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Jul. 9th, 2011


Thursday 25th December 2008

WHO: Blake, Godric, Wesley, Mandy and whoever's turned up
WHEN: Xmas day baby!
WHAT: Blake wants to give his presents in person, and to thank a particular vampire.

Blake had spent most of Christmas Eve/Day's evening with a tremendous headache for two reasons: he had broken down into tears repeatedly, on receiving the parcel and on reading the journal, and also because his head was straining with the new information that was screaming to be let out of its hexed cage. He'd managed to sleep in the early hours on the morning only to wake up three hours later and though he was tired, he was already planning going to Godric's house if only to thank him for his gift.

He rolled up infront of the very familiar house and had to pause to drink it all in. Since reading Ric's memories his own had been brought to the forefront and he saw it in such a different light. His fondness for the place wasn't changed at all, but he remembered the exact place he'd smashed that cereal bowl, where he'd arrived home drunk... the window Godric had been able to see through because of Blake's charms deflecting sunlight....

Grabbing the gifts he'd bought he strolled up to the front door and had to knock with his foot, just because he'd stupidly forgotten a bag and he didn't really want to break anything.

Jul. 5th, 2011


Wednesday 17th December 2008

Who: Wesley and Kindle
Where: A bar and then...
When: late weds night
What: Kindle needs a riiiide

A drunken text from a student and former conquest was what this Wednesday amounted to. Or was it Thursday now? It was probably nearing midnight as he headed into town, searching for the bar sign he'd recognised passing about 100 times. He'd never gone in, always wondered what it was like. Now his main concern was wondering what a drunken Kindle would look like sitting haphazardly on a bar stool...

Walking through to the bar, Wesley looked around for his tipsy friend and instantly spotted her at the bar. "Hey, you," he smiled warmly at her, needing to get her out of here and back into her bed safe and sound as quickly as possible. "You causing some trouble?"
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Jul. 2nd, 2011


Thursday Dec. 18th 2008

Who: Garret and Wesley
What: Checking in on the patient
Where: Beverly Hospital
When: Thursday, late day
Rating: PG 13

Wesley had a mission; to search for the elusive Grit and stop his heart from attacking him once more. Good job the healer had medical training as well as expert sleuthing abilities. He'd not known that Garret had had a heart attack until Max had phoned him but now he knew, he was gonna do his best to live up to his promise and get him home safely.

The hospital was missing one doctor's coat when Wesley walked the halls, dapper in white and an ID badge. He was now Dr Graham, a boring name for such a suave medical genius. Picking up some glasses on the way, Wesley found the ward and room Garret was staying in, swooping in with a very nasally, soft voice and disturbing the nurse that was already in there.

"Nurse, that's enough preening for now, go wash socks for some time, go go.... Hoakay, Mister Foss, heart patient." He tutted to himself and shook his head, before looking over his glasses with those brown eyes and keeping the other man's gaze. "Very. Naughty. Boy."

I'm old. )
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Jun. 29th, 2011


Tuesday 16th December 2008

Who: Will (Haddon & Wesley later)
Where: The BGH / Will's room
When: All through Tuesday, and a bit on Weds morning
What: Trying to escape.
Note: Swearing?

If Monday had not been stressful enough Tuesday brought its own battles. Will was attempting to forget everything he felt as a seventeen year old, all the memories it had brought lingering like fresh scars in his mind and he was compensating by being bright and cheerful, announcing his return back from teendom. Every time he tried he never quite seemed to get there. After waking up to an empty room he’d been relieved, grateful to be back in his bed but also quite sad. It had been rare that he’d woken without someone with him. In fact since meeting Haddon he’d probably been alone in bed or the bedroom for ten months out of Fifty years. The teenager that still lingered in his head reasoned that it was fine, he’d slept on the streets and barns way before then, had managed alone. What was his problem? But there wasn’t any getting rid of this ache that seemed to stick in his stomach.

The hardest part was smiling. He’d never known effort quite like smiling when he wanted to cry, just so he seemed happy and fine and moving on. It took all his energy and when he had little to begin with it was a long, painful process. He was constantly torn between believing being a teen had been better than this, and that he’d never ever want to be in that blonde’s mindset again. When he spoke to people he tried to tell himself he was happy. He sang Back in Black quietly, putting emphasis on the words and waiting for them to sink in. It didn’t happen.

In a moment of what seemed divine decision Will returned to his room and began to pack. )

Jun. 3rd, 2011


Tuesday 2nd December

Who: Roger, Dante and Wesley
Where: BGH
When: Tuesday afternoon
What: Roger & Dante return home for a brief spell
Rating: NSFW!!!
Note: AIM scene

I can be happy but never like I am with you. So I won't wait. There's no.... point in waiting. You're it. )

May. 14th, 2011


Thursday - November 27th, 2008

Who: People at the BGH
When: Evening
What: Thanksgiving!
Where: The BGH

Thankfully Jonah had gotten things started long before Cissy had arrived to help him finish up dinner. It was going to be a beast what with so many different guests arriving. The two cooks were going all out. There was going to be turkey and ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, deviled eggs, pumpkin pie, all the basic staples of a great Thanksgiving dinner.

Guests were set to arrive at five, but dinner wasn't going to be ready until six in spite of Jonah getting a head start. There was just too much to be done! But Cissy had ensured that the bar was well-stocked so that people could enjoy drinks while they waited for dinner. Hopefully tonight would go off without a hitch. It was certainly going to be interesting to say the least.

[Note: I figured we could use this to do any sort of mini-scenes we wanted pre-dinner and then end it with people sitting down to eat.]

Apr. 24th, 2011


Tuesday 11/18/08

Who:  Declan, Ikon and Syn. Later Wes!
Where: On campus, near the staff apartments
When: Afternoon
What: Declan's doing rounds and collapses! Ikon and Syn to the rescue.

Not having felt his best for the past couple days, Declan was trying to take it easy on his shifts, spending most of the time in the office watching the cameras, filing paperwork and only doing rounds when it was necessary. Unfortunately now seemed to be one of those times. Classes had just started, so most students were out of the halls meaning he probably wouldn't run into anyone on his walk. Though it wasn't typical for him, at the moment that suited Declan just fine. He threw on a jacket over his light sweater before heading out for the walk around the campus.

With stomach cramps, headache and nausea, it would have been a smarter decision to ask Garret to cover his shift  so Dec could rest. It didn't make sense to the dryad why he was feeling ill and he was focusing on that while walking. He was a tree. He wasn't supposed to catch bugs like the flu. His usual route was taking twice as long, something Declan noticed when he was close to the staff apartments. He paused for a moment, trying to get the energy together to make it back to the office. It wasn't working. Dec closed his eyes as the ground rushed forward to catch him as he passed out.
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Apr. 4th, 2011


Thursday 6th November

Who: Wesley and Garret
Where: BGH then 'out'
When: Thursday 6th November
What: Garret and Wesley are going out on a date.

This was exciting and also terrifying. His first proper date in months, more importantly the first after Roger's departure. It wasn't serious, he wasn't deluded enough to believe in the female sentiment of flowers and roses and possible future marriage it was just stupid. He knew exactly what this was and he was grateful for it.

Judging himself in his full body mirror Wesley heard the doorbell and grinned to himself. He wasn't ready yet. He needed to look perfect, foxy, lush, but something was missing. Yelling as loud as he could, "Someone get that, please! It's my date! I'll be there in a second!" he didn't know who the fuck was in the house right now but he knew the reactions. If Ric answered, he'd be stern and questioning or glaring at least. Mandy might thwack the poor security guard with her mommy purse. He wasn't sure which reaction would be better.
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Mar. 31st, 2011


Monday November 3rd 2008

Who: Blake and Godric (and Wes and Mandy a tad)
What: Drinks and a Movie
Where: The BGH
When: Evening
Rating: PG 13

Blake dismissed his nerves of the impending evening with Ric and go as merely adjusting to this life once again, regarding the house for a moment before he took the remaining steps up to the front door. He was worried Mandy would not like his gift. That Wesley would see tonight as a time to make good on his promise from a while back that he was “gonna gitcha one day, hot boy”. Those were just factors. He was, by no means, worried that he would be in Ric’s company because of what Mini Wesley had informed him. He had not, not at all, been thinking of the scenarios that Mini Wesley had put into his head. It was this denial that helped him push his nerves down, though to whoever opened the door he was the pinnacle of calm and quite bright in his mood, dressing as comfortably as possible in a fetching t-shirt and jeans, matched with a blazer.

The moment Wesley heard the doorbell he jumped up and down like an excited schoolkid if only to piss off Ric and clapped his hands. “He’s here, oh my Godric he’s here!” The voice was lispy and girly, the look he shot Ric being one akin to Bambi when he saw his mate for the first time. Using the living room as a skipping track Wesley continued to bother his vampire friend. “What are you gonna say? That you looove him? That you want his body? Oh my God, what if he asks you out! Is this helping?”

First, I thought I would say 'Hello', then invite him inside and ask him how his day has been. Then, if I am feeling bold, I will offer him something to drink. )

Mar. 17th, 2011


Monday October 27th 2008

Who: Godric and Wesley
What: Lunch
Where: The Cafeteria
When: Lunchtime
Rating: PG 13

So far, things were going well. Walking in heels had been tough at first, but eventually Godric had gotten used to it. The skirt was a different matter entirely, however. Yes it was grey, and yes it came down to his knees, but it was well fitting and seemed to be molesting his ass. As he saw his reflection in the mirror, Godric kept frowning. It might have been shapely but it was very inappropriate by his standards. He looked like Georgie, if Georgie were trying to seem like a slutty librarian. Not to mention, every top he owned was either low cut or off the shoulder. The one he's chosen today was at least a modest color, though it really made his pink hair pop. Pink, augh. Of all colors.

One of the only benefits was that, as a gifted human, Godric could walk in daylight. And he could eat. And as he sat in the cafeteria with a tray full of a variety of foods, he was looking forward to that very much.

If this were a surreal film showcasing the insides of Wesley's mind, a hoarde of cheerleaders would have suddenly burst forth into the canteen chanting )
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Mar. 12th, 2011


Wednesday 29th October

Who: Wes & Kimmi
Where: BGH
When: Weds afternoon/evening
What: Wesley is still being coached in a break up
Rating; no clue

If there was one thing Wes couldn't stand any more of it was chick flick movies. Not that they moved him but they were insipid and boring and they were always like tragically happy or whatever in the end. Wes despised such movies. He'd come close to throwing something at the TV but there hadn't been anything to hand unless you counted Mandy's newly bought handbag and he wouldn't ruin that for her.

The only thing he enjoyed about this intervention was having Kimmi's company. He hadn't realised how much he'd missed her until he was around her again. After the few days, if not the weeks, he'd had she was a welcome ray of sunshine. Affection was definitely still there, helping him cope with the other shitty things; Roger was gone. Ric, it appeared, had abandoned him. Kim and Starbuck were having a kid, they were all rosy and happy and asking Wes to take care of their new perfect addition. Garret had used him for healing before going off to be with his boy. One of them. Both. Who knew. Mandy was scared of him, having called in her mother to assist in getting his ass in check. He was a disappointment, an embarassment, and he felt humiliated, but he was managing. At least that's what he told himself as he attempted to scour some pans at the sink.
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Mar. 7th, 2011


Wednesday, October 22nd, 2008

Who: Kim and Wes
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: The infirmary
What: Kim arrives for her first appointment with the healer.

It had been only about three and a half days since Kim and Starbuck found out she was pregnant, but she still couldn't believe it. Though she was happy about it now, she still worried about everything having to do with the pregnancy and the baby's subsequent arrival though she'd have nine months to go through before any real worrying commenced. Kim was only twenty years old and having a baby at this age was a scary thing. She never would've imagined herself in this situation, but the fact that she would have Starbuck at her side made her feel better.

Another worry she'd had was of finding a doctor. Kim didn't feel completely safe going to a regular doctor because of the possibility that they could find something different in the baby's DNA. So, at Starbuck's suggestion, she asked Wes for help and he obliged. At least he would know to expect the chance that the baby could be supernatural.

Knocking on the door to the infirmary, Kim stepped inside and peered around before calling out. "Wes? Are you here?"
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Saturday 25th October

Who: Wes and Mandy.... and Kimmi!
Where: the BGH.
When: Saturday night
What: Wesley's dear darling daughter has arranged a divine intervention.

Wesley was lounging around on the sofa, bowl of potato chips perched on his bare chest whilst his legs, only barely covered by baggy sweatpants that were almost off his ass they were sitting so low. He'd just sunk deeper into the sofa, flicking between random channels. It was now the History channel, a documentary about World War Two. Interesting. He knew Blake had served, but hadn't asked many questions about it. He wasn't really watching it, just letting the narrator's brisk British voice soothe him into a dull, mindless state.

The bang of the door didn't even alert him much. He figured it was Ric or Hope or Mandy, returning home at last to save him from his misery. "Hey, can you bring me another bag of chips?" If they were up they could detour to the kitchen.

Feb. 20th, 2011


Thursday 16th October

Who: Wesley and Garrett
Where: Out (bar down the highway)
When: Thursday evening
What: Wes wants to get drunk. Garret is the perfect accompaniment.

Ric would disapprove. That's all Wes thought as he waited for Garret. He'd just said he was going 'out' not that he was about to get shitfaced at the nearest bar to drown his sorrows. Not that Ric didn't have an idea what Wesley was going to be doing but at least he didn't know who with. Staring into space as the seconds ticked by Wes tried to get into the mindset of a good night. Drinks, laughs, fun, conversation... Roger drinking, Roger's laugh, fun with Roger, Roger's conversation...

As he saw the car pull up Wes straightened himself a little in an attempt to snap himself out of his depression. Garret provided fun banter, he'd be a good drinking buddy. Dressed in a grey t-shirt and his simplest jeans just for comfort, Wes was quick to get in the car as the chill of the air had started to get to him. Settling next to Garret Wes shot him an approving glance before he stared in front of him. "You look good."
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Feb. 18th, 2011


Tuesday 14th October

Who: Godric and Wesley
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: the BGH
What: Roger's gone and Wes can't stand to be alone

That was it. The end. Roger had left with Dante and Wes had been faced with an empty apartment. The moment the door was closed the healer had returned to the living room normally. He went about tidying up a little, padded to the bedroom where the sheets were all disheveled from the passionate night they'd shared and Wes' clothes still all over the floor. Wes smiled a little, as if he'd forgotten what had just happened.

Throughout the morning Wes worked on autopilot. Watched Family Guy, watched random trashy tv shows, scratched himself through his pyjamas. As the morning turned to afternoon Wes started preparing for 'dinner' and the evening. It was only then that something seemed odd. Roger wasn't around. Every half an hour Wes expected that sound outside the door would be Roger returning from the school only to realise with a lurch that it wasn't going to happen. It was only when he returned to the bedroom in the thought of getting dressed when the weight of the silence hit him. The bed was empty. Roger had spent his last night there. Tonight would be the first of many that Wes would spend sleeping alone.

A panic gripped Wes' insides as he fought the rush of sadness that flooded him and before he knew what had happened he was parking up at Ric's house. The drive had been a blur. He was still in his pyjamas (nice) and he let himself in to the house. Not even bothering to look for his friend Wes walked around like he was still living there, raiding the fridge to grab the nearest handy snack before he settled himself on the couch. This was good, this was familiar and yet not as painful. The void wasn't as big here, and he switched to the news on TV.
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Monday 13th October

Who: Roger and Wesley
Where: Their apartment
When: Evening
What: Roger's leaving...

This wasn't going to go well. Roger's stomach was in knots, his hands shaking, as he waited for Wesley to come home. What was he going to say? The healer was already having a rough time lately, with being overloaded at work and being exhausted and sick. And now this... Roger knew he wouldn't take it well. He knew that Wesley loved him, hell he would marry him if Roger only indicated he wanted it. How was he going to understand that Roger needed to leave him? Part of the demon thought that he should just vanish, not tell Wes he was even going. Maybe it would be easier not knowing what happened then know the truth. But Wesley would've done anything he could to find Roger. He'd fall apart not knowing. Roger also debated lying to Wes, tell him something easier to understand, like... like maybe that Roger didn't love him anymore. He had almost decided to do that, but Roger knew that he couldn't get the words out without bursting into tears, without breaking the facade. The truth would be best, and be the hardest. But he knew it was right. Sitting on the couch, not watching the show playing in front of him, the demon was twisting a loose thread on his jeans anxiously as he waited. When the front door opened, his heart nearly leapt out of his throat, his mouth suddenly dry. This was it, this was the moment. He wasn't nearly ready for it.

This is... you’re breaking up with me? )
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Jan. 11th, 2011


Saturday 27th Sept

Who: Wesley and Will
Where: Wes' apartment.
When: Morning / Afternoon of Saturday
What: Will needs patching up and a place to stay.

After managing to avoid the various police cars, suspicious drivers and odd-looking people passing him en route Will was finally in the safety of his destination. He was cold, his feet hurt not just because of the various grit he'd trodden on, and the blood from his head injury was now trickling down the back of his neck and seeping into the thin material of his hoody. His mind was at war with itself, battling a constant wave of emotions that made him feel physically sick. He needed help.

Heal me, moron, before I pass out and mess up your girly fabric )

Dec. 29th, 2010


Sunday 21st September 08

Who: Kindle and Wes
What: Bugging the old man.
Where: BGH?
When: Sunday evening.

The fire sprite had been working every shift she could possibly get since Frankie left, trying to keep her mind occupied so she didn't spend too much time feeling confused by missing her. Today was no exception on the work front. Kindle had just finished a twelve hour shift but she didn't feel like heading back to the school, so what was she to do? Annoy someone she rarely talked to anymore of course.

It was about seven when she stood outside the front door, chinese takeaway bag in hand, and called Wes. "It's Kindle. I'm outside with food. Let me in." Message delivered she hung up before he could reply and waited, still wearing the diner uniform, with a faux leather jacket thrown over it.
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Dec. 28th, 2010


Sunday: September/21/08

Who: Starbuck and Fisher
When: Sunday morning
Where: the infirmary
What: taking care of a patient and friend

Starbuck had considered spending the night at the infirmary when Fisher was brought in Saturday, but after healing the gash on the dude's head and taking care of a messed up shoulder, Starbuck was tired. It had been a long day, and Fisher hadn't been the only one in need of Starbuck's healing powers. He was better at keeping his energy levels up thanks to lots of practice, but everyone had a limit, and Starbuck had reached his. Fisher was still unconscious, and Starbuck sensed there was something more wrong on the inside, but head injuries were so damn tricky. Since Starbuck didn't know exactly what was wrong, he didn't want to risk healing the brain and it draining him dry in the process. Fisher seemed stable, and hopefully he'd come to on his own after getting some rest. There was nothing more Starbuck could do for the time being, and he'd be better served getting some food in his system and sleeping, so that's what he did.

When he returned in the morning, Fisher was still out cold. It made the healer frown. "Fisher?" he said, coming to the man's side and checking a few vitals. He'd learned enough from his EMT training now that he had a good medical foundation to back up his magical skills.

Nov. 13th, 2010


Sunday 1st September

Who: Wes, Ric and Dante making an appearance
Where: The BGH
When: eeeearly Sunday morning
What: Ric requested Wes' presence, Wes is turning up
Rating: TBD

Wes had left his phone on loud ever since Ric had told him he'd be gone for the weekend. It wasn't just out of worry - he had a feeling that if there was a medical emergency Ric would be in need of assistance. He wasn't wrong; in the very early morning of Sunday he received the text from his vampire brother Wesley slipped out of bed, giving a mildly disturbed Roger a kiss on the head before giving him a brief explanation, telling him he'd see him soon. At least he hoped it would be soon...

He drove as quickly as he could which was quicker than normal because there was nobody on the roads, his mind going into overdrive. He would not make a scene, he would be calm collected and rational. Ric was not his best friend, he was a patient and the other people were as well. Just patients. As soon as he parked he was out and into the house with great speed as if he his mantra hadn't mattered. Dante was in the living room. "Where's Ric?" Wes asked immediately, pacing around until he gave him an answer. He wasn't panicking - yet - he was just eager to help. "What's he need doing?"
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