October 17th, 2017

[info]ursus in [info]frontlinescomm


[ooc: backdated to after this this]

We have a problem. There was an incident with Shep at Mount Sinai Hospital. Giselle and I got him out, but he was using his powers. He was trying to help patients, but he got into an altercation with a security guard. He seemed out of control, but he's burned out now, and we don't know what happened. All of this was caught on the security cameras.

Leadership, what do you want us to do?

[info]wallwalks in [info]frontlinescomm


Usually, Buzzfeed headlines just make me roll my eyes because, well... Buzzfeed. But this one is pretty accurate. #DatGreggsTho

Also, we're hoping that you'll all be able to get together with us this Thursday to celebrate the Beautiful, Talented, and Incredible David Moretti's birthday!

It's a little late due to recent events, but we're going to be doing it up right by taking over a room at Gagopa in Koreatown for a night of drinking, debauchery and musical numbers. We're setting up a reservation from 7 until 10, $19 a head. RSVP, if you please. We'll be getting food beforehand, and hitting the bars afterwards if you're not karaoke-inclined.

But everyone who attends will be expected to sing, by demands of the birthday boy.

[info]vibrates in [info]frontlinescomm

network: j. huang ♬ 014

What do you do with grudges you've held on to for so long that you're too tired to hold onto anymore? Don't say "just let it go", because that's the part I can't figure out how to do.

[info]mitigate in [info]frontlinescomm

[MAL Leadership + P:A Leadership]

In our previous discussion it was predicted that what Mae Archer experienced in Times Square may become a recurring event. We feel that it’s important to inform you that there has been another incident. Thankfully, our agents were able to contain this second incident, but next time we may not be so lucky.

Once again, the atavist in question was approached and touched by a young woman telling her to “be free” before her powers were activated in a way that she couldn’t control. As reported by one of our telepaths, we’re still unable to get a clear picture of the woman’s face, but the voice is the same.

Any information you may be able to provide as a result of your own investigations would be appreciated. Additionally, we’re open to any suggestions you may have about a strategy for discovering her identity.

[info]mismo in [info]frontlinescomm

P:A L - Kincaid

This may not be the time to pile on more problems, but while we discuss our mystery power amplifier and try to work through everything related to Col. Harper, do we know anything about these alleged overseas military operations?

Namely, I assume everyone on this filter's aware by now of what occurred in the past, but considering what we now know and the reports in the Bulletin some time ago, do we know if we currently have atavists deployed overseas? Is anyone aware of a current program, if one exists, and who might be running it if so?

[info]intuitio in [info]frontlinescomm

network: c. delgado ♕ 008

Hi, everyone. This has been a trying month for all of us, however we're affiliated, wherever we're from, and more than ever, we really do need to come together and help each other. If you're rolling your eyes already, then I really recommend reading. It might not be as easy as setting aside our differences, but changing our thinking goes a long way. A lot has happened. A lot has yet to happen. We're a COMMUNITY, and we have to stick together, because do you know who has our best interests in mind? Us. More than ever, there is a bigger picture to see. More than ever, we have to stand TOGETHER and look out for one another.

This is why ... cut for length re: SHINY NEW FACILITY )

January 2018



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