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May. 5th, 2010


Friday | May 16th 2008

Who: Karaoke peoples!
When: Friday, later in the evening AFTER DRESS REHEARSAL.
Where: The bar Astrid and Keagan's karaoke party is at.

"Hey, everybody," Astrid giggled as she sidled up to the mic, tapping it for everyone's attention. She was a little tipsy. Okay, no, way more than tipsy, but she'd been doing a really good job of being social over the last hour since karaoke had started. The thing had started while Duncan still had his kids in dress rehearsal, so imagine her surprise when he showed and Adora hadn't seen him yet. "So, okay, next up..." She giggled a little more, as if to a secret only she knew. "We have my favorite Il Profesore to siiiing. Mister Boyaaard..." She said with flare as she moved off the stage and went to go plop down in the first seat she could find, which was next to Summer.

For the first time in a very long time, Duncan was a suffering from a slight case of stage fright. It wasn’t the masses of young faces staring up at him from the dimly lit audience. Nor was it the fact he had to follow a rather handsome boy performing that goddamn “Hallelujah” song that made women automatically drop their panties. No, the unsure expression on his face and the way he came on stage with his eyes slightly downcast was because of one woman, at one table, in one direction. He knew exactly where Adora was sitting.

He may have known where she was, but Adora hadn't quite made out what Astrid was saying. To be honest, it had gotten to be white noise by that point. She wasn't even facing the stage, she was kind of moping. She'd thought Duncan was going to be out here for karaoke, that maybe he'd be a dork and do something. She thought she had it aaall figured out. But then she'd remembered his dress rehearsal and she honestly thought he wasn't going to show.

His eyes stayed on the rolling teleprompter that scrolled the lyrics. He gently laid one hand on the standing microphone while the opening notes to “Stand By You” by The Pretenders began. When he sang, his voice was soft, unsure, but clear and beautiful.

... )

Mar. 22nd, 2010


Sunday, April 20th, 2008

Who: Duncan and Adora
When: Sunday Afternoon
Where: Duncan's Apartment
What: Adora finally comes clean about lying about dating Keagan and it doesn't go well

.... The drama... )
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Tuesday, April 22nd, 2008

Who: Lloyd and Adora
Where: Lloyd's Office
When: Around 2 or so
What: Adora takes Lloyd up on the offer for a neutral ear

The entire concept of therapy had always kind of annoyed Adora. But, that was before she'd actually found herself wanting someone to talk to and not knowing who to go to. Couldn't go to Nox, he would want to weigh in and that would be too volatile, and she couldn't go to Keagan, he was too close as well, and she didn't want to make things worse. Charlie had offered, but her normal method of wanting to blow off steam and then put Charlie in the mix and it was... unhealthy. And then, the biggest problem, she needed to talk about Duncan but she couldn't talk to Duncan about himself all the time, and she'd said pretty clearly that it was too difficult to be friends with him and feel this way so she needed space. Boy, had she made that clear.

So when she knocked on Lloyd's office door around 2, she wasn't honestly sure what she was going to say, she just knew she needed to talk. To someone.
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Mar. 16th, 2010


Friday, April 18th, 2008

Who: Duncan and Adora
Where: Starting on-campus, then moving off
When: Friday night
What: Adora and Duncan attempt a friend hang-out slash non-date

This is so awkward. )
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Mar. 5th, 2010


Friday, April 11th, 2008

Who: Keagan and Adora
When: Friday night, just after Duncan left
Where: Adora's place
What: Keagan breaks to Adora that she's in denial, and the two of them kind of just... cope for the moment

... )
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Mar. 3rd, 2010


Friday | April 11th 2008

Who: Duncan, Adora, Keagan
Where: Adora's apt
When: late evening, 10pm or so
What: Duncan is being spontaneous, and it totaaally bites him in the ass!

Duncan was worried about Keagan. Poor lad. He really had liked Astrid, and now his lie had blown up in his face. He was too nice to tell Adora 'told you so,' so when the succubus had tried to blame herself via text msg he'd passed by the notion and moved on to more important topics.

It had been a few hours, though, and he hadn't heard from her. Had she been able to get in contact with him? He had contemplated calling Keagan himself, but that would go against his own advice of letting Keagan wallow for a little while before people dumped pity all over him. It was necessary, sometimes, to wallow a little before attempting to correct a situation.

Wallowing was a good idea, sometimes. )

Feb. 25th, 2010


Thursday | April 10th 2008

Who: Duncan and Adora
Where: Adora's apt
When: Thursday evening
What: Duncan reveals last two days' work to his bff.

Duncan had only told Adora that he had something to show her in her old apartment. It was a pretty bad set up to his surprise, but he really could not think of one better. The truth of the matter was .. he was nervous. He didn't know if Adora would like what he had done. If the painted walls, new countertop tiling, and new bathroom accessories were going to hurt rather than help, he wasn't sure what he would do.

"It's not much," he said, waiting for her to use her keys. Now that he had told her where they were going, he hadn't needed to sneak it off her own keyring.
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Feb. 21st, 2010


Tuesday | April 8th 2008

Who: Duncan & Adora
When: Evening
Where: Duncan's apt
What: Adora's being a male-rooster tease.

Duncan felt like a sixteen year old. Considering he was actually 377, that was some feat. They had already watched two atrocious horror films, and were just about a quarter of an hour into their third when Adora's fingers began stroking Duncan's thigh. He had been in this situation before. Granted, never with a succubus who looked at him as a #3 without the cheese, but still, same situation. As her fingernails rasped against the inside of his leg he began going through possible outcomes. It was something Duncan did, when in any nerve wracking situations. His brain calculated available maneuvers, possible outcomes, and consequences.

He could ask Adora if she really wanted to do this. Ideally, this seemed like a good idea. An unsuspecting man with a sweet temperament and less experience would do so, not knowing that Adora could easily respond with:

a) Why? Do YOU not want to? I'm not attractive anymore, I knew it!
b) Yes.. well, I thought I did, but now that you ask should I not? Am I wrong for wanting to? NOW I DON'T WANT TO.
c) Yes, I do ---

-- and then, at perhaps the worst possible time ever, decide no, in fact, she did not really want to do this.

As Duncan grew hard in his jeans, he realized C was probably an outcome available whether he said anything or not.
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Monday, April 7th, 2008

Who: Duncan and Adora
Where: Adora's Apartment
When: Monday evening
What: Adora goes to clean up her apartment to a nice surprise

Adora's first day back at work had been... eventful to say the least. If it wasn't the fact that Ric's office had been broken into and now needed new supplies, it was the fact that teachers had been deciding to order supplies without telling her and now the budget was all messed up and needed fixing. And then, of course, this was Adora, who wanted to get back to business as usual and that meant flirting with people she had no desire being around and just being her normal witty self.

It just sounded a lot easier than it felt. The fact was, flirting with people had been... really draining. Well, not entirely true. Flirting with Duncan had wound up being easy and unexpected. IT was a little unfair, though, considering she was hungry, SO hungry, but didn't quite know what to do about it. She didn't quite feel up to eating and... so it had been an exhausting day.

So, by the time she'd actually gotten to her apartment, Adora wasn't even sure she really wanted to clean anymore. She kind of just wanted to curl up with some pizza and watch a movie with Duncan and... oh Judas Priest, had that actually crossed her mind? When she got to her apartment, though, she realized her door was unlocked and stepped in. Wait, had he beaten her here?

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Feb. 16th, 2010


3.31.08 Monday

Who: Duncan and Adora
Where: Duncan's apt
When: Monday evening
What: Adora "renovated" her apt.

Duncan was vacuuming when Adora returned from her mystery errand. He had barely heard the door. He killed the power when he heard the second knock to yell "OPEN!" and then unplugged the vacuum and rolled it into the other room.

"Are you hungry?" he called from the other room. His footsteps grew louder as he approached and popped back into his living room. He saw her then, for the first time.


... )
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Feb. 15th, 2010


Sunday, March 30th, 2008

Who: Duncan and Adora
Where: The Infirmary, then Duncan's place
When: Sunday, late morning
What: Adora gets released from the Infirmary now

.... )
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Feb. 1st, 2010


Friday: March/28/08

Who: Nox and Adora
When: Friday morning
Where: the infirmary
What: much needed BFF time
Note: Criss and Kat.. let me know if this isn't okay

Nox hadn't gotten much sleep Thursday night. He spent a good part of it at Adora's side watching her sleep. She didn't look at all peaceful. If he'd been a dreamwalker, he might have tried to enter her dreams and make them better. It looked as though she was in pain. Eventually, the doctor convinced Nox to leave and come back in the morning, and that's just what he did.

He cracked his neck a few times as he walked slowly and sadly through the halls. It was somewhat early and most of the students were either still sleeping or at breakfast. Nox wasn't hungry. He just wanted to see Adora. He passed by Duncan on his way into the infirmary, giving the other man a nod. Their eyes communicated all that needed to be said. This wasn't an easy situation, and talking to each other about it wouldn't do anyone any good.

Nox took a few slow, deep breaths as he walked to Adora's bedside, seeing she was awake this time. He managed a small, forced smile as he looked at her. "Morning," he said softly, reclaiming the seat he'd used the night before. "I came last night.. but.. you were sleeping. If you're still tired, you can go back to sleep right now. I... I'll wait."
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Jan. 30th, 2010


Thursday, March 27 - 7PM

Who: Keagan and Jang-Geum
Where: The Infirmary
When: After dinner time.
What: Jang-Geum and Keagan find out why Adora had a miscarriage.

After leaving the infirmary with Astrid earlier, he took her to her room. He made sure she was cleaned, in pajamas, and had food to eat in case she did get hungry later. He sat with her and let her cry until she cried herself to sleep. He very gently laid her down and laid a blanket over her. He wrote her a quick note explaining he'd gone to check on Adora and headed back to the Infirmary.

He was not looking forward to anything that was about to happen. Yes, he had sat in with a number of autopsies over the years, but they were far different. They were also in the 15th and 16th century, and for the sake of discovery rather than... this. There was a bit of a detach when you didn't know the corpse. Keagan let out a deep breath before heading into the Infirmary.

He looked around for Jang-Geum, passing by the room where Adora and Duncan were. Adora was alseep and Duncan looked like he was either asleep or in deep thought sitting beside her, so he decided to let them be. He found Jang-Geum collecting tools in another room. "I'm here to help with the autopsy..."

Jan. 29th, 2010


Thursday, March 27th, 2008

Who: Adora, Astrid and Fox, then Jang-Geum, Duncan and Keagan
Where: Adora's desk, then to the Infirmary
When: Around 12 on Thursday
What: Adora realizes there's something wrong with the baby, but Astrid can't get her to the Infirmary on her own

Jan. 23rd, 2010


Friday, March 21st, 2008

Who: Duncan, Adora and Jang-Geum
Where: Adora's Place
When: Friday afternoon
What: Gossip, mayhem, all sorts of craziness ensues

Talk about a heated discussion. )

Jan. 13th, 2010


Friday March 14th 2008

Who: Duncan & Adora
Where: Adora's apt
When: Laaaaaaaate
What: A slightly tipsy Duncan visits his best pal, Adoring Adora
Rating: /).(\ !

Sleepovers are fun! )
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Jan. 7th, 2010


Monday, March 10th, 2008

Who: Keagan and Adora
When: Around lunchtime on Monday
Where: The Cafeteria
What: Adora runs into Keagan and tries to give him a few pointers on how to integrate into cultures

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Jan. 6th, 2010


Tuesday, March 10th, 2008

Who: Duncan and Adora
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: Adora's car, then they're out at an Ikea or something
What: Duncan randomly steals Adora away to go buy a bed. And... domestic squabbles will ensue.

Adora snickered as she watched Duncan's last text ping her phone,  and she rolled her eyes, moving to shut down her computer for the day. It had been hellaciously slow, to the point where Adora had just about had enough anyway. If Duncan hadn't offered her a distraction, she would have simply left at 2 anyway and gone home to work on something. Or talk to Keagan. Hm, she wondered what he was up to in the first place. Masquerading as a student had to be a complete pain in the ass, too.

Standing, Adora grabbed her purse and her jacket, then looked through her purse to make sure her car keys were with her. Which, they were. "Okay, Hope, I'm heading out early, I'll see you tomorrow." Adora quickly said, not so much asking but telling Hope, as she figured the woman wouldn't mind, given how slow it was all around.

Stepping out of the office into the main hallway, Adora leaned against the wall to wait for Duncan, not really trying to be impatient, but... hey, the idea of going and fetching him a new bed was... pretty hilarious for her.
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Jan. 3rd, 2010


Sunday, March 9th, 2008

Who: Duncan, Adora and Keagan
When: Sunday morning, March 9th, 2008
Where: The spare art room
What: Duncan and Adora hold Keagan for "detention" simply so he'll come clean about his age.
OOC NOTE: This is done as an AIM chat room convo only because we all knew it was gonna be heavy dialogue and this would go SO MUCH FASTER.

(.... On a second note, my "What" description sounds HELLA dirty.)

Jan. 2nd, 2010


Saturday - March 8th, 2009 (Very, very late. Technically Sunday really.)

Who: Adora and Hope
When: Super Late!
Where: Adora's Car
What: Daddy made Adora bring Hopey home.

Thanks for the ride and the girl kisses. )
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