MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'rogue'

Sep. 25th, 2013



Day 238 | closed voice; | open action;

[ liz is one of the lucky few who didn't spill her guts to the class yesterday, but that doesn't mean she feels entirely comfortable with everything that's been going on. So, in an effort to help get herself back on some sort of a schedule, she's taken to patrolling the dome today. she probably should just keep to one little area, but habits are hard to break and she's slowly coming to see this prison as her new "town." that means the whole place needs to be protected and that's what she's doing.

so she can be found wandering just about anywhere in the dome except sector 6. ]

[ locked voice to the mystic falls crew ]

[ later on, she leaves a message for everyone from mystic falls, just to check up on them. ]

Everyone doing okay today?

Sep. 16th, 2013



[Day 237] Relationship Issues Group Therapy mingle

[The relationships group therapy attendees will all get a message telling them to report to The Winery in Sector 2. Sadly for them the alcohol is locked away, but there is an assortment of food and non-alcoholic beverages along the bar for consumption. Many of the tables have been cleared out and the chairs rearranged into a circle with booths along the edges for more intimate therapeutic discussions.

And don't forget the party favors! The wardens have left some helpful games and activity ideas to get them started. There's a bowl full of folded slips of papers with various questions.]

Possible Questions )

[In addition to the questions there are cards with various prompts. One explains the game, I Never. Another suggests people pair off and roleplay they are in a relationship and then deal with various scenarios like what do to if one partner flirts with someone else or comes home late without calling.]

Additional scenarios )

(OOC: Mingle style. You are not limited to the questions, scenarios, or games listed above. Assume there are more! I recycled a lot of this from last time so if someone was in this group twice they can feel free to notice, but assume there are lots of questions and prompts, so they probably didn't see them all.)

Aug. 14th, 2013


Action | Closed to Oz

[ it's a date. Rogue's first official date with Oz, and she's nervous. Butterflies are starting a riot in her stomach, she's second guessed the outfit she bought for the date a million times, and she's still worrying that it's too 'naked'. There's a lot of shoulder and knee to mid thigh showing, but it's a date. That's the sorta thing that's supposed to be showing on a date, isn't it?

Clearly she's got very little actual experience in this area. She has decided to leave her hair down, feeling that it provides a little extra protection against her naked shoulders. There's a knock on the door, just in time to stop her from running back into her room to put on tights that it's really too warm for anyway.

She opens the door with a nervous smile. ]


Aug. 8th, 2013



231 | 4th wall | video/audio | open

[ This guy's lips are drawing funny lines and curves which paint him a picture of NOT HAPPY.

Jumpsuits aren't his thing, unless he's wearing one for porno filming purposes in which case he'll be taking them off anyway. He could be bothered by many other things like, the day being two-hundred-and-thirty-freaking-one, or that there's a floating rock in the "sky", or that the dome looks completely different.

But no.

Gabriel lets out a huff, brings his hands up, then down heavily, shaking his head. ]


This. Sucks.

[ He shrugs as a server bot handed him some sweet and spicy skewered thing and he takes a big chomp out of the thing. ]

'Least the food's still free, and it still tastes like it'll shut your innards down at any time.

[ He finishes off the meats on the skewer with a smack of his lips, and managing a bit of levity -- ]

So! When did the renovations happen?

(( OOC: Gabriel from Supernatural, with memories from his previous stay in the old dome X3;; Hello~ ))

Aug. 5th, 2013



[231] video

Okay, so...

I've had my share of creepy admirers, believe it or not, but either they amped up their game and emptied my apartment overnight or I took a ride on the stabilizer train without knowing it. One's more likely than the other, I know, but I just want to be clear... please don't tell me somebody's wearing my clothes right now. Smelling them. It's creepy.

Except, well, on R- [ogue, but that sounded unintentionally bad. For reasons.]

[Please don't be listening, Logan. Beyond the stabilizer or otherwise.]

You know what, never mind. I'm just going to get a bagel.

Day 241 | Video | Action--Open Mingle

[There is a very tall, pale, blonde man on the screen. He's wearing dark clothes and his blonde hair is slicked back. He gives the camera a charming smile. ]

I understand we're to be inundated with visitors today. I also understand that a sudden arrival here can be a disconcerting and that often requires a drink. I invite everyone to come have a drink at the Blood Shack in sector four. We've got a wide variety of drinks, both ordinary and unusual.

Come spend your day with us at the Blood Shack. We'd be delighted to have you.

[ The video clicks off.

Those that decide to take Eric up on his invitation, will find the Blood Shack up and running. During the day, a few bots can be found doing some of the mundane things like delivering drinks to tables, but during the evening Eric will be behind the bar and the presence of bots is reduced. The bar itself is dimly lit with small tables and booths places about. There's a dance floor and a stage with a pole at one end. The other end of the stage is occupied by what can only be called a throne, which Eric occupies when Spike is behind the bar. There is also a jukebox that customers can play. ]

[ooc: feel free to use this as an open mingle. I've turned off comments so if you want to speak directly to Eric, comment there.]

Aug. 1st, 2013


230 - [ action ] - open

[Oz is sitting at the beach in Sector One. It’s one of the first times he’s ventured out and about since that class about werewolves and how to kill them. Right now he’s sitting in the sand close to where the surf is coming in, his pants are rolled up so that the water just hits his feet and ankles before receding again. He’s leaning back on his palms, eyes closed, face turned up in spite of the overcast sky. He looks very calm, as always – very peaceful, as always. But also, as per usual, what’s on the outside doesn't always match what’s on the inside with Oz.

He’s enjoying the quiet and his solitude. But he won’t turn away anyone who might come across him.

Jun. 20th, 2013



Class 003 : Day 224 : Werewolves

[Sam is a little nervous about today's class. The first two were easy enough. As far as he can tell there are no "real" ghosts in the prison and definitely no wendigos. Werewolves on the other hand? There's definitely one and he considers him a friend. He'd be lying if he said he didn't also consider him a threat. After all it wasn't that long ago he hurt Martha and maybe others when the prison played with their emotions. It wasn't Oz's fault, but it happened and it could happen again. It was something that resonated with him considering the way things ended with the subject of his case study.

If the teacher looks a little more affected by this particular lesson than he was by the first two, it's because he is. It's personal, but the fact that it can be a threat here makes it all the more important to get the information out there.]

Today's subject is werewolves. Before we start, I just want to remind everyone of the basics. I'm providing information researched in my world. It may or may not apply to any other werewolves you meet at home or here.
Werewolves )

Questions & Discussion
That's all I have, so, let me know your thoughts.

(OOC: Mingle style. Notifs are off so tag Sam during class with questions or catch him before or after. Use your discretion with the links provided. Sam didn't necessarily cover every detail and he definitely avoided anything after his season 5 canon point like "vamptonite", or super personal like sleeping with Madison, but feel free to bring more into it.)

Jun. 17th, 2013


[Video } Action]

[Rogue has her hair tied up; she's wearing an apron and long, plastic gloves. She's up to her elbows in flour. She smiles up at the screen. She's very obviously in a good mood and one might catch her humming a bit of The Beatles 'Here Comes the Sun' before she starts speaking.]

Don't know 'bout the rest of you, but I'm sorta glad to be back to myself, you know? I'm makin' fresh pies to serve at Merlotte's later if anybody wants to come on down and have a bite. There'll be fried chicken, along with the rest of the menu.

[Her eyes go wide a moment.]

If Sam don't mind that is.

Jun. 16th, 2013



day 223 | xii ❧ video → open.

It seems to me that we could all do with some cheering up after what we went through back in that other place. I was thinking we should have some sort of get together for the sake of morale — give everyone a good boost back up. Maybe something like a potluck at one of the parks, where we all pitch in and bring what we like instead of us trying to cram as many bodies as we can into Merlotte's or the Blood Shack.

[ that and they've not only already done the party on the beach thing, but it might be a little too soon to ask anyone to go that close to the water. and there just ain't enough lanes at the bowling alley to accommodate everyone. ]

Yes? No? [ she smiles hopefully, because someone's gotta be strong in the face of so much bullshit. if she stops being strong, then it means whatever higher power's behind this place has one and she refuses to lose herself to something that won't even show its face. ]

Jun. 10th, 2013



[Video/ Open Action] Day 223

Hey, everyone. I'm sure there are still plenty of people I haven't met yet. I'm Asami. Asami Sato. And I want to... [She actually isn't rightly sure how to preface this question, so she launches right in.]

Do you feel safe here? The Wardens aren't trying to hurt us, but there's plenty of other... stuff. [Like people trying to hurt each other.] Does it worry you?

[Asami will be spending a large chunk of the day either out wandering to see what random bits of detritus she might be able to find around the prison or at home looking to see what she can make out of it.]



day 223 | i » video → open.

When I said I wanted to get out of Mystic Falls for a while, this wasn't exactly what I had in mind. Ruins of some ancient prison in Italy or China, maybe, but not underwater and in some alien dimension, or however the hell that's supposed to work. [ if he's getting the gist of this right. he's going by video game logic here. ]

And what happened to a trial by a jury of your peers? Is that not a thing on Planet X? Too human a concept for you? Is throwing eighteen-year-olds in prison for skipping a couple of classes back in high school [ and eradicating an entire vampire bloodline via staking finn mikaelson, but shhhh ] just something you do for fun around here?

[ just when things had calmed down and the world was returning to normal (or as normal as the world was capable of getting after everything that happened back home), this happens. it's just his luck, too. nothing ever stayed good for matt donovan. his life sucked, and it looks like graduating from high school meant it was only going to get suckier from here on out. ]

So much for the world tour.

May. 27th, 2013



Day 221 — Morning mingle : Main shelter

[Wake up and smell the lack of coffee. You're on a bunk bed. Maybe you're a top and maybe you're a bottom. There are five other people in your room. Maybe they're friends or enemies or faces you barely recognize if at all. It doesn't matter much. You can leave this room and you don't need to come back to it.

You should get your rations though. You're probably hungry. You're definitely a little sluggish of body. What happened to that bruise you got sparing yesterday? What happened to your newly dyed hair? Mystery, mystery... Move along. Find the public bathrooms and do your business with a hundred of your closest friends.

Find the kiosk and get your rations. Careful not to let anyone steal them. You won't get more until tomorrow and the bots won't care. They aren't here to hold your hand. If you get sick or hurt and they deem it necessary they will take you to the hospital whether you wish it or not. But why dwell on such things? You're here now and you might as well enjoy it. You even get a free day today.]

(OOC: OOC info. This mingle takes place in the Main shelter over the morning hours.

May. 23rd, 2013



[Video | Action for housemates]

Okay I dunno if my filters are messed up because of the Octa-brothers outside so I'm gonna say this here and really hope I'm going to be having an awkward 'your feathers are all ruffled over nothing' giggle of relief in like three seconds.

Derek Morgan, you better answer me, Mister. I know the lone hero thing is sexy as all get-out but we're being Captain Nemo'd here and I'm freaking out and I really need someone to cling to. And I know you're here because you wouldn't leave me alone. Right?

Just... please answer, okay? I'll feel way better about all this craziness when you get home.

[By the end, she's sounding less confident and way more like she's about to burst into tears. How the hell is she supposed to ANYTHING without her best friend?]

May. 16th, 2013



219 // MGC-mingle // open to all!

[ It's the first annual monthly bi-weekly — it's the first Memorial Garden Committee meeting! The invitations have been sent, a couple of park benches in Sector 0 have been claimed and there's even a few plates of home-made cookies put out in case the allure of fast food on a stick wasn't enough. How can you resist? That's right, you can't!

The instigator to all this is pretty nervous but once the clock strikes noon he clears his throat and kicks off the meeting the only way he can. ]

Alright, so… some of all y'all might remember me talkin' 'bout puttin' together a Memorial Garden for all our friends who've disappeared a while back. Now, I know we already got some o' that stuff 'round here but this would be somethin' we'd create all on our own. We'd decide what t' plant in it an' tend to it an' pool our rehab points together to get seeds an' plants or whatever else we need.

There ain't no pressure to help out. We do what we can, alright? What we're good at. I'm happy to help anyone who don't know how t' grow things an' wants to learn, but th' important part is that we all get a chance to have a say in this. This is where this comes in. Just write down your ideas an' we'll gather it all up an' make sure everyone gets somethin' they want.

[ He gestures to a SUGGESTION BOX set out with a stack of paper and some pens for all your suggestive needs. ]

Alright... that's all I had t' say. You go on an' talk amongst yourselves an' have fun!

(ooc: Mingle! Socialize to your hearts content, whether you got an invitation to the meeting or not. Notifs are off but Aidan has a thread HERE if you want to hit him up specifically! Feel free to let your character leave serious ideas for the memorial garden (or just troll the hell out of it) in the suggestion box HERE ! ))

May. 13th, 2013



Day 219: Open Video

[Have a very angry looking Mal. He figures this is all Alliance tricks. Maybe drugs. He's not sure. But the tech definitely seems Alliance. Except for when he steps out and realizes he's underwater. That's pretty new, but he won't let them know how unsettling the whole thing is.]
Clearly I ain't dead, and I ain't dreamin' because I never seen orange in this color. Thought you took yer criminals an' stuck 'em in mines or other hard labor colonies. Hell, even if you did want me in prison, I seem to remember grey bein' a favorite color? 'Least that's what the good Doctor says.

But I suppose y'all are pleased to get him and his sister back. My only question is where's my coat. I know you had to take the gun away, but I want the coat back. And the pants too preferably. And if you just let me know where they are, and where Serenity is, I'll be on my way with my crew.

May. 12th, 2013



day 218 | xi ❧ audio → open.

Just thought I'd come on and let those who were friends of hers know that Jessica Hamby's gone.

[ home? she hopes. she hopes jason's gone home, too, but all this talk of getting lost in the dimensional stabilizer makes her both wonder if they're gone from their world forever and quickly deny any possibility of that happening. ]

I'm real sorry, but maybe this is for the best?

May. 10th, 2013


218 - [ voice ] - open

[Oz has been hiding away since the loss of control over emotions for everyone in the dome. He’d lost control of the wolf and ultimately hurt people. Badly. That doesn’t sit well with Oz. But having locked himself away for awhile was all he could do before he had to accept his punishment. He doesn’t open a video post. It’s just a voice. The fewer people who see him locked away in a cage, the better.]

Hey. It’s Oz. So… chores. I have to help with three of them. Any takers?

Apr. 15th, 2013



day 215 | voice

Oh. Come on! What type of a connection is this?

[She fumbles for a moment with the device, until she is sure that it is working.]

Hello? This is Special Agent Prentiss with the BAU. I would like to formally request any additiona; information concerning… MarinaNova, was it? Unfortunately, I am unfamiliar with any such name and would welcome any intelligence that anyone could provide.

Also… The one in charge of this place? If I could be sent in their direction, I would appreciate it. Or even if someone can point me in the direction of someone who would be able to provide this knowledge.

[A pause.]

Uh, hey guys? Any of you happen to hear this? Not that I can dial out... I can’t be the only one waking up from this crazy dream…

Apr. 8th, 2013


214 Open Action || Audio both open and closed

[Rogue is in the hospital because Oz's werewolf lost control and attacked her. She's a mess of bandages and stitches. One arm is completely wrapped up. There are stitches in her shoulder, across her stomach, on one thigh and from elbow to wrist on arm. Despite all of this having happened less than twenty four hours ago, she's in relatively good condition. Part of that is due to the pain medication she's on, but the other part of it is due to the advanced healing she received from Oz when she used her power to get him off her. She's also been left with a craving for rare meat, but the hospital isn't keen on bringing her a burger. ]

Guess yesterday's craziness is gone. [She noticed other issues with everyone else too once she looked back on it.]

Any chance I could get someone to bring me up a burger?

|| Closed to Oz ||

You all right, Sugar?