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Nov. 14th, 2017



I've got word from Washington that Senator Sanford's been confirmed as the new Secretary of Atavist Affairs in a landslide: 81-19.

He'll be getting network access later in the week. Please be nice, everyone.

What do we know about this 'Way of All Flesh'?
Esposito, I'd like you to supervise the investigation into these attacks by baseline humans on Throwback and now that restaurant. Coordinate with Andersen on working with the NYPD.



Oh come on!


Nov. 12th, 2017


[Aphra Hart / Shep Beauregard (separately, re: this)]

We have new information regarding your incident in October and would like to follow up with you.

You're not, of course, in any trouble. In fact it would be a great help to us, and preventing it from happening again.

[Mae Archer]

We may need you to come in.


You do realize, if we don't like being governed by baselines, we're going to have to get into politics ourselves at some point? (Or cult leadership, apparently.)

Remind me, which of us did we vote Most Likely to Succeed? (Or did we stop at Prom Queen?)

We could always pick up a few tips by inviting any elected officials we can tolerate for a friendly and thorough tour of the Chrysler. Maybe send a nice van to pick them up, drop them off? (Hi Dora.)

While we're on the subject, does anyone have a bead on Sanford, personally? Opinions?

Or we could table this discussion for Thanksgiving? Whose year was it, I've lost track.



I have one rule. One. Rule. I don't tolerate fighting at my club. I don't care who started it! And now I'm thinking, was Baseline Mingle a mistake? I'm trying to show the world that we're good people...don't make me regret it.

To Project Ascension: me and my staff were doing just fine handling security before all this and that's the way it's going to stay.

Is everybody okay? You tell me if you need anything.



As of December, I will be residing at [Midtown East]. From December 8-18 I will tentatively be traveling, and then presumably back to the same apartment for some period, and so on and so forth going forward. You can direct mail to me there or simply to Klass & Co. HQ and it will be routed.


There's a man I've been dating sleeping w seeing who lives at 31 Whitehall.

Both of those things require more conversation, yes, another time.

I was recently over and [...] had one of my episodes, just a bit of an accidental look around the place. Well, suffice it to say, I thought you might like to know.

And I imagine you'll let me know if I should inform you if it happens again? While I'm there?

Nov. 11th, 2017


network: s. mcgregor 🐤 02

1) does anyone here attend the [............] greenwich support groups for atavists with animal physiology?
2) does anybody have wings or know someone who does?
3) who are the way of all flesh and MAL?
4) hello my name is sierra


In case anybody was wondering. Pint glasses are stronger than skulls. And heavy as fuck.

Before I say anything else, don't freak out.

I was at Throwback, but I'm fine.


Mal Darknet: J.Galloway

Just heard tell that P:A's firing up their own little 'Superhero' initiative. (Much obliged for the intel, Chandra.) We're talking capes and masks, the whole shabang. Now, I might be three sheets to the wind, but what do we all think about fighting fire with fire, as it were. We got a few supersuits of our own and I don't reckon it'd be much of a stretch to say that kickstarting our own vigilante operation might improve our public standing.


network; k. jones [007]

[ Friends, apply liberally; you also all got a text with this exact message if he has your number ]
If you’re okay sound off now
Whether or not you were actually at Throwback tonight

[ Greenwich, next morning ]
I know a lot of you guys are busy trying to get tf away from the Way to move ASAP, but what happened at Throwback isn't okay and there has to be something we can do. I'm not talking just about reaching out to those who were affected and helping them even though I'm talking about that too because god knows it's needed. Anything we can do to help now in that regard we really need to do too.

I'm talking about maybe a sort of outreach to connect atavists with baselines, show the rest of the world that most of us don't think we're better than them, most of us aren't violent, most of us aren't monsters. Most of us are normal people trying to live normal lives. No it's not going to fix the problem today or even tomorrow but hopefully it will in the long run. And considering how important I think it is to keep Greenwich a safe haven we can distance the Greenwich locations and even the Greenwich name from whatever we do. It's not like we need or want the credit, that's not what this is about. I don't know what exactly we can do rn but......

Thoughts or am I being too idealistic for my own good?

Also, if any of you were there last night, I really hope you're okay. If there's anything I or anyone on this filter can do for you please let me/us know.

Nov. 10th, 2017


network: c. delgado ♕ 009


you two have to look out for ROOSTER, masked baselines tried to hit throwback tonight and they could be targeting atavist locales SO LOOK OUT FOR MASKS


[Picture of the crowd outside of Throwback]

If you're heading to Throwback stop. Don't know who these guys are but it's already out of hand. Be careful.

Enough people. They're angry and trying to get in. Please hurry.

Nov. 9th, 2017



Evening, ladies and gentlemen.

I'm coming to you today with a proposal for a new PR initiative. You'll find a memo on your desks with details.

I'm looking for volunteers to audition for an honest-to-god superhero team. Capes, costumes, all of it. You'd have codenames and profiles in the press and all that jazz. The team would be doing community outreach, disaster relief, and light FBI SWAT type detail across the continental United States. Nothing overseas; these are not 'super-soldiers'.

POTUS is a big fan of this idea, and thinks it'll get the press and Congress off our backs for a while.

I'm inclined to agree, and I think we need to take back the narrative after an understandably anti-Project news cycle. After today, with the Way of All Flesh out here writing insane screeds, I think it's that much more important for us to put a friendly face on atavism.

Tryouts will take place throughout next week. Not everyone will be chosen, but everyone will have an opportunity to try out -- trainees included. Fair warning: anyone chosen will have to be publicly 'out' as an atavist, because even with costumes and codenames we need to be accountable to the public.

I'm open to any questions.


Network: O. Summers > 001

[ The Way ]
    I was expecting hysterics, but this is something else.

As a recent atavist myself, I find it immensely comforting to know there is a third party whose overriding purpose is to gather those of us who have been given the Light into one community -- one single family that doesn't want to tear itself apart in the way that the Project and the MAL seem intent on doing. The Maker's statement certainly wasn't something that inspired fear when I read it.

Anyway, hello, I'm Oscar Summers. Lawyer and curious about this strange new world of ours.


Network: C. Rask > 008

omg i go to california for ONE WEEK and i come back and everything's gone NUTS

first, all this baseline control
then this maker? wtf they didn't make me 😤



I know we usually save those spots for people who've been outed and on-the-run, but given the sudden increase of Kool-Aid at my current address, it cool if I crash in one of the safehouses?

I don't care where, I'm willing to sleep on a cot in a basement, I'm just getting out of here before they break out the robes and animal masks.


I never thought I'd ever wake up to 30 texts asking me if I had joined a supremacist cult.

[Greenwich folks @ 31 Whitehall] )


Network: J Galloway

Parvaneh Shahidi of Project: Ascension, who 'discovered' and named it, believes atavism explains the tales of gods and heroes in ancient myth.

Not meanin to split hairs, here, but she weren't the only one who 'discovered' and named it.



"Those who oppose us will be crushed beneath our feet as infidels."

Okay first of all what in the everloving fuck

As soon as I'm done boxing my shit up I'm leaving



[backdated to immediately after this and prior to The Maker’s manifesto -- A log is forthcoming!]

As you all know, since the death of Corrine Harper we’ve been on the hunt for her daughter Madison and her husband Malcolm. Today I received reliable intelligence that the person responsible for Times Square as well as incidents with Shep and Aphra is Madison Harper herself. We are certain of this.

The Project is also aware of this update.

This is [...] unexpected and disturbing, and I think it’s important that we discuss what we do with this information.

[MAL Leadership]
Mae’s remembering things more slowly than us, but she finally remembered Madison and found physical evidence of their friendship to support these memories. She now recognizes that it was Madison who caused her powers incident in Times Square.

It’s also important to note that Nero was actively interested in this information being passed on to us.


Isn’t this a week of revelations?

We need to talk.
Remind me the circumstances of your incident.
Remind me the circumstances of your incident.
[1] So this is what you’ve been up to.
[1] Don’t.

Nov. 8th, 2017


network: y. lazear ✒️ 07




P:A Leadership

Madison Harper seems to be alive and well.

And touching Atavists and telling them to "be free" so that they experience some kind of power boost that also coincides with losing control.

For example, Mae Archer, in Times Square.

So, can some badass superheroes get this yet or are we just going to have to rely on boring old trained Project Ascension Agents?


Network > C. L. Sanford 001

Welcome to our new baseline overlords



In case anyone's missed it, it appears that Senator Sanford has been named Secretary of Atavist Affairs.

Congratulations to your father.

This is [...] surprising.

Nov. 7th, 2017



Evening, ladies and gents.

On your desks you'll find a memo detailing my proposal for a new public relations initiative I'm calling, for lack of a better working title, the Avengers Project. (We gotta come up with something else, obviously, because Disney's awful litigious.)

POTUS is a big fan of this idea, and thinks it'll get the press and Congress off our backs for a while. I'm inclined to agree.

We're talking capes and costumes, here, the whole nine yards. Put a charming marketable face on atavism, then send these heroes out to help the common man. Domestic missions only, mind you—no super-soldier shit. We're not walking into that minefield again, literally or figuratively.

I'd like your input before I put the idea to the Project as a whole and seek volunteers.

Nov. 6th, 2017



Christmas music before Thanksgiving should be illegal. Or should be subject to a purge.

You've been quiet lately. Everything okay?

You need to get out of the house, Netta. Let's go see a movie or something. Get dinner. Go to Central Park and be fucking tourists. Something. Please.

Have a good birthday, kiddo?



Haven’t checked in in a while, sup. Need anything?

Get a disguise and let’s go out.

Nov. 4th, 2017


network: s. mcgregor 🐤 01

hello ?

thank you

for last week

Nov. 3rd, 2017


MAL Darknet

Addie, Patrick )

Nov. 2nd, 2017


[Olly, Espo, Derek, Felix, Bryan]

Hey, guys. In case you forgot (and so you don't get in trouble if you did) it's Janet's birthday!

We're not going to be doing anything wild, but I'm planning a little surprise dinner/get together/campfire at our place on Saturday night if you'd like to come. Plus ones are cool as long as you give me a heads up about them first.

If Janet knew about this, she would like me to say "no gifts" but go nuts if you feel like it. I'm not here to police your life.


Matt is obviously already on the guest list if he wants to come.


Hey, we're having a surprise dinner/campfire/get together for Janet's birthday (today) on Saturday night. You're invited if you'd like to come, but we won't be offended if you have other things to do either.

The cat might be, actually.

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