November 11th, 2017

[info]galloway in [info]frontlinescomm

Mal Darknet: J.Galloway

Just heard tell that P:A's firing up their own little 'Superhero' initiative. (Much obliged for the intel, Chandra.) We're talking capes and masks, the whole shabang. Now, I might be three sheets to the wind, but what do we all think about fighting fire with fire, as it were. We got a few supersuits of our own and I don't reckon it'd be much of a stretch to say that kickstarting our own vigilante operation might improve our public standing.

[info]hoshinoken in [info]frontlinescomm

network; k. jones [007]

[ Friends, apply liberally; you also all got a text with this exact message if he has your number ]
If you’re okay sound off now
Whether or not you were actually at Throwback tonight

[ Greenwich, next morning ]
I know a lot of you guys are busy trying to get tf away from the Way to move ASAP, but what happened at Throwback isn't okay and there has to be something we can do. I'm not talking just about reaching out to those who were affected and helping them even though I'm talking about that too because god knows it's needed. Anything we can do to help now in that regard we really need to do too.

I'm talking about maybe a sort of outreach to connect atavists with baselines, show the rest of the world that most of us don't think we're better than them, most of us aren't violent, most of us aren't monsters. Most of us are normal people trying to live normal lives. No it's not going to fix the problem today or even tomorrow but hopefully it will in the long run. And considering how important I think it is to keep Greenwich a safe haven we can distance the Greenwich locations and even the Greenwich name from whatever we do. It's not like we need or want the credit, that's not what this is about. I don't know what exactly we can do rn but......

Thoughts or am I being too idealistic for my own good?

Also, if any of you were there last night, I really hope you're okay. If there's anything I or anyone on this filter can do for you please let me/us know.

[info]evoke in [info]frontlinescomm

In case anybody was wondering. Pint glasses are stronger than skulls. And heavy as fuck.

Before I say anything else, don't freak out.

I was at Throwback, but I'm fine.

[info]moult in [info]frontlinescomm

network: s. mcgregor 🐤 02

1) does anyone here attend the [............] greenwich support groups for atavists with animal physiology?
2) does anybody have wings or know someone who does?
3) who are the way of all flesh and MAL?
4) hello my name is sierra

January 2018



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