MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'rebecca+crane'

Jun. 15th, 2015



Day 328: Video | Open (assorted closed)

[Early | Video | Closed to Ton]
Hey... How are you? [She'd scanned the network hoping to see Chuck cheerfully telling people not to worry, but with no such report, she assumed she needed to get to him. Make sure he was surviving.]

[Voice | Open]
I just wanted to thank everyone for how you handled the flood. You came together to watch out for each other and keep as many people safe as possible. [The ones they lost still weigh on her even if at least one is back and breathing already.]

I can be pretty demanding when things are bad, and I usually forget to be appreciative and encouraging the rest of the time. But I am even when I don't show it. [This isn't an easy speech for her. It's hard to be open. She's learned with a handful of people. A handful that feels like it's always shrinking. So, it felt like it was time to let more in and time to motivate in a new way. This place can drag you down too easily. And after watching Ton lose Chuck—even temporarily—it felt like time to say things that should be said.]

If you're wondering why I didn't filter this to the Defense Force, it's because we're all in this together whether you're on the team or not. We don't have a lot here, but we have each other. That's how we're going to get through this. It doesn't mean it's easy. It's just what we're going to do.

So, thanks and that's it.

[Video | Closed to Rebecca and Carol]
You guys want to go to a bar or something tonight? Or hang out here? It's a new here. I just moved to the sector 4 apartments.



Day 328 // voice //open & closed

[ It's been awhile since he addressed the network, but long time watchers may notice that there's a quiet kind of determination seeping into the young doctors shoulders. It's not the ideal day to do this on, but if he doesn't do this now he'll chicken out. ]

It's been a long time coming, but... consider this my official resignation from the Defence Force. Effective immediately. That's all.

[ Locked to Rebecca ]

Rebecca? A word?

[ Locked to Nathan. ]

I'm picking out an apartment today. There'll be a room for you, should you want it.



DAY 328 — Morning Greeting

Good morning, inmates. Today is day [ 328 ] of the first generation. The weather scheduled for today is [ warm and sunny ].

We apologize for the [ weather related malfunction ] yesterday and assure you that it has been corrected. Please be careful as you make your way outside, as some areas may still have excess moisture. Your safety and well being is very important to us.

The following inmates have been found guilty of breaking the [ facility rules ]. Full details of their punishment will be transmitted to their devices shortly.

Charlotte Charles : Death.
Sarah Williams: Death

New inmates will be arriving in the facility shortly. Please be aware of this disturbance as you go about your day and help them get started on their [ rehabilitation ]. We value your cooperation.

Have a nice day.

[ And like always, we end this message with a jaunty tune! You're welcome. ]

(OOC: Kiosk requests will be handled by Conscienti unless otherwise requested! Warden request post is HERE for your convenience! Mail submissions go here! )

Jun. 8th, 2015



327 - Flood Event Mingle

[ Perhaps you're a really strong swimmer. Perhaps you've found a canoe to paddle around in, unhooked a door to recreate the ending of Titanic. Perhaps breathing isn't a necessity for you. Perhaps you're already doomed to drown. Whichever your situation, there's one thing for certain.

The rain isn't stopping. ]

((ooc: EVENT POST! Remember that death is, if not permanent, still cause for a punishment! ))

May. 25th, 2015



Day 325 [video : open]

Tyki Mikk is no longer in the prison. [She contemplates openly sharing that the Defense Force might be responsible for this, but she doesn't, mostly because too much is unknown. It was not what they intended nor was it what they seemed to have achieved in their attempt. Neither was everyone's powers changing yesterday, but that might be on them too. Or it was just the wardens playing games again.

Leading a team is something she understands. Communication with the people they are protecting is newer. She's not about to miss Lacus, but sometimes she misses having a public relations coordinator even if it sounded ridiculous at first.]

And I need to help people with their chores, so...there's that. [Three people specifically. It's her punishment for the hacking.] Tell me what you need done.

May. 11th, 2015



Day 323 [Video (closed to DF) | action (open)]

[Video encrypted to Defense Force]
We've been working on a solution to our Tyki problem for awhile. We have a lot of partial ideas instead of a slamdunk, but it's time to make one of them work whether it wants to or not.

We're taking his noah. That's the part of him that drives him to murder and gives him his powers. What's left should be a regular man with a lot of bad memories. [Her voice gets a little softer, but she only allows herself to think of that day he'd lost his noah during one of the prison's many malfunctions briefly. Of the way she held him as he cried and wrestled with the pain as it took him back over. She has a mission to stop him from hurting her people—her team again.]

We're going to start with Tieria's hacking idea. We're in a virtual system, and it's time to see if we can use that to our advantage or not. I need all people with advanced technology knowledge on hand whether it's against the wardens' rules or not.

I need the rest of the investigative team and anyone with magical know how or experience working to solidify plan B if we need it. We're down a few witches, but there may be ways of increasing our powers with magical items that we get through the wardens.

Everyone else needs to be on patrol. We picked today because new arrivals are coming in. That means the wardens and engineers might be just a little bit distracted with that, but we also know screwing with the system can lead to problems so don't be surprised if there is a power outage or some dangerous glitch. We're doing this to protect, so we've got to minimize the harm we might cause in the process.

[Another pause.] This may not be a popular course of action. We took a lot of heat over returning Spike's soul to him. We're playing with lives to save lives. Even if they bring us back once we die it doesn't make death meaningless. It doesn't make killing okay. It's only a matter of time before it's someone else unless we do something. So we're going to do something now. We've waited too long already.

(OOC: Respond to video here)

[Action | Mingle]
[The Defense Force headquarters is buzzing with people working out the details of the situation and attempting the hack while others are out and about in the dome to be encountered by anyone.]

(OOC: Please feel free to tag yourself in and tag amongst yourselves! Kitty's is here.)

[OOC Information]
(The results have been handwaved that the hack will be successful and Tyki's noah will be written out of his virtual settings by later today (day 323). There will be no power outages or glitches as a result of this, however there will be a powers event on day 324, so maybe they inspired the engineers. If you wish your character was in the force to be more a part of this, don't worry, we can backdate your membership. People can also tag the DF members on patrol or stop by the headquarters. We want to include you! Plotting/questions for this can go here If you want your character more directly involved in the hacking then please sign up for a punishment but you can be involved less directly without getting caught.)

Jan. 5th, 2015




[You won't hear them coming. You won't see their snare. The mistletoe bots are out and they're hunting you, two by two. You can run and you can hide, but eventually you will be caught, and then there's nothing left to do but kiss your way out!

Chapstick stations will be available.]

(OOC: Mistletoe Bots Info)



DAY 305 — Morning Greeting

Welcome to Day 305. We'll be celebrating a tradition today. I won't waste my precious time giving you details. It will be clear enough for you soon. Enjoy!
Happiness is like a kiss. You must share it to enjoy it. —Bernard Meltzer

(OOC: Kiosk requests will be handled by Veridical unless otherwise requested. Warden request post | Mail submissions.


Dec. 22nd, 2014



DAY 303 — Morning Greeting

Welcome to Day 303. The weather will be nice with a chance of lovely. It would be a good day to congregate in various open areas like parks and enjoy each other's company. Maybe draw rainbows and skip hand in hand. You know, normal inmate-type things.

[Before the transmission is fully over a song plays which triggers a reaction in all who hear even a portion of it.]

(OOC: Kiosk requests will be handled by Veridical unless otherwise requested. Warden request post | Mail submissions)

Dec. 20th, 2014



[302] private to aidan - voice/ action

[Alright so it hasn't been that long, but it's been a fairly appropriate amount of time before Rebecca sets up a private feed to Aidan. Not that it's a big thing, they're fairly chill but she didn't want to put any pressure on him to have to feel like he has to talk about himself again so soon. But the promise of faux cocktails was alluring and while she really could go for a beer? She'll be satisfied enough with a Shirley Temple.]

Yo, what're you up to? Want to chill tonight?

Dec. 8th, 2014



DAY 301 — Morning Greeting

Day 301. It just doesn't have the same ring to it as Day 300 does it? Speaking of yesterday, everything has been cleaned up and cleared out as if it never came at all. I do hope you will be preserving it in your memories.

You can close your eyes to reality but not to memories. —Stanislaw Jerzy Lec

(OOC: Kiosk requests will be handled by Veridical unless otherwise requested. Warden request post | Mail submissions)

Dec. 1st, 2014



Day 300 – Daytime Anniversary Mingle

Happy Anniversary, Marina Nova!

You may have noticed the veritable fleet of maintenance bots zipping all over the dome throughout the night, working hard to clean up the dome and set up decorations for this momentous occasion. Come morning there isn't a corner left unfestive, with brightly colored garlands hanging across the streets and wrapping around the sector gates. Even the trees have been primped for the occasion, colors changing into rich reds and oranges. Strings of light hang from the branches and lanterns line the streets, here and there broken up by a pile of stacked hay bales perfect for taking a rest on.

Of course, that is far from all! There wouldn't be much of a festival without entertainment and your loving wardens have made absolutely sure that there's something for everyone!

Let the celebrations begin! )


Nov. 10th, 2014



Day 297 [video/closed][video/locked to DF]

[Kitty looks around seeing she's already back in the "prison." It all feels just as real as it ever did, but now she's more secure with the theory that it's not. It looks like she got dumped out in the cemetery. Cheerful. She glances at the names of the people she found alive and as well as being stuck in a pod can be. So many lies to cover up the big lie.]

[ Video / locked to Spencer Reid ]
Reid? Are you there?

[ Video / locked to Defense Force ]
Hey, so we have a lot to discuss especially the investigative team. I think we need to be doing some interviews as quickly as we can so we can pull out every clear memory and perspective we can get from what happened yesterday. If there's a key to getting out of here, I think it's going to be in this.

I'm also back to full active duty. All hands on deck.

Nov. 3rd, 2014



Day 296 — Real MarinaNova — Central Core Awakening

[The last thing you remember is walking through a glowing door. Whether that was a good decision or a bad one is going to depend heavily on how claustrophobic you are, because right now you are fully encased in a very streamlined, sophisticated pod. It is regulating your body temperature, monitoring your vital signs, administering nutrition and dozens of other odds and ends to keep your body functional and healthy during its stay.

You're not usually conscious for this part of things. If you were, it would be a pretty boring experience. On the plus side, there aren't any tubes or wires attached to you. Those are a little too outdated for technology like this. The other plus is that you can open your pod hatch with a push. Luckily for you, those muscles in your arms and legs haven't atrophied. That's part of the science, but it's not perfect. There will be some aching and discomfort.

Take a minute to take stock of everything. You're wearing a bodysuit you don't remember putting on. You're in a giant, spiraling room you've never set eyes on before and your powers—if you have any—are blocked. But you're not alone. There are other people pushing their own pods open or lying still and silent in theirs. In fact there is a very large number of pods. You might not recognize everyone, but that doesn't mean they weren't an inmate at one time—they were even if it was brief.

For the moment there are no bots coming for you, no alarms going off that you can hear, and no immediate threats. The space is vast and the doors aren't locked, but you also might not recognize them as doors or understand how to activate them just yet.]

(OOC: This mingle is for those who went through the doors only. There will be two additional mingles for those who went through the doors and one for those who stayed behind. This mingle should be confined to the central core. The next one will be for exploring. EVENT INFORMATION | REAL MARINANOVA INFORMATION. Make sure to read these links. They have additional information you'll need for this setting.)

Oct. 15th, 2014



293 // closed action

[ They survived the storm. They found a temporary place to stay that isn't full of water and cephalopods, they gathered up dry clothes and food and a moments peace and quiet. It really is the quiet after the storm, literally and figuratively and although Reid feels like he might just burst with emotion from the conversation with Kitty late last night, he's choosing not to speak.

Not about that, at least. ]

Rebecca? Coffee's done.

Oct. 6th, 2014



Day 292 — Octonado mingle!

[Thunderbolt and lightning—very, very frightening.

Take cover, take shelter, take heart. You'll need to take everything you can just to make it through today with so few areas really being safe.]

(OOC: DETAILS here. Mingle out and about in the rapidly changing elements or cozy in one of the shelters.)

Oct. 2nd, 2014



291 // closed audio // late late night

[ It's been a long exhausting day and as much as he tried to just stay at Bean Crushers or keep busy at the library, his body isn't agreeing with the plan. Being awake is fine, being asleep and alone seems less so and that's why he's placing this shamefully late call. ]

Hey, uhm... Rebecca? Are you still awake?

Oct. 1st, 2014



291 // open action // closed video

[ Action // open ]

[ Waking up came as somewhat of a shock, demon clawing and scratching full force in his chest but this day... this day is different. This day he finally understands, he can see everything and as soon as the initial shock to his system calms down, Spike finds himself in tentative control. Not full, not like the day before, but enough. There's a glimmer of hope, a purpose and a possibility, a way forward that doesn't involve slowly starving himself and hoping something will change.

He washes up. Cleans the stink of stale cigarettes off his body, puts on a fresh change of clothes. Slicks his hair back, same as always, fingers raking through the perpetual bottle blond, leather duster tugged into place because today he remembers what it was like to be without it. For the first time in a long while he's starting to feel like, perhaps not his old self but something different. Something better.

Steps purposeful, he heads out into the dome. To choke down on a bottle of synthetic blood, to feel the fake sunlight on his skin and even more so, to visit the Athletic Center for what must be the first time in months. If he's going to fight this thing, he needs to actually have something to hit. ]

[ Video // locked to Jack Harkness. ]


Sep. 24th, 2014



290 // voice // locked and open

[ OPEN ]

Show of hands — who still remembers being here?

[ LOCKED to the Defence Force; excluding Kitty Pryde the elder. ]

As I'm sure some of you have found out by now, our leader has been affected by whatever malfunction we have in the system. Please be careful approaching her at this time — she's dangerous and doesn't trust outsiders easily. The best solution at this time would be to stay clear of her until this blows over.

In the meantime, those of you who are able to continue patrol, please do so. Be careful out there and try to resolve any situations that may arise as swiftly and peacefully as possible. Stay in touch.

Data, have you been affected?

[ LOCKED; Nathan Harris. ]

Are you okay?

Sep. 16th, 2014



Day 287 || Closed Action

[ So being dragged home unconscious apparently doesn't put Clay in a good way with Rebecca. Who knew? What also doesn't put him in a good way with her is when the fact that he'd broken into Reid and Kitty's apartment to threaten and possibly maim/kill Reid comes out into the open. All in all, she's not a happy camper, and Clay can't say he is either, because his head feels like he'd just spent 16 hours in the animus without stop. Scrambled, painful, and about to get a nosebleed. ]

[ So facing Rebecca should absolutely help him with this, right? ]