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Feb. 14th, 2011


Sunday October 12th 2008

Who: Jason and Blue
What: Backrubs!
Where: Jason's Room
When: Midday
Rating: PG

Blue quickly wrapped up the cookies she had made for Jason, setting aside Mal's and frowning a little. Well, at least someone was getting something good from her today. And Jason was giving her a backrub. Hopefully she could convince him to be shirtless too, because that would be super yummy. In her little heels that clacked on the floor, a short (but not obscene) pleated skirt and a cream colored ruffled peasant top. She wanted to look cute, not sexy. Jason didn't really care when she was sexy but he did say she was cute, so she played that up because it made him smile.

Knocking on his door, Blue bounced on the balls of her feet, excited. Hanging out with Jason was always fun. "Ta da!" she exclaimed as he let her in, holding out his plate of tiny heart cookies, wrapped in pink cellophane.

Is the shirt off really necessary? )
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Dec. 26th, 2010


Tuesday September 16th 2008

Who: Blue and Jason
What: Going to the den again
Where: Downtown Danvers
When: Evening
Rating: PG 13

Blue was so super totally psyched about going out with Jason tonight. Last time she had been behaving herself, and therefore she had missed out on half the experience of going. This time would be different, though. This time she could do whatever she wanted and no one would tell her that it was bad. She hadn't been to a den properly in so long, far too long. She was dressed to kill, but her outfit was covered with her knee length black jacket. It was okay- Jason didn't need to know what she was wearing. He had told her that she would always be the same to him no matter what, so it didn't really matter what she wore.

Giving him a kiss on the cheek as they climbed into his truck, Blue decided that next time she would find a way for them to get to wherever they wanted to go. It didn't seem fair that Jason always drove. Though he was a good driver, and she liked being in his truck. It made her feel special. She also liked that it was a bench seat and that meant she could be right up next to him the entire ride, looking around and leaning on his shoulder and holding his hand and watching the speedometer. Fun things.

When they did finally arrive, she barely waited for him to kill the engine before she was unbuckled and climbing out of the truck, a giddy little giggle escaping her. She peeled off her jacket and left it in the truck, since she knew she wouldn't need it inside. She hadn't gotten to wear this outfit in a long time. It made her boobs look awesome. "Come on Puppy!" she cried gleefully, linking her arm with his and dragging him along toward the pulsing thud of the bass from the music inside.

Whiskey shooters! )
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Nov. 28th, 2010


Wednesday 9/10/08

Who: Jason and Cassie
When: Afternoon
Where: C common room to start
What: A private hook up.
Warning: Will probably be NSFW

Jason logged off his computer and checked the time, grateful that it was early in the afternoon. He had class that night from seven to nine and he didn't want to miss them. Just to be safe, he set an alarm on his phone for thirty minutes before class. It was doubtful that he and Cassie would wile away the afternoon, but it wasn't impossible. The demon had said to meet her in ten minutes, so Jason took his time putting on a pair of shoes that he could easily slide off, another layer of deodorant and checking to make sure his pockets had everything he needed. It wasn't typical of him to hook up with someone without knowing them better, but it wasn't his first time for a casual fling either. Jason was good at being discreet.

Walking out of his room, with his jacket, he headed for the stairs as if he were going downstairs to go outside. Of course, he stopped at the first floor, but no one was around to see that.  Coming into the hall, it took him a moment to get his bearings, then he turned to head to the common room. As he figured, Cassie wasn't there yet, so he tossed his jacket onto a new sofa and walked around. The layout was nearly identical to what they had upstairs, as to be expected. Stretching his arms, he flopped back onto the couch, facing the doorway to keep an eye out for the chaos demon.
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Nov. 12th, 2010


Sunday, September 1, 2008

Who: Frankie and Jason
Where: Frankie's room
When: Late evening
What: Frankie's upset and Jason's gonna give her alcohol

Jason shut down his computer, still mildly horrified at the video he'd been forced to watch after signing onto his journal. Disturbing. Still, Frankie needed someone. She was obviously upset, especially since she was in love with the guy. Jason thought, from what he'd heard, that Fox was a complete and utter asshole and Frankie was better off without him, but he was determined to keep his opinions to himself. They wouldn't help her tonight. Standing and after putting on deodorant, Jason grabbed the bottle of Jack, a couple glasses and left his room barefoot. He wasn't going too far so he didn't mind the tile under his feet.

Shifting the glasses and bottle to one hand, Jason knocked on the door, hearing soft sniffles and some shuffling inside. He waited patiently, wanting to let Frankie get herself settled before she let him in. Poor sprite. She didn't deserve this heartache and he'd only known her a short time.

Oct. 18th, 2010


Friday August 22nd 2008

Who: The School
What: The Dance!
When: Friday Night
Rating: NR

It had been a bit of a scramble putting the rec center together in the few hours between when the inspectors left and the start of the mixer, but in true TJS fashion it was not only accomplished, but fairly spectacular. The upper level gymnasium had been cleared and decorated as a dance floor, with a DJ booth and flashing strobe lights mixed amongst the streamers. The adjacent basketball court held nine different buffet tables, ranging from finger foods to simple entrees to intricate desserts. Here there were chairs and sofas scattered throughout, a haven from the noisy dance floor to socialize.

There were a few members of the security staff, as well as a few teacher chaperones, but even with the watchful eye of the staff, there was a sense of relief and informality in the air. This wasn't just a welcome back celebration for the students, but a victory party, a relieving hurrah for everyone as the hellish state inspection had finished, and the schools doors were to stay open. Despite the differences, the cliques, the friends and enemies made, the school had banded together and survived, and the comeraderie was almost tangible this night.

Sep. 22nd, 2010


Friday August 8th 2008

Who: Blue and Jason
What: Learning to Feed
Where: A feeding den in Danvers
When: Evening
Rating: R

Blue had to think a lot about where she was gonna take Jason. He was trusting her to pick someplace, and he wasn't going to complain about it so she wanted to find somewhere that he would love, so he would trust her more in the future. Despite what Jason said, Blue knew he didn't trust her, not fully. It made sense though, because Jason had grown up without someone to trust. Blue hoped that he would trust her someday. She could be a real stand up guy when she tried to be.

Putting on a nice shapely pair of dark jeans and a well fitting but not too tight green tank top, Blue looked modest and adorable. Her red hair and bright blue eyes seemed to pop, making her look young but also ageless, like a doll. Skipping her way to Jason's room in her sneakers, she found the door locked, and pouted. For a second. Picking the lock quickly with a hair pin, she let herself into his room and sat down on his bed, looking about. She'd brought an emery board with her because he had said he'd be in the shower, and she had already snooped through his room before so there was nothing new to see. Filing away, she hummed, waiting for Jason to come back.

Have any problems with the lock? )
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Jun. 29th, 2010


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Who: Jason and Aislyn
When: Afternoon
Where: Front lawn of the school
What: A challenge of speed has been issued!

Cheater! )

Jun. 27th, 2010


Tuesday June 10th 2008

Who: Blue and Jason
What: The Hunt!
Where: School grounds
When: After sunset
Rating: R

The moment after the sun had gone down, Blue took off across the grounds like a shot. Jason wouldn't wait too long to come find her, if he was coming at all. She had a feeling he would, though. While he did like to make her crazy, loved to tease her, she knew that he loved the hunt. It was obvious from the way he had looked in the parking lot that his eyes burned for it, that his mind went feral and the beast within him took over. It had been incredibly sexy to see. She was eager to see it again.

Stripping out of her shirt, Blue flung it carelessly over her head, letting it fall in the still warm grass. Next came off her bra, landing hooked over a barren tree limb. Her skirt unbottoned and flew off her hips, her teeny panties with ties on the side slipping off just as simply. She ran in the darkness, a trail left behind her, her naked form a whir through the greenery. Finally she rested in the trees, crouched behind one far off, watching carefully for a movement in the dark. She was totally still as she waited on the balls of her feet, hair unruly over her shoulders.
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Jun. 14th, 2010


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Who: Jason and Nathaniel
Where: Student lounge
When: afternoon
What: Meeting new people.

Nate disliked rumours and even more so when they involved him, although indirectly. Maybe it wasn't true, that Frankie was hanging around two guys and being flirty with them. It hurt to think about and as such, he had a difficult time drinking his blood for breakfast and lunch. His stomach wouldn't settle, because he was too restless, and he went to the student lounge to do his normal lying on the sofa routine. This time, he brought a book, something vaguely interesting, like the biography of John Adams.

He read and once again, his eyes were unable to focus on the page. Each time someone entered the lounge, his gaze flickered upwards, as if he was waiting for someone. No one came who he knew - or at least he thought so. There was this one man who looked familiar, because he had been in his vampire classes and so he offered a nod of recognition. Talking to a classmate was better than not being able to concentrate on a book, most definitely.

"Hello," he said. "What's your name again? Apologies, I forget. I'm Nathaniel." It didn't matter what he called him, and it was somewhat nice to be more outgoing. Another friend wouldn't hurt and he needed someone who was out of Frankie's crowd. Distance was what he required now, as much as possible in this small school.

Jun. 13th, 2010


Sunday, June 1, 2008

Who: Jason and Aislyn
When: Afternoon
Where: Student lounge
What: A meet and greet between sprite and dhampir
Status: Complete

May. 19th, 2010


Wednesday May 21st 2008

Who: Blue and "Puppy" (Jason)
What: Mud Wrestling!
Where: Somewhere in Danvers
When: Wednesday Night
Rating: R for language/suggestive stuffs

As anticipated, Blue managed to coax Jason from his room to accompany her out to the mud wrestling show. Well, coax wasn't quite the word- more like "drag". He had protested just a bit, but she was relentless as always and would not be swayed. (Plus, she was dressed so cute!) She knew he was going to have fun. Boys always had fun when they watched people wrestle! Blue always had fun too. She liked the sweaty guys covered in dirt, grunting and tossing one another as though one of them was actually going to win something other than bragging rights. It was kind of a dumb bout for entertainment, but Blue kinda liked her men dumb. Dumb and strong. Or smart and frisky. Really, just so long as they were men.

Speaking of men.... the specimen she had with her tonight was delicious. She didn't at all hide the fact that she was checking him out, her eyes scanning over his taut muscles time and again. Jason was a cutie, there was no doubt about that. And so polite! He even opened the truck door before she got in, shutting it once she was inside. He said please and thank you when they bought the tickets at the door, excused himself when he bumped into people. He even refrained from groping Blue at every possible chance. He was funny like Tad was, acting all gentlemanly when he didn't have to. So silly!

The crowd was what Blue had expected, a lot of rednecks and white trash girls. Beer drinkers and belly shirts all around. By the end of the show, everyone around them was drunk and screaming and in various states of undress. Blue was cheering right along with them, bumping Jason with her hip as the last two women took to the stage for their match. "Aren't you having fun?!" Blue shouted over the noise to her companion. "I told you this was a good idea!"
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May. 5th, 2010


Friday | May 16th 2008

Who: Karaoke peoples!
When: Friday, later in the evening AFTER DRESS REHEARSAL.
Where: The bar Astrid and Keagan's karaoke party is at.

"Hey, everybody," Astrid giggled as she sidled up to the mic, tapping it for everyone's attention. She was a little tipsy. Okay, no, way more than tipsy, but she'd been doing a really good job of being social over the last hour since karaoke had started. The thing had started while Duncan still had his kids in dress rehearsal, so imagine her surprise when he showed and Adora hadn't seen him yet. "So, okay, next up..." She giggled a little more, as if to a secret only she knew. "We have my favorite Il Profesore to siiiing. Mister Boyaaard..." She said with flare as she moved off the stage and went to go plop down in the first seat she could find, which was next to Summer.

For the first time in a very long time, Duncan was a suffering from a slight case of stage fright. It wasn’t the masses of young faces staring up at him from the dimly lit audience. Nor was it the fact he had to follow a rather handsome boy performing that goddamn “Hallelujah” song that made women automatically drop their panties. No, the unsure expression on his face and the way he came on stage with his eyes slightly downcast was because of one woman, at one table, in one direction. He knew exactly where Adora was sitting.

He may have known where she was, but Adora hadn't quite made out what Astrid was saying. To be honest, it had gotten to be white noise by that point. She wasn't even facing the stage, she was kind of moping. She'd thought Duncan was going to be out here for karaoke, that maybe he'd be a dork and do something. She thought she had it aaall figured out. But then she'd remembered his dress rehearsal and she honestly thought he wasn't going to show.

His eyes stayed on the rolling teleprompter that scrolled the lyrics. He gently laid one hand on the standing microphone while the opening notes to “Stand By You” by The Pretenders began. When he sang, his voice was soft, unsure, but clear and beautiful.

... )

Apr. 25th, 2010


Friday, May 8, 2008

Who: Sydni and Jason
What: Sydni is helping a new lycan
Where: Syd's office
When: Afternoon

Sydni was eager to meet the new student.  She had yet had the opportunity to return the karmic debt she had incurred with the help she'd received from Mikhail.  Really, he had saved her life.  After she had thought she'd killed those people...  Well, she was far from that point.  She'd embraced her lycanthropy, and she was ready to take her place as an elder in this community.  Even if she was young as a lycan, she had life experiences to draw from.  She also had the intrinsic desire to be a leader and mentor to those who needed her.

After lunch, the lycan had returned to her office to catch up on her work.  Between her wedding and Charlie's emergency, she had let things slide.  She was still worried about Charlie and his family, but there wasn't much she could do for him at this point.  It was really up to him.  And even though he hadn't responded to her at Simon's memorial, he had at least been there.  It was so sad that that child had been killed.  Really, he was a young man, but still, Sydni had met him when he had seemed much younger.

Once she realized her appointment had arrived, she looked up and smiled.  "Jason?  Please, have a seat," she gestured.
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Apr. 22nd, 2010


Monday: 5/4/08

Who: Dom and Jason
When: 4pm
Where: Common room
What: A meet and greet. Scrabble pieces may or may not fly.

Dom hated the rain. He always had, and most likely always would. He really couldn't understand how anyone liked the stuff. Being wet and cold was unpleasant, however you sliced it. Although one could argue that sleeping in the rain and getting pneumonia three times didn't exactly produce good memories. He would usually tolerate the rain for a few cigarettes, or just crack a window if he were in his room. But he couldn't be bothered to go outside today, and had a few more things to do before retiring to his room for the night.

Two cigarette butts and a rather lot of ash lay in the upturned Scrabble box when he finally heard the footsteps he had been expecting. He would clean the top of the box out when he was done, although it wasn't as if anyone played Scrabble anyway. Who wanted to sit there and spell in their free time?
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Apr. 21st, 2010


Sunday, May 4, 2008

Who: Jason and Daigo
When: Afternoon
Where: Their room, E5
What: New roommates meet and greet!

... )
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Apr. 18th, 2010


Thursday, May 8, 2008

Who: Jason, Astrid and OPEN
When: Around 10am
Where: Student Lounge
What: Two old friends meet up!

Jason strolled into the lounge, dropping his books onto one of the tables and plopping down into a chair. This was crazy. Why the hell did he leave when he was a month away from graduating, only to drop into a brand new school, a month before summer break? Shaking his head, he pulled out the first textbook he found. Supernatural history. Sighing, he flipped it open to the beginning chapter and started to read. He was at least grateful that he didn't have to take finals. He was being given the opportunity to sit in classes and learn, without all the added pressures that came from tests, projects, and quizzes. In a way, he was auditing the courses. At the very least, it gave him an idea of what to expect for the fall semester.

"Maybe I can finish my classes for my degree over the summer. That wouldn't be so bad." Chewing on the cap of his pen, a bad habit he had yet to change, he scanned the paragraph again, taking in the information printed on the page.

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