September 28th, 2017

[info]rinceoir in [info]frontlinescomm

Network: R. Sutton

Hey, Project: Great job in publicising that there is already a registry of us. Saved the baselines the trouble of demanding that one be created. Cue the public outcry to have it published in three, two,....

[info]ptichka in [info]frontlinescomm

network: k.sokolova > 010.

For the record, if you see me on the news, I didn't have anything to do with it and I didn't talk to anyone.

Link to viral YouTube video

You all should probably check if anyone got one of your face if you were there cause if yes it's only a matter of time.


Also I guess someone who saw that connected it to my personal YouTube channel so now I guess they've got my name too and pretty soon everyone who knows me is gonna know. If you've got any rules I'm supposed to follow around this then now would be the time I guess. I don't need to get in trouble on top of some reporter chasing me.

texts to Angelo, Ken, Paola, Camila, Rogelio, Trey )

[info]fullmettle in [info]frontlinescomm

MAL darknet: diana pagán 003

We're down for three days and the entire world goes to hell? Thank you all for keeping it together in the interim.

I got a basic overview of what happened, but trying to piece together everything that's gone on is not something I'm capable of. Anyone want to be a dear and bring me up to speed?

edit... [MAL 6]

Corrine is dead. [...] Did we do that? My brain feels like mush I'm having flashes of things that I don't remember happening but then I do? It doesn't make sense.

[info]recollect in [info]frontlinescomm

FILTERED TO: ANNIE'S FRIENDS (Cole, Desmond, Lev, Hal, Stella, Amalia, Phoebe, Eddie, Nik, Ro)

Are you guys gonna tell your parents???

[info]clovis in [info]frontlinescomm


[MAL Leadership + supplementary leadership from the crisis (including Jane & Nadine)] - cut for length )

[info]between in [info]frontlinescomm

Network: R. Mintz. 004.

This is not officially from the Project, just from me: Everyone be careful please. Make good decisions, think of the consequences and check in with your friends often. The Project is no longer your biggest problem but you'll wish it was.

[Project: Ascension Leadership]
Can we please release a public statement to atavists only about the registry and NDA before they all whine themselves to death? Or you know what, don't, I think we'd all get a little more rest if they just did. I'd also like to know if I can tell my family now, if I want, but I'm not rushing. I know we're very busy, and I appreciate you all being here for us.

Everybody doing okay? I mean, "okay" is loosely defined, so. Maybe we can all just check in?

I need to talk to you, when you have a minute. I'm having these [....] hallucinations [....] maybe memories. I asked Olly to look into them to see if they're implanted, because they might be connected to Corrine, but they could also be classified, I don't know. I just feel weird.

[Gordon, Yolanda, Soledad]
If we manage to make it to Friday without you know any family members or bosses falling into a coma, fugitives escaping, or being involved in any riots, can we meet in someone's office for a drink?

Texts to Garret )

[info]appleforthe in [info]frontlinescomm

Network: B.Dhillon > 011

[Ari, Danvir can read]
NBD if you don't get to this, but I'm a decent cook and have a teleporter as a husband, and I imagine that having to think of the day-to-day tasks is a hassle at the moment, so I'd like to cook for you and David. Just let me know if there's any dietary requirements.

[Porter Bros + Honoraries (Luka + Violet)]
Anything you need while we're all waiting for the other shoe to drop?

[Isaac + Violet]
That goes double for you and the rest of Greenwich. I'll still at my regular job for the time being but I'm free in the evenings.

[Olly, Espo, Gordon, Kaya, Nika - separate filters]
I can't imagine that you're doing okay. But I just wanted to check in.

[info]frontlinesnpc in [info]frontlinescomm


Good afternoon.

I understand there's a lot of confusion and alarm right now, and that's perfectly fair and reasonable.

Project: Ascension will continue to protect all atavist citizens of this country. The registry is not going public.

Secrecy about your personal status is now a matter of your own discretion. I would personally advise caution in deciding whom you want to tell. Anything on this network remains classified, for the safety of others. There will be consequences if it is shared or reproduced.

Thank you.

First and foremost, I'd like to thank everyone for all their hard work in this crisis. I'm sorry I wasn't able to assist, but as you know something struck down myself and the rest of the Twelve original atavists beforehand. We are still investigating as to what that might have been.

We are not going to attempt to re-hide atavism. The President has made his choice, evidently, and we must follow suit.

You may disclose your atavist status if you wish. Any work with the Project, of course, remains classified.

What do we know about what happened in Times Square? And why it happened?
Something has happened to Corrine. I don't know what or how exactly, but something has gone wrong with her power. What is the status of our investigation into finding her?

Lange: good work. Keep it up.
[ P:A SIX ]

[info]mellizo in [info]frontlinescomm

[12 and Kids of the 12]

Madison Harper.

What. The. FUCK?

[info]whipinpeace in [info]frontlinescomm


Well, this is a fine clusterfuck we find ourselves in.

Perhaps next time The Project and The MAL would like to throw us all to the wolves, we could get more of a 'heads up'? Taking shipping and tailoring into account, I don't think I'm going to have nearly enough time to re purpose my wardrobe for the inevitable paparazzo attacks. Luckily quite a few of my Cavalli pieces already convey an air of 'step any closer and I will hurt you', so there's that.

Thank god for Cavalli, an institution we can actually rely on in these trying times.

[info]archean in [info]frontlinescomm


A friendly reminder that ignorance breeds mistrust, incomprehension breeds jealousy, and it is natural for a person to hate what they know they can never become.

The baseline President has decided to reveal atavism without the consultation of atavists. In doing so you may fear that he has put you or your families in danger. The opposite is true.

The Project is now free to protect the interests and livelihood of the atavist public, undistracted by secrecy.

And we will.

A more fitting message for the baseline public might have been, “Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.”

PA:L )
DORA + P:A 6. )
P:A )

January 2018



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