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Feb. 22nd, 2015



For Nikita and Katia, before Eloisa visits

Feb. 6th, 2015


the world is sleeping, but they still have hope

WHO | Katia, Missy, and Nikita
WHERE | Nikita's home
WHEN | Morning
WARNINGS | A hint of violence

She couldn’t wait to break the news. )

Feb. 2nd, 2015


somewhere way down deep at the bottom

Who: Missy and Nikita
Where: Home
When: Early afternoon

'Nikita? do you remember when I died?' )

Jan. 20th, 2015


i need my cat-nap

Who: Nikita and Silvia
Where: Home, to start
When: After school

I just can't stay awake all day. )

Jan. 1st, 2015


this is my happy family

Who: Katia, Kristen, Missy and Nikita (NPC Silvia)
Where: Vostrikova household
When: Morning

'Good morning everyone.' )

Sep. 25th, 2014


just wait a little bit longer

Who: Missy, Nikita, Silvia (NPC) and Kristen (NPC)
Where: Nikita's home
When: Early evening

'Nikita rolls her eyes at you when you're on the news.' )

Sep. 6th, 2014


you feel like home up against me close

WHO | Katia and Nikita + NPCs
WHERE | Brothel in Russia
WHEN | Night, 1907
NOTES | Any dialogue in italics is spoken in Russian.
WARNINGS | Minimal violence, NSFW

I've brought you gifts )

May. 2nd, 2014


Cover your eyes so you don't know the secret

Who: Missy and Nikita
Where: Nikita's house
When: 10:00 p.m.ish

I've been trying to hide. )

Feb. 4th, 2014


A night out with the girls.

WHO: Maddie & Nikita
WHEN: Evening

You should have just gone home. )

Dec. 20th, 2013


inside i barely breathe, silently i scream

Who: Missy and Nikita
Where: Nikita's house
When: Morning

Scenarios had whirled around in her head of what could happen and some of them were still possible, what with the smell of blood. )

Dec. 14th, 2013


i got a little piece of you

WHO | Katia & Nikita
WHERE | Nikita's house --> Heme
WHEN | Night
NOTES | Dialogue in italics is spoken in Russian.
WARNINGS | Minimal violence, sexual themes.

Besides, Katia didn't show up in Scarlet Oak to watch her childe squander herself on another vampire. )

Sep. 15th, 2013


i can't afford to have you against me

Who: Missy and Nikita
When: Early Evening
Where: Nikita's house

That was exactly what she thought her life was now: insanity. )

May. 16th, 2013


and it's been such a long, long time

WHO | Katia & Nikita
WHERE | Nikita's office
WHEN | Afternoon
NOTES | Dialogue in italics is spoken in Russian.

Perhaps it was because she was in such a good mood, but Katia actually stopped and looked at the American woman. )

Jan. 8th, 2013


I stared at them a long time & I asked if it was true

Who: Missy and Nikita
Where: Nikita's home
When: Evening

Why was she even explaining herself? Maybe to see if Nikita's eyes would flash when she realized that Missy was going out to look for the water elemental instead of staying here to mope another night away in her room. )

Nov. 7th, 2012


not your typical mother-daughter talk for your not typical mother-daughter

Who: Nikita and Silvia
When: Afternoon
Where: Home

Silvia hadn't been bothered by most of the things that were on people's mind the past week. She hadn't gone to the park so she hadn't even seen the glitter berries that caused all the problems, nothing strange had happened to her abilities or her dreams. No, Silvia was great. Okay, maybe not really great because she wasn't sure about some things. Like the other morning when she'd gotten up and smelled Nikita's scent wafting out of Missy's room or yesterday when she had heard the two in the kitchen and peeked in from where she was 'doing her homework' to see that neither of them looked like they were about to kill the other. Wasn't that weird? Weren't they supposed to really not get along? Kristen had said it was Missy who hated vampires and had told her they were bad so it only made sense that she'd hate them too. Which meant that Nikita should hate Missy and shouldn't have turned her in the first place but that obviously wasn't the case.

"Adults are confusing," was what Silvia had decided. They didn't ever do what made sense and if they did then the world would freeze over. But that didn't mean she wasn't going to try to make it make sense for her. Missy was still here, Kristen was still here, and Nikita hadn't given her an update on the whole situation. Silvia wasn't sure how things worked with vampires, but since one of them had adopted her she kinda figured that she deserved to have a bit better of an idea than she did. So after she grabbed a glass of milk out of the fridge -- part of her really still wanted to pour it into a saucer -- she made her way to where she could clearly scent Nikita. "Sooooooo," Silvia drawled as she moved in and perched herself on the nearest seat that wasn't the floor. "What's up with you?"

Oct. 27th, 2012


i can close my eyes but it won't erase the memories...

Who: Missy and Nikita
Where: Nikita's home
When: Afternoon

There's nothing I can do. )

Oct. 26th, 2012


fragments of another life

Who: Nikita, with appearances by Dream!time NPCs
When: Night
What: Nikita’s Dream

I don’t think I’ve ever been happier. )

Oct. 17th, 2012


i am the monster in your head

Who: Missy and Nikita
Where: Nikita's house, then an abandoned warehouse outside of Scarlet Oak
When: Late afternoon, after this
Warning: Violence and NPC death

It had all started with those damn flowers. )

Sep. 8th, 2012


would it take the end of time to hear your heart's false start?

Who: Missy and Nikita
Where: Nikita’s home
When: Late at night

You let go 'cause your hope is gone and every answer fades away. )

Aug. 17th, 2012


sick and tired of the mess you made me

Who: Nikita
When: Morning
Where: Nikita's house

she was alone, with nothing but the silence of the house to stand between her and her thoughts )

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