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Dec. 23rd, 2014


a purr of a pigeon to break the still of day

WHO | Quinn & Chase
WHERE | The park
WHEN | Early afternoon

No, she was going to discipline herself to keep away and find something to distract her. )

Mar. 1st, 2014


There is a light that shines

WHO: Chase (and NPC Somchai & Virote)
WHEN: Full moon rising
WHERE: Chase's property by the Packlands

Special for you and me. )

Dec. 21st, 2013


i've been a good little worker bee; i deserve a gold star

Who: Chase and Faith
Where: Small park near UofM campus
When: Lunchtime

Faith muttered - which came out as a spitting sort of hiss - when her claws caught on the lining of her jeans and shook her tiny foot until it freed itself. )

May. 30th, 2013


making a house call

WHO | Quinn & Chase
WHERE | Chase's home
WHEN | Early afternoon

The thought suddenly occurred to her that she probably ought to have called before just showing up. )

Jan. 9th, 2013


awkward city, population two

WHO | Quinn & Chase
WHERE | Phonelines → Sunny's Diner
WHEN | Lunchtime

This was turning out to be a long sort of day off and spending it alone in her apartment was becoming a sad inevitability. )

Aug. 3rd, 2012


hey, i just killed you and this is crazy... but do you want some breakfast?

WHO | Quinn & Chase
WHERE | Quinn's place
WHEN | September 2nd, morning

I killed the man, the least I can do is make him some breakfast. )

Mar. 31st, 2012


Dress everyday like it's the first day of school

Who: Chase and OPEN (to his students!)
What: ANTHRCUL 101 lecture (make-up!)
Where: Classroom at the U of M
When: Mid-morning

School bell rings. )

Feb. 23rd, 2012


there's a trapdoor in the sun

WHO | Quinn & Chase
WHERE | Drug Store --> Road
WHEN | Afternoon

'Under the weather' was a severe understatement. )