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Sep. 28th, 2009


Sunday, 1/20/08

Who: Sydni and Mikhail
What: (almost) Wedded Bliss Interrupted
Where: Their apartment
When: 6:30

Sydni had decided that steak was a must tonight.  In fact, steak was a must every night this week.  The full moon made her crave every kind of meat she could get.  Red meat, specifically.  Maybe a roast.  Ooo, she could start that tonight...

The brunette still grew quite restless around the full, and staying up half the night with a roast cooking wouldn't faze her.  In fact, the thought of eating that roast at the end of several hours of roasting was making her mouth water.  Then she could make beef stew, and beef sandwiches, and...  What was that?

It felt like the world had just... blipped.  Like, wobbled or something.  Sydni didn't understand what had happened, and that pissed her off.  Growling slightly, she just let the anger simmer as she watched the steaks on the George Foreman grill.  Mikhail had better appreciate this.
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Sep. 27th, 2009


Monday - 1/21/08

Who: Davia and OPEN (but be forewarned, your character will probably be fed upon)
When: Monday Evening
Where: Wandering the halls of TJS
What: Trying to pick up the pieces...

Something was wrong. Very wrong. The previous day, Davia had been minding her own business, sitting in her office nursing a hangover and staring at a picture of herself, Charlie, and Maggie when all of a sudden, the strangest feeling washed over her. She closed her eyes, waiting for it to pass, and when she opened them, she had no idea where she was, who the people in the picture were, or who she was even. It was a terrifying feeling. She had scoured the room for something, anything, even the slightest clue, and she had finally found something, an ID card apparently. The girl on the ID looked like the girl in the photo who looked like the girl in the mirror. Shaye. Apparently her name was Shaye De Angelis and she lived in Los Angeles. Of course, when she looked out the window, it didn't look anything like LA outside. It looked cold and bleak and dreary.

Shaye had been afraid for a very long while to leave the confines of the room. It was until she had decided that she was hungry and determined that there were no snacks hidden in what appeared to be an office that she ventured out and into the halls to see what she could find. It was still a bit light outside, and something about that scared her, and told her not to step outside of the doors. Eventually she found a tunnel that seemed to run underground and though she was terrified, she followed it through, and she managed to find her way into another building. There were more people here. And just through the power of sheer observation alone, she determined that she was not the only one that had no idea who she was. What could have possibly happened?

Her mouth felt dry and her stomach felt queasy and she felt really weak and light headed. A hand moved to the wall to help steady herself as she continued to walk, carefully avoiding anyone she might meet. She had no idea where she was going though. She had no idea how far it might possibly be to the kitchens or why, when she felt so weak and thirsty, that the mere thought of food turned her stomach. She could feel her heart thumping hard inside her chest. She could hear her blood rushing behind her ears. Blood... The thought of that appealed to her deeply though she couldn't possibly know why. Her eyes fluttered closed as they rolled back into her head and she felt herself slipping away. She crumpled to the floor.
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Sep. 24th, 2009


Saturday 1/20/07

Who: Sydni and Davia

What: Drama Trauma

Where: Davia's Office

When: Overnight

As promised, Sydni had packed up a bottle of vodka and tequila (left over from when she been seeing Charlie regularly at Halcyon - not that she'd bring that up tonight), a few blood bags, rocky road ice cream and a sleeping bag and pillow. It was kind of weird - this was very much like the first night they had really hung out. It was like they had come full circle. Except that Davia was really hurting. Sydni didn't expect that they'd ever be as great friends as they were, but maybe things could finally get to be better, really better. It didn't seem like that was possible if either of them were with Charlie.

Knocking on the door, Sydni announced herself with, "Room service." She knew little bits of light humor could help, even if Davia didn't actually laugh. She hoped she could get her friend to at least smile at some point during the night.

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Aug. 28th, 2009


Thursday 1/3/08

Who: Mikhail, Sydni
When: Morning, around 10
Where: The Dmitriv-Wilson apartment kitchen
What: Surprise sex
Rating: Totally NSFW. SO NOT. Do not read. Ever.

S is for the simple need. E is for the ecstasy. X is just to mark the spot 'cause that's stuff you really want. )
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Aug. 15th, 2009


Thursday, 12/19/07

Who: Sydni and Theodore

What: A discussion

Where: Sydni's office

When: 6pm

Sydni had been in her office since after dinner. She needed the time to mentally prepare. It didn't matter that he hadn't meant to hurt her (maybe); the fact was that he had almost killed her. She had brought her vial of holy water. It occurred to her that it would not break on contact, most likely, so she went ahead and opened the vial so she could splash him if necessary. Then there was Charlie. She had prayed long and hard that he would not need to use that weapon.

Her door was open so that Theodore could come right in. She smelled his scent before she saw him - she would never forget his scent. "Please, have a seat," she offered softly.

Aug. 11th, 2009


Sunday 12/16/07

Who: Mikhail, Sydni
When: Daytime
Where: The Apartment
What: The two finally have time to themselves to relax, worry about one another, and recover
Warnings: Possible language

Since the previous Tuesday, Mikhail had taken to wearing his eye patch every day, all day, without fail. There was something about wearing it that was like a comfort blanket, or the idea of putting a Band-aid on even when there was no real wound. It was all in his head, but he feared people looking at him like he was different because his eye was, by this point, obviously blind. At least with a patch it left an air of mystery. Was he blind? Was he weird? Was it just some accessory? Or was it something else? That, and in the past he had always learned to fear people with eye patches.

He would rather have people fear him, as they always had when they did not know him personally, than be afraid of everyone else.

Finally, when the weekend rolled around, Mikhail had done absolutely nothing other than worry about Sydni's recovery and hang around the apartment. On Saturday he had caught up on reading--the one time he had taken off his patch was to wear his new reading glass that drove him totally batshit insane--and read some papers from his students. Never being big into the television, he sat in front of it with a newspaper and caught up on American and Russian events. When the morning came on Sunday, however, he went about his usual routine before approaching Sydni.

"How is feeling?" he asked, hands lightly on her waist for comfort as he stood close. "Are healing?"
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Aug. 2nd, 2009


Sunday 12/9/07

Who: Calvin (and Sydni)
When: Around 11PM/Midnight
Where: Sydni's ritual grounds in the forest
What: Calvin finds Sydni in bad shape after she's attacked by Theo
Warning: Blood

It was cold out. )
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Jul. 18th, 2009


Sunday 12/9/07

Who: Sydni and Theodore
What: A dangerous meeting
Where: In the forest surrounding the school
When: Late

Pointing her wand toward the ground, Sydni walked deosil around her circle, casting the sacred space for her ritual.  The frozen ground crunched under her feet, and she was bundled up as much as possible.  She wanted to do this ritual outside because she wanted to do it for Fenrir.  She had brought offerings for Hecate and Hades, and a coin for Charon for Fenrir's safe passage.  She had no spellwork, so it was a fairly quick ritual involving meditation and communion with the Lord and Lady.  After cakes and ale, she took up her wand again and walked the circle widdershins, returning the space to the mundane world.

With a sigh, she set to work gathering up her sacred things.  Despite the cold, she felt rather warm.  That always happened during ritual.

Jul. 17th, 2009


Saturday 12/8/07

Who: Mikhail, Sydni
When: Late Afternoon
Where: The Dmitriv-Wilson apartment
What: Mikhail has a gift to share with Sydni
Warning: Cavities. Maybe.

Today had been one of those long days where Mikhail couldn't decide by the time he got home if he was more tired or sore. His back ached, as he knew it would from having been hugging a tattooing chair all day. His skin didn't really hurt, though. He felt by now he was impervious to tattoo needles, despite the one on his back being fresh and new. There had never been ink upon that skin aside from at the base of his spine where it read "Russian Soviet Navy" in Russian. But now there was something better, something spectacular drawn upon his flesh spanning from one shoulder blade to the other and reaching halfway down his spine.

It took hours. Mikhail had sat at the studio in relative silence, only answering questions asked of him. He wasn't a big talker in general, as many knew, and it was not like him to talk to strangers. Still, the men and few women at the tattooing parlor were nice. They gave him a discount for working at the school, which was a bonus because it was an expensive piece of work. All of the labour and artistry put into such a magnificent design.

Returning back to the apartment that afternoon just before dinner, having told Sydni early that morning he'd be gone all day, he removed his jacket carefully. The ride back had been worrisome, though he knew his new portrait would not be worried from his loose shirt. He had more faith in the people who did the job than that. And he had experience himself. In addition to the new ink staining his back, he had added another yellow star to his arm earlier in the week. It fit in so well with the others it was like it had never been out of place. Fenrir may have enjoyed knowing that he had a place to belong, even if it was in memory amongst fallen comrades upon Mikhail's arm. As always, he'd done that job himself.

"Sydni," called the Russian as he hung his coat on a hanger. Between his back hurting and not wanting to stretch the skin and his failing vision, he nearly missed the rack. Fortunately, he did not. "I am back."
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Jul. 12th, 2009


Tuesday 12/4/07

Who: Daigo, Sydni
When: Afternoon between Daigo's classes
Where: Sydni's office
What: Daigo has an official meeting with his adviser

Running his hands through his dark brown hair, Daigo left class and made way for Sydni's office. He was already registered for his courses and so on, but was glad to have a chat with the woman sponsoring him anyway. It would be nice to talk to someone his own age, anyway. Most of his peers seemed to be younger than him, or far older. Making friends with his teachers, he supposed, would not have been a bad thing. It just felt difficult to make friends when you were 32 at a school and you weren't the one teaching. Part of him thought, well hell, maybe he could talk to the head mistress and see if he could teach something like economics or financing. He was a business major and perfectly qualified to teach either what with his background.

But it wasn't important. All good friends came in due time.

Approaching the door to Sydni's office, he paused before giving a triple knock and gently turning the knob. "Miss Wilson?"
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Jul. 6th, 2009


Monday: 12/3/07

Who: Sydni and Heather
When: very early Monday morning
Where: Heather's apartment
What: grieving

((placeholder for a gdoc))
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Jul. 1st, 2009


Thursday, 11/29/07

Who:  Charlie and Sydni
What:  Sydni really does have a wolf inside of her
Where:  Charlie's office
When:  Evening

Sydni rarely got mad.  When she did though, it was to the point of exploding.  She'd discovered long ago that, unlike for other people, hitting or kicking only made her more angry.  Even running or swimming did nothing.  It was pointless because she wasn't attacking what actually made her mad.

And what made her mad right now was that that Katharina snake-bitch was probably going to get away with being an arrogant bully.  Peyton would not suffer for the comments, but Katharina would likely face no consequence, either.  It didn't matter that Peyton wasn't upset by the comments.  It mattered that a <i>teacher</i> was allowed to behave in such a manner.  There was no apology, no struggle from this woman.  Fenrir had been out of line before, but he had attempted to make amends.  This witch of a serpent had no intention of doing that.

The only thing Sydni could think of was finding someone who would sympathize with her.  This was the kind of thing one bitched about to their best friend.  And that was why the door to Charlie's office banged open as she strode in, not pausing for a second.  For a moment, she glared at him, not because she was angry at <i>him</i>, but because she was too angry to speak.  Finally, she spat out, "Have you been on the journals?"  She looked rather fearsome.  Her hair was slightly mussed from the speed of her strides, and her eyes were the gold of her wolf.  She was clearly pissed off.
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Jun. 27th, 2009


Who: Fenrir and Sydni
When: Lunch time
What: Fenrir needs some explaining to be done
Where: Lunch room.

Fenrir was thoroughly confused. And he wanted to find out answers. So he decided to try "talking" about that confusion instead of just labeling it as something stupid that humans did. So when he plopped down at the same table Sydni was, it wasn't with forewarning, he simply did. He didn't see a reason to ask, after all she had said she was his friend. So that was what friends did. They talked about things.

Still, even in his abruptness, the Fenrir sitting across from Sydni was as calm as mist over a flower bed. His eyes were what gave him away. There was happiness in them. Not just for himself, for the news.

Though he didn't understand it, Mikhail and Sydni had both told him, in their own way, that they were to be mates. Being mates meant that soon children would come, and Children, he had found, made him happy. "So you and Mikhail'r going to be mates? What are these human traditions though? Rings and words I don't understand? You say you are mates so you are mates."
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Jun. 22nd, 2009


Saturday 11/24/07

Who: Sydni and Mikhail

What: A proposal

When: Morning

Where: California

When take Molly on walk? )
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Jun. 17th, 2009


11/22/07 - Thursday

Who: Sydni and Mikhail, and the rents
What: Mikhail has a big question
Where: Sydni's parents home in CA
When: Wednesday

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Jun. 14th, 2009


Monday 11/19/07

Who: Mikhail and Sydni
What: Being adorably sickening, what else
When: Evening
Where: Mikhail's apartment


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Jun. 10th, 2009


Sunday 11-18-07

Who:  Charlie and Sydni
What: Sydni is worried for her friend
When: After his run
Where: Outside the school

The full moon was at the end of the week, and Mikhail was coming home with her for Turkey Day - she had waaaay too much energy.  So, to expend some of that, the brunette went for a walk..  Despite the fact that neither humans nor supernaturals were meant for being outside in this weather.  The amount of bundling she did made her look like she had gained 20 lbs, and while she couldn't really feel her face, the rest of her was fine.

She was walking near the school when she heard, and then smelled a familiar animal.  Cassius?  That meant Charlie!  She was worried about her friend.  She had so much good news to tell him, but he'd not been online and not answered her texts.  That was when the ball of energy and fur appeared and greeted her.  She knelt and talked to him and then looked around for his human.  And when she finally found him, her heart dropped.  He looked ill.  Like really ill.  "Charlie," she gasped, eyes widening.  Standing and taking large steps toward him, she asked, "Oh my God, are you ok?"  What had happened to him?  Was he drinking?  Was there a supernatural bug going around?  Was that possible?
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Jun. 3rd, 2009


Saturday: 11/17/07

Who: Fenrir and Sydni
Where: The halls
When: After his meeting with Zevira
What: Fenrir confesses to going a little crazy.

Fenrir was fully shocked with himself. It almost seemed as if some other person had taken over him when he had talked to the pink gem girl. He had been collected, had not been filled with rage. He'd even helped her off the floor after running into him. All of this and she wasn't even a wolf. Not even a lycan! Just a girl he had happened to run into to.

For all of that, there was a small smile on his face as he walked down the halls, almost as if he knew Luna was watching him and that she would have been proud. Over his two days of sleep, he had met her again and she had been more than upset over his allowing delusions to rule his judgement. He'd recieved quite a talking to about his thick headed desire to injure himself as often as possible. Even so, though, just seeing her had calmed him considerably. And he had promised he would try harder.

So when he saw Sydni, he was practically beaming. Well, at least for him. He walked over in a much more collected fashion than was usual for him. Not so much the lumbering hulk, but more comfortable with himself, standing tall and strong but not intimidatingly. He had much to share, and she might tell him this new him might put him on better terms with Heather. He had talked to Luna much about that as well.
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Jun. 2nd, 2009


Thursday, 11/15/07

Who: Sydni and Tad
Where: the cafeteria
When: lunch time
What: chatting

Lunch time! Tad had awoken a few hours earlier and spent most of his time awake outside, kicking at the dirt. The hurt from Lucile leaving him at this place was still there and not going away, so he needed to find as many distractions as possible. Then there were Dante's words about him needing to get stronger and he agreed. Not only would he be greater at destroying stones and making the floor soft and sticky, but he'd find another skill that was easy to learn. Improving his physical strength might be a good start if he knew how to do that. That was another step on his path to victory. Now, he needed food.

He headed for the cafeteria to find that they were serving mashed potatoes and cooked carrots. Excellent. Tad asked for a double helping of mashed potatoes and found an empty table. Taking a spoon and starting to sculpt, he formed Dante's features in the mashed potato mound, then whacked the top of it. I will crush you one day, he thought to the potato-man. It was then he started to eat his food quickly with just enough chews to keep him from choking. The idea of looking around at other people did not occur to him and he continued his meal in happy peace. Meals were the best time of day and had been even when he was with his creator. The man often ordered pizza, which Tad liked, and Lucile made excellent pasta. Admittedly he knew how to make pasta, but he did not have enough patience to cook much.

Dessert was some pudding and that was going to taste nice, he just knew it. Tad took a swig of his juice and added a little salt to his mashed potatoes, remembering at last to wipe his mouth with the back of his hand that transferred it to a napkin.
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May. 28th, 2009



Who: Sydni and Mikhail
What:  Sydni's scared and needs some cuddling
When: Evening
Where: Mikhail's room

Sydni was sometimes still surprised at what she could do as a lycan sometimes.  Namely, lifting the crate, normally at least a two person job, was near effortless.  Holding Molly's leash in one hand, her other gripped the crate securely.  She already had plenty of clothes at Mikhail's place, so she had no reason to carry another bag.  Molly was excited - she'd never stayed overnight at Mikhail's, and while she didn't quite know that that was happening, she did know her 'human' was carrying her crate, so this was a trip!

While the crate was not all that heavy, it was awkward, and she had to kick the door in place of knocking.  "Mikhail," she called softly.  As soon as the door opened, she dropped both important items and threw her arms around her lover.  Burying her head in the crook of his neck, she wanted to know everything ok.  And when she was in his arms, it always felt like that.
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