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Jan. 1st, 2018



Happy New Year from Project: Ascension!

To start 2018 off right, I have an exciting announcement: a cease-fire has been reached with the organization known as the Movement for Atavist Liberation. Known operatives of the MAL are no longer to be arrested on sight. The President has received critical intelligence from the Movement that he feels obviates the need for criminal prosecution, but exact details of that process are still to come.

For now, it is enough to be a united community again, and to bring this long nearly four-year conflict to a close.

I am available for any questions you may have.

You are permitted to travel freely in atavist circles. I would ask only that you keep something of a low profile for now, as the President is still determining his strategy for defusing baseline public opinion about you and refocusing the general public on the threat posed by The Way.

Dec. 23rd, 2017



I have some good news to report: the Mother has been recovered and is safe in Project custody.

As a gesture of goodwill, the leaders of the Movement transferred possession of the Mother back to where she belongs. This is the first step in a process to broker an armistice with the MAL.

Of note is the absence of Leonardo Barone from this process. His location is unknown and the representatives of the MAL claim he went AWOL. He should still be considered a wanted individual.

Dec. 17th, 2017



As operations director it's my privilege to inform the seven of you that you've been selected to participate in our "superhero" initiative. What this means for you in the immediate term is as follows:

- Each of you will need to come up with a code name, subject to approval by the leadership team.
- You will meet with costume designers, who have already started work on individualized costumes.
- You will attend media training tomorrow at 0800. The training is mandatory, Agent Pérez.
- If you would like input as to the team name, now would be the time.
- You will be introduced to the public tomorrow evening following media training.

Congratulations, agents.

Dec. 9th, 2017



Dora Barone's defection has been all the news can talk about this week. To try to swing the narrative back around I'm looking to finalize the superhero team this weekend, and would like your input on the agents who've been trying out over the past few weeks. You all work more closely with them than I do. Here are my impressions:
  • CALDWELL: Has a mouth on him, but his power looks fantastic on camera. Needs media training.
  • DESAI: A little stiff in front of cameras, but follows orders without complaint and also has a flashy power.
  • PÉREZ: Loyal company gal, young (we want the millennial crowd to be invested), excellent command of her abilities.
  • RHODES: Excitable, but works hard. Eager to really lean in with all the superhero trappings, which is good when most of the others seem more reluctant.
Then there's the trainees.
  • HALL: Impressive power, and impressive growth in her control of that power. Looks like a supermodel, which doesn't hurt with the media angle.
  • WALKER: Not sure about throwing him into combat outright, but a psychic is always useful and rounds out the team nicely when presenting their powers to the public.
Personally I'm inclined to go with all six, and expand if more agents express interest going forward.


Dec. 7th, 2017


Howdy, folks. Just wanted to send out a friendly PSA that the network security has not been compromised by Ms. Barone's defection. Her control over the Project server depended on physical proximity, and, as you might have gathered, she is no longer near it. If anything, your risk of private messages going to The Way is lower now.

Carry on.

[Project: Ascension]
Sorry about the text-to-speech functions in the internal network. It had a German accent before I tried to fix it and wound up with French. Still not sure why. I'll try to get it back to normal next time.

I left some notes for myself when I was in one of the brain blast fugues, and that might have an answer, if anyone more tech-savvy than me wants to take a crack at it. I can try to help with the shorthand, but I don't remember a lot of what I was thinking at the time. I went on for pages about why P = NP, and that makes no sense.

Dec. 1st, 2017



I've been unable to contact Agent Barone and unable to locate her on Governors Island. I hesitate to use the phrase "missing person", so for now let's say she's unaccounted for. While it's unlike Agent Barone to go AWOL, I don't know that anything official is warranted at this point, so let's just say if you manage to contact her, ask her to check in.

Nov. 17th, 2017



I'm sorry for my long absence. Pneumonia is a killer, truly — I hope I never feel that sick again! I'm sure there's a lot to catch up on, and I haven't been reading the network or following the news, so if anyone wants to tell me what I missed, I'd appreciate it.

I'm going to take the weekend to get caught up on paperwork, but if anyone has put in a request about classes or training, let me know and I'll try to get on it ASAP.

How're the hearings going so far? I saw that last article, at least.

[...] I'd like to plan something for Thanksgiving as a family.

Nov. 14th, 2017



I've got word from Washington that Senator Sanford's been confirmed as the new Secretary of Atavist Affairs in a landslide: 81-19.

He'll be getting network access later in the week. Please be nice, everyone.

What do we know about this 'Way of All Flesh'?
Esposito, I'd like you to supervise the investigation into these attacks by baseline humans on Throwback and now that restaurant. Coordinate with Andersen on working with the NYPD.

Nov. 9th, 2017



Evening, ladies and gentlemen.

I'm coming to you today with a proposal for a new PR initiative. You'll find a memo on your desks with details.

I'm looking for volunteers to audition for an honest-to-god superhero team. Capes, costumes, all of it. You'd have codenames and profiles in the press and all that jazz. The team would be doing community outreach, disaster relief, and light FBI SWAT type detail across the continental United States. Nothing overseas; these are not 'super-soldiers'.

POTUS is a big fan of this idea, and thinks it'll get the press and Congress off our backs for a while.

I'm inclined to agree, and I think we need to take back the narrative after an understandably anti-Project news cycle. After today, with the Way of All Flesh out here writing insane screeds, I think it's that much more important for us to put a friendly face on atavism.

Tryouts will take place throughout next week. Not everyone will be chosen, but everyone will have an opportunity to try out -- trainees included. Fair warning: anyone chosen will have to be publicly 'out' as an atavist, because even with costumes and codenames we need to be accountable to the public.

I'm open to any questions.

Nov. 8th, 2017


P:A Leadership

Madison Harper seems to be alive and well.

And touching Atavists and telling them to "be free" so that they experience some kind of power boost that also coincides with losing control.

For example, Mae Archer, in Times Square.

So, can some badass superheroes get this yet or are we just going to have to rely on boring old trained Project Ascension Agents?



In case anyone's missed it, it appears that Senator Sanford has been named Secretary of Atavist Affairs.

Congratulations to your father.

This is [...] surprising.

Nov. 7th, 2017



Evening, ladies and gents.

On your desks you'll find a memo detailing my proposal for a new public relations initiative I'm calling, for lack of a better working title, the Avengers Project. (We gotta come up with something else, obviously, because Disney's awful litigious.)

POTUS is a big fan of this idea, and thinks it'll get the press and Congress off our backs for a while. I'm inclined to agree.

We're talking capes and costumes, here, the whole nine yards. Put a charming marketable face on atavism, then send these heroes out to help the common man. Domestic missions only, mind you—no super-soldier shit. We're not walking into that minefield again, literally or figuratively.

I'd like your input before I put the idea to the Project as a whole and seek volunteers.

Oct. 29th, 2017




Dear Mr. Kincaid DIRECTOR SHAHIDI* cleared me for some vacation already and I think the pop star looking chick has the paperwork. Just wanted you to know I sure bet you have a lot on your plate and might be missing one of your most promising Agent of the Years. Anyhow welcome don't let the place go to hell without me.



*[unfortunate side-effect of being copy-pasted from elsewhere so he doesn't have to look up how to spell it]

Oct. 22nd, 2017


Good evening. At the direction of Deputy Director Perez, I have found some troubling information to share with all of you, but I need to emphasize: this data is classified, and must be kept private. This is your only warning to this end.

In the wake of Colo Corrine Harper's demise and the returned memories that many of us have been experiencing, I took it upon myself at the instruction of our director to thoroughly sift through materials in her possession. I found a highly encrypted drive. And I devoted my time wholly and completely to cracking it.

This evening, I completed that task. And what I found is this:

Corrine Harper was demented. She conducted experiments on her own child, one Madison Harper, in relation to the Idol and forced atavization. When Madison was atavized, she continued the experiments on other children—resulting in horrific deaths for several, charted down to exact details. I have their names. I know where to find their remains.

We are, many of us, aware also of the supersoldier program that was put into place prior to the formation of the Movement for Atavist Liberation. What we are not aware of is that Harper continued the efforts, all this time, using her atavism to conceal it: she has been recruiting soldiers even now. While I don't yet have their identities, there are documents and files that undeniably point to their existence.

I don't need to spell out what it could mean for the Project if this information goes public.

The question is, what do we do now?


Barajas and I met with Kincaid. He's clean and genuinely seems to be on our side, insofar as such things go.

There is an active super-soldier program under the command of the NSC. The Bulletin's scoop in Kabul was legit. The President is looking to re-consolidate authority over atavism in his new cabinet department and dissolve the Project. Kincaid can't tell us who's in the new program, but it's actively recruiting.

This needs to be kept between us for now, while these hearings are happening, but I want all our agents to know there's something sinister in the air. Our work must be flawless right now. We cannot give the President any excuse to liquidate Project: Ascension.
Good afternoon, everyone.

I know there's been a great deal of confusion and upset over the last month, especially with memories slowly returning to people following the death of Colonel Harper.

Consider this entry an open forum to ask me any questions you may have, which I will answer to the best of my ability. I believe transparency is of the utmost importance right now.

Oct. 18th, 2017



It’s been some sort of month, but I bear some sliver good news. The genetic testing we’ve been conducting for the past few months has paid off.

The research team has confirmed that the atavism gene is, in fact, a gene. Details on the research and findings can be found in the paper we will be publishing to the public, but here’s a summary. The potential for atavism is gene that’s passed down regardless of whether or not it’s activated. Additionally, due to similarities in DNA, related atavists are more likely to have powers that are complementary.

We wanted to inform you before announcing this to the public at large. Many of you donated your time and blood for the sake of this research and it has been invaluable. Thank you.

Dr. Wójcik will be making the announcement to the public, but should we supplement this? We did advertise blood testing through social media, maybe we should announce the findings through the same platforms, as well.

Oct. 17th, 2017


P:A L - Kincaid

This may not be the time to pile on more problems, but while we discuss our mystery power amplifier and try to work through everything related to Col. Harper, do we know anything about these alleged overseas military operations?

Namely, I assume everyone on this filter's aware by now of what occurred in the past, but considering what we now know and the reports in the Bulletin some time ago, do we know if we currently have atavists deployed overseas? Is anyone aware of a current program, if one exists, and who might be running it if so?


[MAL Leadership + P:A Leadership]

In our previous discussion it was predicted that what Mae Archer experienced in Times Square may become a recurring event. We feel that it’s important to inform you that there has been another incident. Thankfully, our agents were able to contain this second incident, but next time we may not be so lucky.

Once again, the atavist in question was approached and touched by a young woman telling her to “be free” before her powers were activated in a way that she couldn’t control. As reported by one of our telepaths, we’re still unable to get a clear picture of the woman’s face, but the voice is the same.

Any information you may be able to provide as a result of your own investigations would be appreciated. Additionally, we’re open to any suggestions you may have about a strategy for discovering her identity.

Oct. 15th, 2017


There have been some questions regarding Project: Ascension's travel policies after the events of September 25th in Times Square. I'd like to clarify that going forward, all requests for travel within the United States will be processed as normal. International travel, however, will continue to be restricted until further notice.

[Project: Ascension]

I've recently had a discussion with a young man by the name of Ricky Bueno. He's a civilian electrokinetic who has reported to me that during the Times Square incident, he lost his physical form and became trapped in a jumbotron for several days during which time he was presumed dead. He is understandably shaken by this incident and has asked to speak to a professional about his abilities in response to it.

Is there anyone among us that would feel qualified to meet with Mr. Bueno and discuss the progression and control of abilities of this nature?

[Project: Ascension Leadership]

As I'm sure you've all seen, there's been report of another incident involving a woman telling an atavist to "be free" and an immediate loss of control over their abilities. If this is really the case, this makes the second incident in a month, and we're more than a little lucky that this second incident wasn't a repeat of Times Square.

Everything we predicted about this becoming a pattern in our discussion with the MAL leadership appears to be becoming a reality. I don't think I need to tell any of you how serious this is, and we're still at a loss for a solution or even a strategy. I'd like to propose another liaison with MAL leadership in light of this new incident that's more focused on this as an immediate threat than the previous discussion.


Aaron Rodgers broke his FUCKING collarbone.
Why can't I have any nice things?
What are the ethics surrounding using atavism for personal gain?

Oct. 12th, 2017



Hello, all. I have a few announcements today.

First and foremost, thank you again for your patience while Mr. Kincaid and I have each been called away frequently for hearings in Washington. I appreciate it very much.

I have first some deeply unsettling news: we have determined that Colonel Harper was assassinated the night before the incident in Times Square. At this time, though the MAL has admitted culpability for her initial disappearance, we believe an unknown third party is responsible for her death. Solving this crime will be a major investigative focus for our Operations and Analysis directorates going forward.

In the wake of the colonel's death, her power has apparently begun to retroactively fail. You may have found, over the last two weeks, that you are experiencing the return of strange and perturbing new memories. It seems that she had used her power of suggestion on many of us, and there will also be a full investigation into what that means. Our therapists are on call.

Please congratulate Mateo Lange, who will be officially promoted to Deputy Director for Public Relations on a permanent basis. I'd also like to announce two other new appointments: Rafael Esposito will now be Assistant Director for Operations, serving under Deputy Director Conley, and recent recruit Bryan Andersen will be serving as our official liaison to the NYPD. Both these men, like Lange, were of enormous help throughout the recent crisis. Please offer them your congratulations as well.
Now that John and I have been in one place for more than 12 hours at a time, Agent Barajas and I are planning a joint conversation so we can assess his motivations.

I wanted to say this now, because it's only just come back to me: Corrine told me not to investigate Christian's death. She used her power to underline the matter. So... that's worth discussing, especially given the allegations made by the MAL 6.
Williams, Mostafa: some of the memories I'm slowly recovering seem to involve you two in particular. If you want to talk, we are here for you.
تولدت مبارک

Oct. 3rd, 2017



Reminder: civilian classes at Project: Ascension's facilties on Governors Island will resume tomorrow as normal. Thank you for your patience with cancellations following the incident on the 25th.

Please consider this an official request to keep even closer care of your official correspondence and documents going forward. Congress is calling hearings about the Project, and it will be an enormous help to me to have everything in order.

I'm going to be in Washington frequently until these hearings are over. This is likely to be the longest dog and pony show since Benghazi, so I don't expect them to be over soon. Luckily, we have teleporters, but I still want you to know I'll be busy and that I will greatly appreciate everyone else picking up the slack in my absence.

Consider my office door open for any questions or concerns whenever I'm here.

Sep. 30th, 2017



Congress isn't wasting any time, are they?

Sep. 28th, 2017



A friendly reminder that ignorance breeds mistrust, incomprehension breeds jealousy, and it is natural for a person to hate what they know they can never become.

The baseline President has decided to reveal atavism without the consultation of atavists. In doing so you may fear that he has put you or your families in danger. The opposite is true.

The Project is now free to protect the interests and livelihood of the atavist public, undistracted by secrecy.

And we will.

A more fitting message for the baseline public might have been, “Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.”

PA:L )
DORA + P:A 6. )
P:A )



Good afternoon.

I understand there's a lot of confusion and alarm right now, and that's perfectly fair and reasonable.

Project: Ascension will continue to protect all atavist citizens of this country. The registry is not going public.

Secrecy about your personal status is now a matter of your own discretion. I would personally advise caution in deciding whom you want to tell. Anything on this network remains classified, for the safety of others. There will be consequences if it is shared or reproduced.

Thank you.

First and foremost, I'd like to thank everyone for all their hard work in this crisis. I'm sorry I wasn't able to assist, but as you know something struck down myself and the rest of the Twelve original atavists beforehand. We are still investigating as to what that might have been.

We are not going to attempt to re-hide atavism. The President has made his choice, evidently, and we must follow suit.

You may disclose your atavist status if you wish. Any work with the Project, of course, remains classified.

What do we know about what happened in Times Square? And why it happened?
Something has happened to Corrine. I don't know what or how exactly, but something has gone wrong with her power. What is the status of our investigation into finding her?

Lange: good work. Keep it up.
[ P:A SIX ]

Sep. 27th, 2017


The Twelve are now awake. While I know you’re all concerned about them, please do not rush down here. The medical team is still assessing things, both with them and the other patients.

Cut for blanket family/friend filters of the Twelve )

[P:A Medical]
I think we should ask for bonuses.
[Shelby & Jonny]
I’m never leaving this place. It was nice knowing you. Send my regards to Broadway or something.

Sep. 26th, 2017



[Project: Ascension Leadership + Information Suppression ]
    Until told otherwise, our efforts should be redirected towards protecting our own.

    The Pr

    The President was not correct in announcing our existence in that way. Watson is absolutely right: we need to be preparing for the worst case scenario, i.e., blowback from the baselines. There's no way they can just understand what we (the Project, our struggles against the MAL, atavism, &c &c) are.

    1: who are our best investigators
    2: why aren't they already working on Harper's disappearance I stand corrected; there's been a lot for me to catch up with.

added later [ Andersen, Bryant, Griffin, Mateos, Mintz, Mostafa and Walker + P:A Leadership ]
    Hello, agents. It's my understanding that you were tasked by Agent Conley to investigate the disappearance of Colonel Harper. Could you please bring us up to speed with the investigation? Thanks.


[Project: Ascension]

I'll keep this brief. Agents Elliot Conley, Neron Decorso, Dionisio Pérez, Annette Russo and Parvaneh Shahidi are currently in what appears to be a coma, and are under observation in the infirmary. We are monitoring their conditions and will update you further when information arises.

We have identified the suspected cause of the incident in Times Square and it has been isolated.

[...] The President of the United States has announced to fucking everyone atavism to the national news. We will update you further, again, as soon as we can.

Due to the nature of these incidents I must remind you that all information contained within these filters is classified. There may be reporters who try to speak to you after the president's statement. Do not engage.

From a medical standpoint, check in as soon as you can if you have not already seen us. A list of casualties will be provided when we get a moment to breathe.

[Project: Ascension Leadership]

Pardon my language. What the fuck is the president doing? Someone put together a better statement than above.

[Project: Ascension Medical]

Hang in there. We're over the worst. I'll head to Chrysler Building soon for a full report, currently on GI.

[...] Attention atavists, a message from P:A medical; if you need help, contact us. I can't stress it enough. Contact Project: Ascension should you need our help, we are not asking questions today, it's what we're here for.

Sep. 24th, 2017



Friday night, operatives of the MAL attacked a prison transport convoy.

Despite the valiant efforts of Project agents, several prisoners were released and remain at large. This includes the MAL operatives Maddox Archer, Jane Lee, Mia Kruger, and Rose Sutton, as well as several rogue atavists: Kara Kavanaugh, Ryan Landau, Xavier Levesque, Christophe Levesque, Keith Anderson, Emmett Montgomery, Karl Blankenship, and Floyd-William Bucephalus Henderson, Jr.

Unmasked but not apprehended during the conflict was MAL operative Noelle Woods, who was one of the perpetrators of the attack.

All of these individuals should be considered dangerous. Anyone who provides information leading to their arrest will be financially compensated.

We are taking this incident very seriously, and we have terminated the employment of the supervisor of the convoy, Special Agent Evan Chapman.

Thank you for your time and attention.

Esposito, I'd like you to supervise a team to check in on family and friends of the escapees.

Mintz, Mostafa, and Mateos report that our address on file for Colonel Harper is incorrect. They can provide further information here. Deputy Director Conley is back on his feet and will be directing a search party.
Why would Corrine have a fake address on file?

Sep. 22nd, 2017



Agent Zayyad informs me that Colonel Harper isn't responding to urgent summons. I need the Information Suppression Team on duty immediately—we have multiple incident reports. Consider Special Agent Lange to be acting as Deputy Director in the absence of Colonel Harper, and follow his directives please.

I also need a few people to visit Colonel Harper's home and ensure nothing is amiss. Volunteers?
Lange will be on this filter for the moment, to ensure he doesn't miss anything.


network: y. lazear ✒️ 04

spoilers for MAL distractions! )

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January 2018




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