October 22nd, 2017

[info]frontlinesnpc in [info]frontlinescomm

Barajas and I met with Kincaid. He's clean and genuinely seems to be on our side, insofar as such things go.

There is an active super-soldier program under the command of the NSC. The Bulletin's scoop in Kabul was legit. The President is looking to re-consolidate authority over atavism in his new cabinet department and dissolve the Project. Kincaid can't tell us who's in the new program, but it's actively recruiting.

This needs to be kept between us for now, while these hearings are happening, but I want all our agents to know there's something sinister in the air. Our work must be flawless right now. We cannot give the President any excuse to liquidate Project: Ascension.
Good afternoon, everyone.

I know there's been a great deal of confusion and upset over the last month, especially with memories slowly returning to people following the death of Colonel Harper.

Consider this entry an open forum to ask me any questions you may have, which I will answer to the best of my ability. I believe transparency is of the utmost importance right now.

[info]interfaced in [info]frontlinescomm

Good evening. At the direction of Deputy Director Perez, I have found some troubling information to share with all of you, but I need to emphasize: this data is classified, and must be kept private. This is your only warning to this end.

In the wake of Colo Corrine Harper's demise and the returned memories that many of us have been experiencing, I took it upon myself at the instruction of our director to thoroughly sift through materials in her possession. I found a highly encrypted drive. And I devoted my time wholly and completely to cracking it.

This evening, I completed that task. And what I found is this:

Corrine Harper was demented. She conducted experiments on her own child, one Madison Harper, in relation to the Idol and forced atavization. When Madison was atavized, she continued the experiments on other children—resulting in horrific deaths for several, charted down to exact details. I have their names. I know where to find their remains.

We are, many of us, aware also of the supersoldier program that was put into place prior to the formation of the Movement for Atavist Liberation. What we are not aware of is that Harper continued the efforts, all this time, using her atavism to conceal it: she has been recruiting soldiers even now. While I don't yet have their identities, there are documents and files that undeniably point to their existence.

I don't need to spell out what it could mean for the Project if this information goes public.

The question is, what do we do now?

January 2018



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