January 13th, 2012

[info]tjs_mods in [info]tiberiusswann

Week Advance: March 22nd - 28th 2009

Date: Sunday 3/22/09
Weather: 42 Degrees and Partly Cloudy
Events: None
Birthdays: None

Date: Monday 3/23/09
Weather: 39 Degrees and Partly Cloudy
Events: None
Birthdays: None

Date: Tuesday 3/24/09
Weather: 36 Degrees and Clear
Events: None
Birthdays: Darwin Elliot

Date: Wednesday 3/25/09
Weather: 22 Degrees and Light Snow
Events: None
Birthdays: Penny Briggs

Date: Thursday 3/26/09
Weather: 23 Degrees and Clear
Events: None
Birthdays: None

Date: Friday 3/27/09
Weather: 28 Degrees and Cloudy
Events: None
Birthdays: None

Date: Saturday 3/28/09
Weather: 30 Degrees and Cloudy
Events: None
Birthdays: Lloyd Harris

Check out the full Calendar of Events

Mod Notes:
The game will be advanced one week in-game every two reality weeks. Character adds will be done at the week change, unless circumstances are discussed.
If you know any cool people that you feel would fit in with our group, let them know about us!

[info]charlieburghard in [info]tiberiusswann

Monday: March/23/09

Who: Charlie and Ava
What: A confrontation. What else?
Where: His apartment
When: Monday night

When Cassie told her what Charlie had planned, or at least what it sounded like, Ava buried her head in the bed and screamed from frustration. Damn hero complex of his! It was going to get him killed one day, maybe in the not too distant future from the sound of it! The more she thought about it, the more angry she got.

At first she was just going to IM him, but then he’d probably just log off or ignore her, and that would piss her off more, so wrapping herself in a robe, not even thinking about whether she should put something more on, Ava marched up to his apartment and banged on his door.

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[info]charlieburghard in [info]tiberiusswann

Tuesday: March/24/09

Who: Charlie and Candi
When: Tuesday morning
Where: his apartment
What: her sire is whispering not-so-sweet nothings into her ear
Note: done via AIM

Candi was moving quickly across campus faster than most, she had just woken up and needed to see Charlie. She ran up the stairs of his building and started knocking on his door, she had no idea if he was awake yet and she didn't care she would stay there until he did. She leaned on the door and glanced down at herself realizing she was still just wearing her pajamas, boy shorts and a thin tank top. "Way to go Candi," she mumbled to herself.

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[info]bloodandlions in [info]tiberiusswann


Who: Trevor & Maggie
Where: Stables
When: Monday morning
What: A meeting

Trevor was still not comfortable at the school, sure his family thought it was a great idea for him to enroll, control his beast yada yada but he didn't want to be there...all those fucking people. So he got out of the building and started stalking the grounds, looking for anything interesting. Random critters and shifters pretending to be critters, creepy looking buildings and then he found the stable. The boy had never been near a real horse before so he slowly walked up to them, hoping his lion wouldn't scare the crap out of them. "Hey boy, I won't hurt you." He said softly as he walked towards the large animal.
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[info]blake_elliot in [info]tiberiusswann

Sunday Sunday 22nd March 2009

Who: Wesley & Blake
Where: BGH
When: Sunday morning
What: Wesley asks Blake a question that's been niggling.

It was dead silent in the house. Blake was sprawled face-first on the sofa, one arm behind him and the other on the floor. He looked, for all intents and purposes, absolutely shattered. A very bright healer was already roaming the house, having been up for hours with his sneaking boots on. After creeping past the sleeping demon all day Wesley couldn’t handle it any more. He went over and settled next to him, inching those long legs up the cushions so that he had some space, before the healer smiled at the sleeping beauty and clapped his hands loudly.

Having been given the fright of his life Blake jolted awake, inhaling some of the fluff from the cushion as he snorted back to consciousness. On hearing the healer’s chortles the demon gazed blearily over to him, hair flopping into his eyes. “Who died?”

You are scary sometimes. )
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January 2013



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