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Jan. 14th, 2012


Monday - March 23rd, 2009

Who: Charlie and Riley
When: Morning
Where: The house and the mall
What: Shopping

In progress )

Jan. 12th, 2012


Monday 16th March 09

Who: Kate, Fox, and Riley
What: Amused succubus, pretty boys, play.
Where: Riley’s house.
When: Monday evening.
((OOC: Still in progress))

A little bullying the angel into telling her where to go, and making him go with her, and Kate and Fox were headed to the doctor’s house. )
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Jan. 9th, 2012


Saturday - March 21st, 2009

Who: Charlie and Riley
When: Late Saturday Morning
Where: The House
What: Conversation

You're not a social moron, you're an asshole. )


Thursday March 19th 2009

Who: Riley, Godric (and later Jane)
What: Meeting and drinking and wishing
Where: Godric's office on campus
When: Early evening
Rating: TBD
Note: Completed here

What a week. Godric had stayed on campus tonight simply because he didn't feel like going home and diving headfirst into the madness that was awaiting him. Wesley was in a bit of a mess (to say the least), and not only was he going out this evening with a ver unpaletable person, but he had yet another engagement the following night. Not to mention, of course, the heartache and misery that Hope always brought into the house in one form or another. Then there was Blake, who had taken on his role of Mother a bit too well. Plus the six children had adapted nicely to their new home which meant they were behaving like children, which meant they were running around like mad people and making more noise than an insane asylum. Godric needed a break, and he needed time to brood and think withou Blake pestering him about what was wrong and mothering him and acting like such a woman about it that Godric didn't even know what to do.

So like a mature, responsible adult, he was hiding where no one would look for him and drinking a nicely aged scotch with a sensible shot glass. And he was listening to The Counting Crows, a nice morose melody (Long December to be precise) to accompany the broodfest. The music was a bit louder than he normally would play it, but he was pretty sure no one was down here at this time of night. Pretty sure.
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Saturday: March/21/09

Who: Remington and Riley
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: Riley's house
What: Remington owes his brother an apology

Remington believed strongly in always doing what was right, which was why he'd been angry with his brother over sleeping with patients and the incident with Charlie and Fox. It was also why he knew he had to see his brother in person to apologize for losing his temper. Yes, what Riley did was wrong, but Remington took things too far and knew it. He had no doubt that he'd sounded just like his father as he yelled at Riley. What a great way to try and rebuild their relationship... by making Riley have flashbacks.

On Friday, Riley had finally gotten around to buying a vehicle. He was sick of taking taxi cabs everywhere, and he needed something to drive. So he'd gone to a local dealer and purchased a truck. It wasn't fancy, but he didn't really do fancy. Remington was all about functionality. This got him where he needed to go and felt more like the armored cars he was used to than the average sedan did. An actual Humvee wasn't practical for civilians. The truck suited him well enough.

The F150 rolled up to Riley's house Saturday afternoon, and with some additional effort, Remington climbed out and headed for the door with a slight limp. The man took what was intended to be a cleansing breath before he rang the doorbell.

Jan. 3rd, 2012


Sunday 3/15/09

Who: Riley and Fox
When: Super late-night Sunday/early Mon morning
Where: Riley's House
What: Drinking and angsting

I felt lust, guilt and the need for release..very catholic of you actually. )
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Jan. 2nd, 2012


Saturday March 21, 2009

Who: Finn and Riley
What: Finn needs someone to tell him it's okay
Where: Riley's house
When: 3 a.m.

Yeah, I know. He's alive though. He proved it by beating the shit out of me )
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Wednesday - March 18th, 2009

Who: Charlie, Riley and Fox
When: Mid-morning
Where: Riley's House
What: Craziness
Rated: NSFW maybe

So that's what I am to you? Some sort of cock receptacle you can loan out to your friends?!? )

Dec. 31st, 2011


Tuesday: March/17/09

Who: Riley and Lloyd
When: Tuesday afternoon.
Where: In Lloyd's office.
What: a first meeting and therapy session.

Riley made his way down the familiar hall towards the psychiatrist's offices but didn't turn into his own door, he continued on and stopped in front of Lloyd's. Talking to another doctor, telling them his story again was something that would be hard for Riley and then to work with them could create a hard situation for himself but he needed this. If Riley didn't do this he might fall apart again and he had one very good reason not to do that, his daughter...he would not let her down the way he let down other people in his life.

He took in a small breath and let it out quickly before knocking on the door, he had no idea what to expect but he hoped he would be as comfortable with Lloyd as he had been with Alex.
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Dec. 30th, 2011


Sunday 3/15/09

Who: Riley and Remington
When: Sunday night
Where: Riley's house
What: Family dinner
{not finished}

Dinner was almost finished, the steaks were on the barbecue, the veggies were still roasting, and his potatoes were on a different grill finishing up. Riley was almost as excited as his daughter about Remington coming over, he hated that he moved out so soon, it was almost like Remy had run away from him again in a way. But Riley wasn't saying anything about it because he knew it was his own insecurities that made him feel that way.

Riley looked around his kitchen for the fifth time, trying to find his beer and it seemed to have been lost to the black hole that his kitchen had become. He had wanted to cook this dinner for his big brother himself, so he had told Mara's nanny that he didn't need her help. Which he really didn't...but for cleaning up he just might. Mara ran in for the twentieth time and asked if uncle Remy was here yet. Riley was about to say no when he heard a car pulling in.

Dec. 18th, 2011


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Who: Remington and Riley
When: Sunday, March 8, 2009
Where: starting at Walter Reed in Maryland
What: reunion

Remington was very nervous about his baby brother’s arrival. They hadn’t seen each other since the day Remington walked out of their shitty Texas home. Looking back would have been a mistake. But that wasn’t to say Remington didn’t keep tabs on his family. He did his best, and he’d even sent money to his brother and sister. He cared about them, but he couldn’t stay there. He was a danger to them, and he needed a fresh start. He had to get out.

The military had been good for Remington until his service landed him in this hospital with other wounded service members. But Remington was lucky by comparison. He hadn’t lost any limbs in the blast. The shrapnel left him scarred up pretty bad, and he’d suffered a lot of internal injuries from the force of the explosion, but he was healing. The marks would always be visible, but he could walk, talk, and continue on with his life. Problem was.. Remington didn’t know a life outside the Marines.

The Post Traumatic Stress Disorder had rendered him ineligible to return to active duty. He could have taken a desk job, but that wasn’t of interest to Remington. He’d go nuts if forced to sit still for hours on end. It was all or nothing for him, so he received an honorable discharge. Being a civilian felt really fucking weird, especially for a man who had avoided living in the US for nearly all of his adult life. He’d never even had a home that wasn’t on a base. Now he was unemployed, still a bit banged up, and waiting for what was sure to be a very awkward reunion with his brother.

Hospital rules, he had to be escorted out of the building in a wheelchair. While Remington was a little on the slow side still, he could walk, so he felt like an ass sitting in the chair in his room. He had too much pride for this.

He stared down at his hands, which had a few scars of their own and were very calloused, only looking up when he heard footsteps.

I like to flirt and I still love boobs, besides it made her freaking day. )

Dec. 16th, 2011


Friday - March 6th, 2009
Who: Riley and Fox
When: Night
Where: Bar/Riley's house
What: Talking/drinking

Riley looked up at the bar and sighed slightly to himself. He was back in Danvers, and everything had changed. He was starting things over again. Someone had let him know Rez had moved on, with a chick no less so he had no choice, he had to move on too. Besides, Riley would only remind Rez of bad things so there was no point in fighting about it. As long as the guy was happy that was all that mattered to Riley...yeah sure it was, he just had to keep telling himself that and maybe one day he would believe it.

Riley walked into the bar and winced at how loud the music was for a second, but then quickly got used to it. How long had it been since he was in a bar? A few years anyways, going through rehab would do that to you...Rez would be so disappointed to know he was going to drink...but fuck it he needed this, and what Rez thought didn't matter right now. The texan walked over to the bar, wiggled his way between a tall blonde and some old guy, ordered a beer and a shot of whiskey. He downed the whiskey and ordered another before starting on his beer.

You say to-may-to, I say to-mah-to )
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Jun. 5th, 2011


Thursday - December 4th, 2008

who: rez and riley
when: evening
where: shack on school grounds
what: revisiting the good old days

You're pretty cool, you know, for a gay guy and all that. )
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Thursday - December 4th, 2008

who: cassidy and riley
when: afternoon
where: his office
what: therapy
note: aim scene

What's with the gummy bears? Think they make you more accessible or something? They don't. They make you look like you just got your degree from inside a Cracker Jack box. )
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May. 1st, 2011


Friday November 21, 2008 Phone

Who: Riley and Rorie
What: First Session
Where: Riley off campus office
When: Mid-morning

He's a hell hound and he's a very dominant person, while I like that. . . I just don't like it all the time. In small doses. I know what he can do and what he's capable of and while I like him as a friend, I don't think I'll ever love him like I will Garret. )
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Apr. 17th, 2011


Sunday - November 9th, 2008

Who: Riley and Rez
When: Early Morning
Where: Riley's House
What: Conversation
Rated: Somewhat NSFW

Didn't really wanna think about you after the way things went down but... You crossed my mind. )
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Apr. 6th, 2011


Saturday - November 8th, 2008

Who: Rez and Riley
When: Evening
Where: Campus then Riley's house
What: They face the aftermath of the incident.

I can't stay here tonight. I... I'ma have to go somewhere. A hotel, your place, somewhere, just not here. )
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Apr. 3rd, 2011


Saturday - November 8th, 2008

Who: Finn and Rez then Riley
When: Afternoon into later afternoon
Where: Rez's dorm and the water tower
What: Conversation turns into a crazy mess.
Warning: Sexual Content, Self-Harm and Violence

Don't say that. Don't ever say that. )
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Mar. 21st, 2011


Saturday - October 31st, 2008

Who: The Whole School
What: Halloween Festivities
Where: The Whole School
When: Evening into the night

What was once a place of learning had quickly been transformed into an almost unrecognizable playground. The staff, as they had done at the back to school mixer, had gone to great lengths to create a Halloween Party that would make any but the most stubborn of people leave their problems back home. From the commons room, to the facilities, to the very grounds themselves, everything was being utilized to provide the most extravagant celebration many of the new students would ever have seen.

The commons room was being utilized as a cinema for the evening, playing a mixture of classic, and modern horror movies, from Frankenstein and the Wolf man, to the recently released remake of Halloween. There was also a list so students could make requests if there wasn’t enough interest in any of the movies being shown.

As per the last celebration, their were many areas for students to enjoy a wide variety of music, with a techno style dance club in the dance studio, complete with lack light and disco balls and a personal DJ. The pool was filled with floating candles and flowers, with soft music produced by a string quartet wafting through the room, and the music room was home to a small dance floor which was driven by a man playing graceful classic tunes on the piano.

In the lounge of the rec hall, there were various games for any willing participants, including bobbing for apples, and a game where you could supposedly tell the first initial of the person you were destined to marry by how the skin fell when peeling an apple. There were also fortune tellers and palm readers, real of course. After all, in a school that catered to such gifts, it was easy to stir up a few willing participants. There was also a wide variety of Fall themed treats, not only candy but also traditional pumpkin stuffs, and other like dishes.

However, the main attraction was a haunted house trail that ran the length of the grounds, and which had a few special surprises put in place by the staff. Though, of course, the goal wasn’t to completely terrify the students, it certainly would not be your normal haunted house trail, and there was a posted sign warning those less brave of students to not risk the terrors that awaited within.

Mar. 16th, 2011


Friday - October 31st, 2008

Who: Rez and Riley Quinn
When: Afternoon
Where: Outside then Riley's office
What: Rez encounters a blast from his past.

They'll hire anybody here. )
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