April 18th, 2017

[info]anamneses in [info]frontlinescomm

Network: O. Bryant > 009.

In planning my races for the next six months, I came across this. Anyone interested in doing a 10K with me on the 29th? $50 gets you a race and brunch plus mimosas for the 21+ crowd. Or Shackmeister Ale, apparently. There's a 5k option, too.

Did you sign up for any of the classes being offered?

[P:A Agents + Leadership] - after this
I ran into the other MAL operative that was present when Colby and I went to meet with Violet Marin this afternoon. She told me her name was 'Nina.' She didn't seem entirely comfortable, and while I'm sure her name isn't a real one, I don't know that she didn't give something close to it.

[info]cyto in [info]frontlinescomm

MAL DARKNET & texts: n. weber ✿ 003.

I struck up the longest, nicest conversation that I've had in a long!!! time with a grandmother at the soup kitchen on Sunday, and I think she might've given me her whole life story, including all six of her grandchildrens' stories (yes, all six). For obvious reasons, I could only give her my own life story up until being atavized, and then she added me on Instagram. (I actually think she knows how to use it better than I do..........)

She also encouraged me to share my cat pictures more often, so: This is my Ophelia.

p.s. Should I be worried that I think an agent might've recognized me????????????

Nevermind I'm already worried

[...................] TO: Violet
FROM: Nadine
[x] Hi Violet, it's m
[x] Hi Violet, how
[x] Are we never going to t
[1] [............] I don't know if you kept my number or deleted it, but
[2] Hi, this is Nadine

[info]adrenalized in [info]frontlinescomm


At what point do you all believe Project: Ascension will give up and let me free without signing non-disclosure papers, or am I doomed to an endless stand-off with them for the rest of my life? We're going on four weeks and this battle of will is getting a little absurd.

For that matter, has anyone seen that frog-faced agent off the island? One day it seemed like he was lurking around every corner, and now he's practically AWOL around the facility. Perhaps if I bait a trap with flies...?

Are you interested in another day at the range?

[info]clout in [info]frontlinescomm

network: c. brennan > 006.

Not an IC cut... )

I'm having some regrets over eating an entire discounted chocolate rabbit in one sitting.

Are you feeling any more normal now?

[info]calamity in [info]frontlinescomm


Hello! Do you need anything? Can I do anything? Do you want to go to the movies? I've already seen Get Out, Beauty and the Beast, The Boss Baby, The Fate of the Furious, and Colossal. I love Anne Hathaway. She's my favorite actress after Emma Watson.

We can pick something else. Or we can just train. I definitely need to train, too. You never stop learning when it comes to your abilities. But breaks are just as important.

Anyway. Whatever you want to do.

January 2018



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