MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'sarah+williams'

Jul. 11th, 2016



[Day 384 | Video | Open]

[An irate-looking teenage boy with red hair is still wearing the orange prison uniform that one gets upon arrival when he appears on the network. It's not because he finds the look appealing, he just hasn't had the opportunity to find a change of clothes for reasons that will be explained shortly.]

Okay, I bet you guys think you're being real funny here. I mean, do you really expect me to believe that I've been brought here because I'm a criminal? I help people! That's, like, as far away from being a criminal as someone could be! You guys are going to be so sorry when the Justice Le--

[Wally clamps his mouth shut, not wanting to give too much away since he doesn't know who all might be listening.]

Can someone at least get me off this dang floating island!? [He sighs, looking more than a little dejected all of a sudden.] I need something to eat.

Jun. 27th, 2016



Day 382 - Pleasure Prison Mingle



Jun. 14th, 2016



day 380; voice;

[The lack of involvement from their captors make Bruce nervous -- if this was Gotham he would have the money to try to get food into Gotham. To help people. He would have the resources to investigate what's going on -- he lacks the gear and technology he's acquired over the years in the Batcave. There are creatures here that he didn't know really existed before like vampires asking for volunteers with the food shortage (it's not hard to put two and two together from Damon's post, after all, and the place is called the Blood Shack). How long until they lash out?

Until someone gets hurt?

It makes him restless.

He hasn't exactly been putting himself out there to make friends here beyond his first post -- Bruce is not a social being despite the airs he puts on for the public back home. He's kept in contact with Kara, and that's about it. Alfred would be disappointed -- but when isn't he?

He can survive eating less. He pushes his body to extremes on the regular -- what he worries about is other people.

He is weary and tired and he chooses not to broadcast himself at the moment and instead just speaks over the network.

Considering the shortage of food I can't help but wonder if we shouldn't try implementing some sort of rationing system -- we don't know how long this will last and the last thing any of us wants is to run out. The human body can endure a lot and as long as we stay hydrated we probably will survive assuming this doesn't last more than a couple more days -- but it's important to be smart about it.

May. 8th, 2016



Day 374 - Open Dream

[Your eyes are open, but there's nothing to see. The darkness is absolute. Your other senses strain to make up for the lack of visual information. More nothing.

The silence builds until it's a palpable pressure, and all you can hear is your heartbeat (is it speeding up?) and the blood rushing through your veins and arteries (did you know that had a sound?). Panic builds in the back of your throat. You need to run or scream or do something to escape the sensory vacuum, but your legs refuse to listen and you can't make a sound. Why should you keep trying? There's no one to hear you. There's nowhere to run.

Your heartbeat is the only thing in the universe. It's too loud. You're too aware of it, and that increased awareness makes you realize how fragile hearts are. It's just a muscle—a fist-sized, fluttering thing in your chest.

Blood roars in your ears. Your heartbeat falters, and you wonder if you're dying.

Something touches your arm and it's like surfacing after being held underwater. Sounds—indistinct shuffling and scraping, but sounds nonetheless—return and you can see just well enough to determine that there's someone next to you.]

It's okay. [It's Nathan. He doesn't sound as if he believes himself.] Are you okay?

May. 2nd, 2016



Day 374 | Shared dreaming

[Bitty dragon]

[Trespassers were forbidden from entering the Village of Hakuryuu. Anyone who got too near and made it past the fog was ordinarily stopped. There were the occasional few who slipped past, but they were normally found and taken care of. That was why just on the outskirts of the village, the young four year old Kija was surprised when he collided head first with someone he didn't recognize.

Falling backwards from the impact, he blinked up in surprise-- before he remembered himself. Rising up to his feet quickly, his white scaled claw lifted at the ready, and he faced off with the stranger.]

Who are you? And what do you want with our village?

(OOC: Responses will come from his child account [info]bittyclaw.)

Apr. 18th, 2016



Day 372 | Voice | Closed to Carl

[Sarah wasn't sure how she made it back to her apartment after the incident two days ago. She curled up in a corner, trying, and failing, to thing about anything but the dripping, moaning creature. She slept some, though her dreams were terrifying images of water rising. After a day and another night of it, she had enough. Carl fought monsters. Maybe he could help her figure out how to deal with... this.]

Carl? Do... did you get through the blackout the other day all right?

Apr. 4th, 2016



370 - Fear Itself: The Revenge



Mar. 21st, 2016



Day 368 - Hooked on a Feeling mingle



Mar. 15th, 2016




[He might think he's a little young to find himself in prison but Adrien is the type to make the best of a bad situation. He's used to living in a prison. His father, Gabriel Agreste, didn't like letting him out of his sight and his home had pretty much been nothing more than a prison since his mom went missing.

There was one thing that had stood out to him in the announcements that he really wanted to check out. This place had a school. Maybe there were other kids his age locked up here that he could meet. After spending years being homeschooled, Adrien didn't take for granted the opportunity that getting to attend school and actually make friends could make in a person's life. He'd gotten to experience it for the first time just recently and that's where he was drawn to in this place. That's what he wanted to learn about.

Adrien flipped the switch on his communicator to record a video and introduce himself. The best way to make friends was to put yourself out there and Adrien was determined to do that.]

Hi! I'm Adrien and I just arrived here.[He actually waved at the camera in greeting to everyone that would watch this.] I just wanted some information on the school here. I get that this is jail and all, so I was curious about how it all worked.

[The smile he flashed the camera is perfection. For some reason the camera loves him--it might have something to do with the fact that he's a fashion model and used to this.]

If someone was willing to give me a tour, I would be so grateful. Especially if they could show me where I can get some new threads. I see not everyone is stuck with prisoner orange.

Mar. 14th, 2016




I apologize for not getting back to you sooner about your invitation, but the general and I would be happy to join you for dinner. That is, if the offer still stands.

Good morning, residents of MarinaNova. My name is Princess Leia Organa. I'm hesitant to refer to us as "citizens," for we're all prisoners within this facility, regardless of whether we enjoy our accommodations or feel deserving of our sentences. I apologize to anyone who has recently arrived to the prison, for perhaps that makes my question poorly timed, but the influx of new inmates reminded me of something I must ask.

Who is and isn't from a planet called Earth? I am not, and I hadn't heard of it until I was brought here. I come from a world called Alderaan in a galaxy I'm sure most of you have never been to before. [ though some of them may have seen, as has been the case with a few. ] Surely I'm not the only one who finds it odd that an intergalactic, multidimensional serving rehabilitation center favors the population of this one world over those from other systems.

Feb. 29th, 2016



DAY 365 — Anniversary Festival Mingle

Happy Day 365, Marina Nova!

Hear ye, hear ye! Inmates, prisoners, fellow underwater dwellers! Lend me your ears and hands and actually just bring all of you because we're having a ye olde Renaissance Faire to celebrate a full year in this bubble under the sea!

The dome has of course been decked out appropriately. Flickering torches light the pathways, interspersed with larger bonfires that you can cosy up to with that special someone - or perhaps just a glass of honey mead. Pennant banners hang across the gates and along the buildings, sporting the proud coat of arms of the prison (a lot of purple and octopi, for some reason) and many of the clothing stores offer time-appropriate options for those of you who still knows how to have fun. The kiosk has even been re-imagined into a castle.

Many areas within the dome has activities to partake in and, if you're skilled or lucky or both, prizes to win!

Let the celebrations begin! Fanfare! )


Feb. 8th, 2016



362 - Mistletoe Bot Mingle!

[Pucker up, inmates! It's that day again—your favorite prison holiday! And, of course, the wardens provided lip balm stations for your convenience.

(OOC: Mistletoe Bot INFO)

Jan. 17th, 2016



Day 358 | Video Open

[The video opens with Carl trying to adjust his communicator, having it the button a little too early. He's not in his apartment; anyone paying that much attention will likely see that he is sitting in one of the parks. Can't have anyone seeing where he lives right? But after a moment he spokes]

Hey, everyone.

I just wanted to let you know that Euphie and I throwing a superhero costume party on Day 361. So come dressed as your favorite superhero or you can make something up, like 'Super Pickle' or whatever. Any of your secret identities.

Or if you want to come dressed as yourself and have some food, that's cool too.

It will be held in Quatro Park around lunch time and go until whenever.

Dec. 21st, 2015





Twas the day after Newbie Day, when down by the beach in the dome--

Stockings and other decorations were hung alongside jack-o-lanterns, baskets full of colored eggs, boxes of heart-shaped candies, and other things. The only creature that seemed to be stirring in this early morning hour was Quinn Fabray, who took it upon herself to see to a good bulk of the set up. Tables and chairs were set up alongside a makeshift stage and dance floor, with bright orange extension chords stretched out across the sand to give life to the lights, music, and karaoke machine. Games, should anyone want to play them, were set up to the immediate right of the food tables.

Don't be late! The Holiday Mash-Up starts promptly at 5PM. Bring your dates, wear your gowns and costumes, and celebrate all those holidays from home.

Nov. 19th, 2015



Day 350 - Chill Out Mingle

[Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow~

Because you can't really stop it anyway, so grab yourself a steamy mug of whatever and build a snowman or snowwoman or snowporcupine or whatever you're into.]


Oct. 26th, 2015



DAY 347 : Haunted Hotel Mingle


[You have a lot of baggage for your stay. Not the kind you stuff free robes and toiletries into. No, the kind of baggage that helps drive the sort of scenarios you experience. Your fears and your hang ups. Or maybe not everything is about you after all and you have a perfectly random, horrific time. Either way, the adventure starts now. Ring the bell for service.]

OOC: Haunted Hotel Info/Plotting

Oct. 12th, 2015




Well, isn't that nice.

[ the melodic, breathy voice that comes floating over the network this fine morning may be familiar to some, strange to others. she sounds annoyed, though not at all shocked to find herself here. perhaps that's because she's been here before. ]

Not only am I branded a heretic this time around, but I'm also being shamed for having sex and a child out wedlock! [ a clipped, mirthless laugh. ] Funny how that wasn't included on my reasons-for-incarceration list the first time around. Is that some sort of new policy that I missed out on while I was gone? Tack on new crimes every time someone is brought back from wherever it is we go when we're exiled from the dome?

[ and now, she sounds furious -- but takes in a deep, steadying breath. her voice evens back out when she speaks again. ]

I guess, then, this is me saying that I'm back. Don't know where I went, but I'm back.

Did you miss me, Prisneyland? [ did anyone still call it that? who cares, she's calling it that. ]

Oct. 5th, 2015



344 - Animal Parts Mingle!

[ Something is weird. Perhaps you've had a snack that had some unfortunate side effects, maybe it's something in the water or you just got out of bed wrong this morning. It takes so incredibly little to end up with a strange day on your hands, although this is perhaps a little stranger of a day than usual.

Duck your heads, watch where you put your paws and be careful about yiffing the poodle next door. ]

(( ooc: EVENT INFO! All animal side effects will be reversed by daypost tomorrow! ))

Aug. 17th, 2015



Day 337 - Private Video - Open Action

Private Video to Carl Grimes

[Sarah looks happy, yet awkwardly shy as she holds up the stuffed kitty Carl sent her.]

Hi Carl. I should have called you earlier but... um... thank you. For the kitty. She's adorable. I've named her Guinevere.

Open Action

It had been a while since Sarah was at the library. She made her way to where the fantasy novels typically were and picked through various ones until she had a fairly large stack. After a while, she made her way to a set of big, squashy arm chairs. Perfect for reading.

Aug. 4th, 2015



Day 335 :: 4th Wall :: Video/Action


[He wasn't going to do this. Really, he wasn't. But it's been two hours, and he hasn't heard any explosions, which can only mean one thing. His friends are not here. So hi, MarinaNova, have a pretty human-looking alien staring at you. The expression on his face is nil.]

I'm not going to contest any of the charges against me. I just want to know why the rest of my crew aren't here. They committed the same crimes and were with me at the time of apprehension.

I may have overlooked something. If you think you've run into one of these people, please let me know.

Description of Joe's buddies under the cut! )


[...That's the most Joe's ever spoken in one sitting, so he's just. Awkwardly going to turn off the video feed now.]


[If you're in Sector 1, there's a young man standing right outside the pet café, staring avidly at the entrance. Oh, how he wants to go in. But what if the animals don't like him? Animals not liking him is Joe Gibken's biggest nightmare.]