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May. 30th, 2012


Tuesday May 26th 2009

Who: Declan and Garret
What: Bro outing!
Where: Downtown Danvers
When: Evening
Rating: PG 13

They were going to see the new Star Trek movie. Delcan didn't know this yet, nor did he have any say in the matter. The month of May had been a busy one, and Garret had yet to go see the latest installment of his beloved series starring the horrible Chris Pine and the creepy Zachary Quinto. He didn't have high hopes for the film, but he was a fan since the very first series, and every diehard fan knows you see your franchise thorugh, even to its possibly brutal demise.

But first, he needed to feed the sapling. So after picking Declan up (earlier than he'd said he would be there) and rushing the poor man out, Garret put them in the Mustang and sped off downtown, in search of a place where they could both agree on the menu. Garret was devastatingly handsome, of course, and Declan looked... well Declan looked dangerous. He was a perfect mix of sexy and innocent that was like catnip to the poor, impulsive pathfinder.

"I like those jeans," Garret shouted over the wind rushing over them, since the roof was down in the convertible due to the perfect weather. (By "I like those jeans", what he meant was "I like your ass", but he was doing his best to behave tonight.) "What are you in the mood for, as far as food goes?"
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May. 29th, 2012


Saturday May 23rd 2009

Who: Garret and Finn [and a teeny bit Lily]
What: Kidnapping-ish
Where: Finn's apartment, then a Mexican restaurant
When: Around 1 in the morning
Rating: PG

Rorie and Mal had a date tonight. Garret wasn't jealous. Not too much. He knew that he didn't mind them being together like that, and in fact he liked it. He liked that the two of them had their own relationship, but there would never be a moment that he wasn't just a little jealous that they did things without him. So instead of stewing in that, and just going home and being jealous, he decided to bother Finn. It was one in the morning, Garret's shift had ended but he was too wired to go to bed. So off to kidnap the older O'Bannon.

Slipping into the man's apartment, Garret made his way to the bedroom, stopping a moment when he saw Finn and his lady friend curled up together. They were both dressed, so at least e wasn't interrupting. "Sorry, Lily," he said quietly, shaking her shoulder gently until her eyes fluttered open. "I'm stealing Finn," he explained to the bewildered girl, who mumbled a little, nodded, and rolled over with the covers. Going round to Finn's side, Garret looked him over a moment, then scooped an arm beneath the man's body and hoisted him up, carrying him like a sleeping bride toward the living room. "Wake up weirdo," he said loudly, once they'd left the bedroom. "We've got a date."

Are. . . Are you trying to confuse me? )
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Apr. 16th, 2012


Thursday May 6, 2009

Who: Garret and Rorie
What: Dealing with the bitiness
Where: Their house
When: Evening

Om nom bunnies )
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Apr. 12th, 2012


Wednesday April 29, 2009

Who: Garret and Rorie
What: Sim's Snow White Spell goes Amiss
Where: Rorie's house
When: Late afternoon/early evening
Note: In Progress

Rushing over and kneeling down, Garret's pulse pounded twice as hard when he found that Rorie's wasn't going at all. )
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Apr. 8th, 2012


Monday April 27th 2009

Who: Mal and Garret
What: Husband Loving
Where: Mal's house
When: Evening
Status: In Progress
Rating: NSFW [Violent/Abusive content]

When Mal came home, he would discover that the lights in his house (almost all of them) had been left on. He would find his fridge emptied of several of his beers and filled with a veggie supreme pizza and half a cheeseburger. He would find a pair of running shoes in the middle of the kitchen (standing perfectly as though the wearer had just vanished while waiting for the microwave to ding). He would find his television on, and too loud, and he would find a forty year old man child husband shouting obscenities at it.

"You German piece of SHIT!" Garret screamed, looking ready to throw the controller at the screen. "Camp bitch!!!"

You know what I really want? )

Apr. 4th, 2012


Monday April 27th, 2009

Who: Rorie and Garret
What: Talking about the awkward confession
Where: Their house
When: Midmorning

Is that why? Do you just not want me anymore? )
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Apr. 1st, 2012


Monday April 27th 2009

Who: Garret, Rorie, Lily and Finn
What: A dinner party and debauchery
Where: Rorie's house
When: Tuesday Evening
Rating: TBD

Finn and his lady friend were coming over, and it was a little exciting. Garret hadn't bothered to tell Mal about the evening, because he had a hunch (which wasn't a hunch so much as it was Finn telling him) that Mal didn't like Finn. But Finn needed socializing, and his girl person probably needed to get out and see other people, so they were coming over for food and drink and talking, and maybe some drunken board games. Who knew? The night was young!

You promised I could drink... And I'm gonna. A lot. )

Mar. 13th, 2012


Saturday April 18th 2009

Who: Finn and Garret
What: Kidnappings
Where: First on campus, then to a bar
When: After his shift (about 7pm)
Rating: TBD

Finn's moodiness was practically radiating off him every time Garret saw him. (Actually, it was literally radiating off him, because he was an empath after all.) And it seemed that the only logical way to help remedy Finn's mood, and his own, was for Garret to kidnap the guy. It seemed exactly the right thing to do.

So he waited for Finn to punch out and start shuffling off toward the staff parking lot, a dreary and somber and absolutely pitiful look on the guy's face. Garret sighed heavily. I know the feeling he thought to himself, moving silently across the pavement, coming up to Finn just as the guy got to his car. "Hey," he said softly, offering a small shrug and a smile before bending down to wrap his arms around Finn's waist and hoisting the guy up over his shoulder, bending Finn in half like a sack of potatoes. There was nothing more said as he carried the younger man off, heading toward the mustang with a purposeful stride. Oh sure, Finn could protest and fight if he wanted, but it would really ruin the kidnapping.
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Feb. 10th, 2012


Saturday April 4th 2009

Who: Finn and Garret
What: The yellings!
Where: Finn's apartment
When: Afternoon
Rating: PG 13

Garret was not happy. At all. It wasn't so much what Finn had done (well okay it was a lot that), but that he had done it after he had called Garret at one in the morning from Los Angelos and they'd talked, and discussed things, and connected. At least, Garret had thought so. But apparently Finn was just determined to act like a dick and make people hate him and seek out vengeance on his brother who had never done anything to him and didn't deserve this kind of shit.

And that was why he was on his way to Finn's place. Storming the castle, so to speak. He was mad, and Finn was going to get a piece of his mind. Garret didn't even bother knocking, or warning Finn that he was there. He just walked in through the door and found the obnoxious little telepathic empath. Finn would certainly feel the anger radiating off Garret as he stood there, looking down at him, his eyes narrowed and his jaw set.

Shut up.//Don't know how. My first word was 'get' and I haven't shut up since. )
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Feb. 6th, 2012


Friday April 3, 2009

Who: The School, starting with Sim and Garret
What: A dance
Where: The School
When: Evening
Note: Feel free to use this as the main scene for the dance, tag who your scene is with to help everyone out!

Sim was nervous. She wasn't dressed like the other girls, at all. In fact, she looked down right like a hobo. She nearly turned around and went back to her room, but her stubbornness won out. Once she commit to something, then she saw it through. Dressed in the nicest thing she had on her, a pair of jeans with holes in the knees from wear and tear, a long plain black sleeveless shirt that had the bottom hem unraveling, an off white button up that had a dark wine stain on one sleeve and her only pair of brown boots that were peeling and may have once been darker. Her hair was done like it usually was, brushed and left down with a few beads and feathers braided in as her earrings dangled and shimmered.

Standing at the door way, she looked around and thought it was beautifully decorated. Speakers playing music while people in the middle of the room danced with food and drink to the side, streamers and balloons and glitter were everywhere making everything shimmer and shine like stars. Green and yellow table clothes made everything brighter, like spring was here. Life blooming and wanting to break out from the winter haze and become alive again.

So this is a Spring Fling. )
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Feb. 2nd, 2012


Tuesday March 31, 2009

Who: Sim and Garret
What: Meetings and cookies
Where: Around the grounds
When: Noonish

She had a total crush on him. Of course, this made Garret absolutely grin. )
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Jan. 20th, 2012


Friday March 27th 2009

Who: Garret and Declan
What: Showering and Boy Talk
Where: Declan's apartment
When: Midday
Rating: PG 13

Still reeling from the suddenness and... intensity of what had just transpired, Garret couldn't hide the grin on his face as he made his way to Declan's apartment. It might have been dreamlike, what had just happened, but he had enough brain power to know that he needed to wash the smell of sex off himself before he ran into either Mal or Rorie. So he needed a shower, and Declan seemed like the least likely person to yell at him.

Garret didn't bother to knock, he simply phased through the apartment door and made his way to the bathroom, passing Declan in the kitchen without greeting. The dryad would follow him to the bathroom, no doubt, eager to hear whatever it was Garret was up to now.

So... you will not believe what just happened to me... Okay well, you might believe it. Because this is me, after all. )
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Jan. 17th, 2012


Friday March 27th 2009

Who: Garret and Shelley
What: First (and sexual) encounter
Where: Staring in the cafeteria, then a classroom
When: Friday afternoon
Rating: NSFW

Garret had been in a bit of a fog lately. It wasn't that having his family all together again was a bad thing, quite the opposite actually. It was that Garret had been allowing himself to think too much. When he thought too much, he came to conclusions and realized new things about himself and most of the time they were not good things. He tried very hard to keep other people from seeing beneath his sparkle because he feared that, if they caught a glimpse of what was beneath, they wouldn't like it. And he based this on the fact that, when he saw what was beneath the surface, he didn't like it. But talking with Rorie had given him another glimpse beneath the veneer he tried to uphold, and it had brought him to the conclusion that he was a poisonous, horrible person to have in a relationship. He was selfish, fickle, unsupportive and he had a temper like an Irishman (an accusation from an Irishman). He had also come to the conclusion that he wasn't in college anymore. He was forty, he was married, and this was the long haul. So Garret needed to fix himself and make himself less terrible for his family. But how did you fix how you felt about things? How did you set about changing your emotional reaction?

How did tuna on wheat transform itself into a thick slice of strawberry cheesecake? )

Jan. 15th, 2012


Wednesday March 25th, 2009

Who: Garret and Rorie
What: Getting to the bottom line
Where: Campus on Garret's rounds
When: Afternoon

I don't know if I can leave or not. )
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Jan. 9th, 2012


Saturday March 21, 2009

Who: Garret and Finn
What: Drinking and sitting on each other
Where: Garret's house
When: Evening

I'm home. Earlier than expected, so you'd better be wearing pants. )
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Jan. 4th, 2012


Friday March 20, 2009

Who: Garret and Rorie and small bits of Finn
What: Coming home after a sit down meeting and dealing with relationship drama
Where: Garret's house
When: Late evening

You get hired to put a hit on us? )
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Jan. 2nd, 2012


Friday March 20th 2009

Who: Garret and Finn
What: Marching into the lion's den
Where: Liam's house in Boston
When: Late night
Rating: R for language and violence

Maybe it was fury at Rorie that was driving him, or maybe it was fury at Liam, or anger that this scenario was even possible in his life. Whatever the reason, Garret's jaw was set and his confidence was high, and his body was alight with tense readiness. He was well dressed, exactly the kind of thing you'd wear to meet your husband's mafiosa biodad. Exactly the kind of thing he didn't mind dying in. Because despite his incredible overconfidence, Garret knew that he could die tonight. But he had to try. Rorie couldn't spend his life caught up in his life, he couldn't. Garret wouldn't let it happen. So he was going to fix it.

The Mustang screeched to a halt outside Finn's place, and Garret beeped twice. He was going to storm the house, just walk in like he owned the place, and negotiate. It was a shitty plan, but men like Liam were curious little fucks. They liked to play with their food before they killed it, and at the very least, Liam would humor Garret if only to find out what he wanted.

Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, yer fucked. )
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Friday March 20th 2009

Who: Rorie and Garret
What: Serious talking
Where: The house
When: 3am
Rating: PG 13

Rorie felt like death. After what had happened, what he'd done, how was he going to look at himself anymore? How was Garret going to? He'd done some things before, they were barely forgivable, but this was something that he was going to hell for. He knew it. Pulling into the driveway, he parked the car and headed inside. Closing the door behind him softly, he looked at himself in the mirror. There was blood splattered onto his face and chest, smeared on his hands and clothes. He'd gotten in too deep and thought he could handle it. How wrong he was. Slowly, as if in shock, he walked up the stairs, thinking Garret asleep. He needed a shower. To wash it off and it wouldn't have happened.

He'll always have this leverage over you, and one day he won't even care to keep it. )
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Jan. 1st, 2012


Sunday March 15th 2009

Who: Max, Rorie, Mal and Garret
What: Max is hosting dinner
Where: His room
When: Sunday night
Rating: PG 13

Despite how small the room was, Max had managed to make it passable. He liked Malcoda's house better, because the house had space and a kitchen and cookware, but he needed to prove to the humans and the elder that he could be a useful part of the pack. He missed his room, and the house, but he couldn't stay there anymore. He was a grown hound now and Malcoda insisted that he act like a human child to fit into the world up here. Well, he wouldn't. He was more grown and more strong than Rorie and Garret and he would not be the lowest member of the pack. Rorie and Garret weren't even hounds, and they didn't have to prove themselves to be higher up. It wasn't right.

But he wanted to provide for his humans, at least until he could maybe get some of his own. He loved Rorie and Garret and because he was a stronger pack member, he needed to care for them. And maybe if he provided for Malcoda as nwell, one day he might even surpass as Alpha. That thought made him very pleased indeed.

The bed had been moved to the middle of the room, a board placed over the bedframe as a makeshift table and the mattress propped against the wall next to the closet. Silverware, plates and glasses were lined up for everyone at four places around the table, and four large throw pillows sat on the floor around in place of chairs. The heavy cotton sheet used for a tablecloth was a dark blue, which (in Max's mind) made it look quite smart. He was very pleased with himself, pleased even more with the spread of food lined up at his desk- a hearty pot roast with carrots and potatoes, four little cups of homemade applesauce, a bottle of red wine (because the internet said pot roast needed red wine, not white) and for dessert, carrot cake (sadly store bought). It wasn't as impressive as the things Malcoda made the humans, but maybe they would like it anyway. It smelled delicious at least.

Hearing footsteps coming down the hall, Max yipped in excitement, flattened down his hair and ran to the door, opening it just before Rorie's knuckles could knock. "Hey! Hey!" he barked excitedly. "I have food! It's done and good and you can eat it!" Grabbing Rorie by the hand, he tugged him inside, leaving Mal and Garret to follow.

Dec. 16th, 2011


Thursday 5th March

WHO: Lloyd and Garret
WHERE: Lloyd's campus apartment
WHEN: Thursday night
WHAT: Garret has requested Lloydinia's company

The apartment hadn't really been lived in for a while and was quite obviously neglected. With only half an hour to spare before Garret appeared Lloyd had rushed around trying to get the dust out of the cushions and off the kitchen tops. Dressed in his pale blue sweater, hippy-ish beads and baggy jeans Lloyd appeared very relaxed. It wasn't even a very panicked attempt at cleaning his place like usual - he knew that Garret was probably not fussed in the state of the place and for once, Lloyd wasn't either.

Watching him getting married had been hard, harder than he'd even imagined but he'd been strong enough not to weep. Much. Alex had been his rock there. Lloyd had expected Garret going off and not even knowing Lloyd existed for a while, definitely not contacting him two days later. So, it was at around 25 past 9 that Lloyd settled on the sofa already cracking into a bottle of whiskey, anticipating the man's arrival.
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