slung over one shoulder, and then quickened his pace to walk right in. He couldn't smell anyone; the scent of oil and exhaust was overwhelming. "Hello?" he called, swiveling his head. "Uh, Meike?" He pronounced it "My-kee."
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