August 20th, 2017

[info]switchedit in [info]frontlinescomm

Network: D. Williams ยป 002

On the 16th of August, Ruby and I went to [insert address of abandoned building in Brooklyn] to investigate a rogue atavist based on a tip off provided by Ms Paola Montenegra over the network.

This rogue was the same responsible for all the posters placed in popular places frequented by the atavist community around town. He had been performing individual experiments on atavists that had volunteered for a private research study.

When we arrived, the basement of the building had been transformed into a makeshift laboratory and there was only one person, the rogue himself, at the scene. We posed as volunteers for his study initially to get him to answer some of our questions. He was cooperative to a point, then he turned on us and attacked us physically by manipulating the blood within our bodies. It appears that he did not need to have the blood open to atmosphere to manipulate it and could manipulate it directly within contained vessels.

It also appears that he had been obtaining blood samples from all those that responded to the ad. The entirety of those specimens have been sent, together with the notes from his lab, to Evidence to be catalogued. From what we could tell from his personal notes found at the scene, his experiments were largely focused on his exploits to manipulate blood and tested the limits of his abilities, the parameters for his own control of blood. He did also examine the properties of atavist haemoglobin substrates, but the results were far from conclusive and the records unfortunately tainted by the good doctor's own brand of [...] insanity messiness. I couldn't make much of it. But everything is intact and available for perhaps a more scientifically inclined mind to peruse if desired.

According to accounts by Ms Paola Montenegra, she and her friend had been tricked into providing blood samples by the rogue. The rogue obtained these samples forcibly and was able to draw from a small wound a sample larger than was clearly required, which leads me to believe that he may have tried the same on multiple other individuals previously. He is an obvious threat to the community left to his own devices and has been kept in remand since pending further decision.

If there is anything else about this case that anyone wishes to inquire about, feel free to contact me personally. The formal investigative report (in it's ten page glory of ant-sized font and squinty text) is also available if anyone feels terribly inclined to read it.

[Additionally, to P:A leadership]
If there are any further avenues you would like me to investigate about this incident, please let me know.

Agent-in-training Hall was also of much valued assistance in this. If any of her supervisors for this training period require assessment forms filled out of her performance in actual fieldwork, I would be happy to provide feedback.

[info]frontlinesnpc in [info]frontlinescomm


I would like you all to welcome our newest member, Trey, the younger Waltz. His efforts will allow us access to the findings of Project: Ascension's new genetic testing project. Please treat him with our usual warmth, and give him access to all the terrorist amenities.

Secondly, there is a box of new burner phones in the kitchen at HQ. Remember to ditch your old burners frequently using the appropriate methods of disposal. Don't forget to recycle the parts that you don't burn or drown.

Diana, you'll be in charge of Trey's training. Trey, this is your new mentor.

[info]cur in [info]frontlinescomm


My brother-in-law Christian Russo is dead.

They're saying he attacked Harper because he was working for the MAL. For us.

Has anyone had contact with him?

[info]built in [info]frontlinescomm


[ Gayatri/JaJackson ]
    You should know that I've been [...] training with Raj. Couple of times now. Our powers don't exactly cancel each other out, but they do interact in a way that allows us to consciously (I think) work our abilities, which makes for a nice change. The Project likely doesn't have any of this on file.

[info]fusionfood in [info]frontlinescomm


If you don't already have plans for tomorrow's solar eclipse, you should be heading to ROOSTER to join us. We've "temporarily gained access" to the roof and we're planning on celebrating with special cocktails and small dishes — try the The End Of The World As We Know It (soju, St. Germaine, souls of the damned $6) or Tequila Eclipse Of The Heart (tequila, passionfruit, black lava salt rim, $7) to go along with our charred squid ink beetroot & water chestnut salad or the black sesame songpyeon.

Turns out the whole P:A-nosing-around-in-our-business thing had nothing to do with anything we're actually doing around here, so you don't have to worry about that shit anymore. Justin and I dealt with it.

[...] Thanks to everyone who pulled their weight and more the past couple of weeks. This summer has been fucking insane. Keep it up. We'll do staff drinks tonight.

You should've seen the look the Korean laundry lady gave me when I picked up my laundry this morning. Apparently some of your underwear got mixed in with my clothes.

[info]rinceoir in [info]frontlinescomm

Network: R. Sutton 008

I'm running out of ideas for entertaining a baseline friend that keeps them away from any possibility of being atavized. Help.

Private messages )

[info]intuitio in [info]frontlinescomm

network: c. delgado โ™• 007


I can build and fix things ๐Ÿ”จ๐Ÿ”งโš™
Ghibli movie after our next lesson, with Luisa?? We should watch Ponyo and the short kittenbus one.

Speaking of a Mei, are you hiding your baby sister from me, Ken?
Hi, stranger.

January 2018



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