June 5th, 2011

[info]childoftrees in [info]tiberiusswann

Thursday - December 4th, 2008

who: cassidy and riley
when: afternoon
where: his office
what: therapy
note: aim scene

What's with the gummy bears? Think they make you more accessible or something? They don't. They make you look like you just got your degree from inside a Cracker Jack box. )
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[info]rezidentsk8er in [info]tiberiusswann

Thursday - December 4th, 2008

who: rez and riley
when: evening
where: shack on school grounds
what: revisiting the good old days

You're pretty cool, you know, for a gay guy and all that. )
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[info]androgynoid in [info]tiberiusswann

Friday - December 5th, 2008

Who: Bastian and Syn
When: Night
What: The pair indulge in a night of grown up fun.
Where: A BDSM club in Boston then Bastian's apartment.
Rated: Very NSFW

Weren't you wearing a collar last time I saw you? )
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[info]childoftrees in [info]tiberiusswann

Friday - December 5th, 2008

Who: Cassidy and Ari
When: Night
Where: The Woods
What: Sex and drugs
Rated: NSFW

You can make me a sandwich, woman. )
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[info]rezidentsk8er in [info]tiberiusswann

Friday - December 5th, 2008

who: adam and rez
when: afternoon
where: adam's dorm
what: rez wants answers
note: aim scene

You know it can't happen again, right? And you should prolly apologize, try to make it right. )
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[info]nobodystotem in [info]tiberiusswann

Saturday, December 6, 2008 [INCOMPLETE]

Who: Cassie and Jason
What: A date?
Where: Around Boston
When: Saturday, during the day

The wedding the evening before had been beautiful, and the hotel room for the night wasn’t so bad an idea either. Cassie and Jason had made good use of the space when they snuck away from the reception, until they finally passed out in bed together. If the whole thing had ended with her waking up next to him, the demon still would have been happy, but surely there was more they could do.

Waking up early, she had tried to entertain herself, checking things on her phone, tidying up the clothes that had been strewn across the room in the heat of the moment the night before, but eventually she was too bored. She had to wake Jason up! Climbing back onto the bed, Cassie straddled the dhampir, wriggling a little to see whether he would wake, or how his asleep self would react, before leaning down to nibble at his neck, kiss his jawline and generally try to wake him up gently.... for now. If he didn’t respond she might have to try more drastic methods.

Jason had thoroughly enjoyed himself the night before. )

January 2013



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