January 2nd, 2012

[info]cant_touchthis in [info]tiberiusswann

Friday March 20th 2009

Who: Rorie and Garret
What: Serious talking
Where: The house
When: 3am
Rating: PG 13

Rorie felt like death. After what had happened, what he'd done, how was he going to look at himself anymore? How was Garret going to? He'd done some things before, they were barely forgivable, but this was something that he was going to hell for. He knew it. Pulling into the driveway, he parked the car and headed inside. Closing the door behind him softly, he looked at himself in the mirror. There was blood splattered onto his face and chest, smeared on his hands and clothes. He'd gotten in too deep and thought he could handle it. How wrong he was. Slowly, as if in shock, he walked up the stairs, thinking Garret asleep. He needed a shower. To wash it off and it wouldn't have happened.

He'll always have this leverage over you, and one day he won't even care to keep it. )
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[info]darwine in [info]tiberiusswann

Wednesday March 18th 2009

Who: Darwin and Blake (and Wes)
Where: the BGH
When: afternoon of the Wednesday
What: The prodigal cousin shows up.

The house that Darwin stood infront of was a little startling. When he’d heard his dear Cousin was in America he hadn’t expected him to be residing at yet another supernatural school let alone to have a house as grand as this. It was a little impressive, almost, that Blake had done so well for himself. He’d half anticipated an apartment, or a bungalow. Maybe a small townhouse with enchanted gnomes in the front garden. Little did he know that the house did not just shelter Blake but his other half, his other half’s childe, six Finnish children, their brother, Godric’s honorary brother, and the occasional daughter or friend.

He would soon be introduced to a shadow this, for when he knocked on the door he heard several voices, some speaking a language he’d last heard and understood many years ago. Eventually a familiar English voice greeted his ears asking someone to ‘go upstairs, please!’ and he steeled himself for what might be an awkward reunion.

Are you married? Are you in trouble? )
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[info]cant_touchthis in [info]tiberiusswann

Friday March 20th 2009

Who: Garret and Finn
What: Marching into the lion's den
Where: Liam's house in Boston
When: Late night
Rating: R for language and violence

Maybe it was fury at Rorie that was driving him, or maybe it was fury at Liam, or anger that this scenario was even possible in his life. Whatever the reason, Garret's jaw was set and his confidence was high, and his body was alight with tense readiness. He was well dressed, exactly the kind of thing you'd wear to meet your husband's mafiosa biodad. Exactly the kind of thing he didn't mind dying in. Because despite his incredible overconfidence, Garret knew that he could die tonight. But he had to try. Rorie couldn't spend his life caught up in his life, he couldn't. Garret wouldn't let it happen. So he was going to fix it.

The Mustang screeched to a halt outside Finn's place, and Garret beeped twice. He was going to storm the house, just walk in like he owned the place, and negotiate. It was a shitty plan, but men like Liam were curious little fucks. They liked to play with their food before they killed it, and at the very least, Liam would humor Garret if only to find out what he wanted.

Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, yer fucked. )
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[info]roriemccool in [info]tiberiusswann

Friday March 20, 2009

Who: Rorie and Mal
What: Rorie moving out
Where: Garret's house
When: Mid-day

And how many times has Garret thrown a hissy fit over something he didn't like and changed his mind two days later? )
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[info]_magpie_ in [info]tiberiusswann

Saturday: March/21/09

Who: Maggie and Devon
When: Saturday night
Where: Devon's new room!
What: a slumber party of awesomeness!!!!!

Maggie was SO EXCITED! She couldn't remember the last time she'd been this excited. It was a real slumber party in the older kids' dorms with Devon, who was turning out to be her very best friend ever. She still totally loved Kamea, but Kamea was quite a bit younger. Devon felt more like her age, though he was older. They had a lot in common and understood each other.

She jogged through the hallways in her pajamas (pink flannel pants with red hards on them and a pink Motown t-shirt from her uncle Charlie), carrying a bag with chips, soft drinks and TWO kinds of ice cream (vanilla and chocolate). She didn't want to be late for all the fun, though she supposed the fun wouldn't start until she got there since it was just her and Devon.

When she reached his room, she knocked enthusiastically. "It's me!"
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[info]sorry__charlie in [info]tiberiusswann

Wednesday - March 18th, 2009

Who: Charlie, Riley and Fox
When: Mid-morning
Where: Riley's House
What: Craziness
Rated: NSFW maybe

So that's what I am to you? Some sort of cock receptacle you can loan out to your friends?!? )

[info]wesleythewise in [info]tiberiusswann

Monday 16th March 2009

Who: Wesley, Godric and probably Hope
Where: a run down Motel somewhere
When: evening of the Monday
What: Wesley is getting drunk and playing Hulk. Godric & Hope may arrive.
Rating: There will be swearing.

Wesley had already drunk all the mini bar of the cheap motel, kicked in the television, smashed a chair and had ripped down the shower curtain just for good measure. He was destroying whenever his moods fluctuated which happened to increase whenever Hope text him. The healer didn't really want anyone to come to him but he wanted his Godric and he just had no idea what to do. He felt like being sick, and he felt like going to sleep, and he felt like smashing a bottle over his head but thankfully there was more whiskey to be found from a passing drunk outside.

There was no guarantee that either Godric or Hope would figure out where he was so for now he contented himself by lying stomach-down on the bed, bottle half-cocked to his mouth as he made half ass attempts to continue drinking.

[info]finnurmind in [info]tiberiusswann

Saturday March 21, 2009

Who: Finn and Riley
What: Finn needs someone to tell him it's okay
Where: Riley's house
When: 3 a.m.

Yeah, I know. He's alive though. He proved it by beating the shit out of me )
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January 2013



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