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Jun. 15th, 2014



Will move if we end up putting this on a different game day <3

May. 23rd, 2014


Tender is the fur, dying as you purr

Who: Lux, Tessa and Jackson
Where: Tessa's apartment
When: Afternoon

Lux was no longer sure just how well she could feel her own torso from all the trepidation. Butterflies were nothing compared to the raw unnerving sensation that accompanied her on the drive from the precinct to Camelot Place. On her mind were no thoughts but those that pertained to how much she wanted this to work. She wanted - needed - to go after that bitch who had attacked Troy and as much as it pained her at this point Troy's opinion on the matter didn't really matter anymore. She would go regardless. She would do this even if Tessa and Jackson - whom she didn't even really know - backed down. She would do this, sadly, even if it killed her. There wasn't that much to live for if her mind continued to be consumed with this need for revenge anyway.

Parking the car on the first available spot Lux almost ran the length separating it from Tessa's apartment, and once she was standing in front of the door she noticed her hand was trembling as she knocked. It didn't matter. Lu would do this even if she couldn't feel herself properly, even if she couldn't control herself. Which reminded her that she really ought to; turning into a monster and mauling to death your only allies did not make for a good execution of any plan. Not that they had a plan, not yet. But three heads were better than one, Lux trusted their collective intelligence. They would get there.

And that bitch would regret ever having lain a finger on Troy Rogers.

Jan. 25th, 2014


up on the shore they work all day

Who: Cloelia & Lux
Where: Police Station
When: Early afternoon

She would really need a new notebook soon. )

Jan. 23rd, 2014


what you give is what you got

Who: Emilia and Lux
Where: Local gym
When: Quite early in the morning

The deal was - the deal always was - that if she could finish it inside of fifteen minutes then she could drive. )

Jan. 15th, 2014


Don't lose your temper

WHO: Julian & Lux
WHERE: Police Station
WHEN: Early afternoon

The donuts were a bribe. )

Dec. 30th, 2013


I'ma kick ass all the way to Hong Kong!

Who: Tessa and Lux (and Tessa's familiar Inaki, NPC'd)
Where: The Red Dragon Dojo
When: Early afternoon

Konichiwa bitches from Beijing to Saigon. )

Apr. 24th, 2013


Inside this place is warm, outside it starts to pour

Who: Lux and Troy
Where: Lux's apartment
When: early afternoon, around 1:30pm
What: NSFW

So let me hold both your hands in the holes of my sweater.. )

Apr. 16th, 2013


I've been a good little worker bee

Who: Simon and Lux
Where: Simon's apartment
When: Evening

I deserve a gold star. )
Tags: ,

Jan. 27th, 2013


I'm on top of the world, hey

Who: Lux and Bryce
Where: Lux's apartment
When: early evening, around 6pm

Waiting on this for while now )

Sep. 1st, 2012


I want to reconcile the violence in your heart

Who: Lux and Troy
When: around 1pm, right after this
Where: Troy's apartment above the R.D.D.

I want to exorcise the demons from your past )

Apr. 10th, 2012


Be careful of the curse that falls on young lovers

Who: Lux and Troy
Where: Troy's apartment over the dojo
When: early evening, a few hours before moon-rise

Starts so soft and sweet and turns them to hunters )

Mar. 16th, 2012


My heart's a stereo

Who: Lux and Troy
Where: Troy's apartment over the dojo
When: early evening, around 6pm

It beats for you so listen close )

Feb. 26th, 2012


If there's one thing I've learned, you'll always get burned

Who: Simon and Lux (and Simon's familiar Charmander, NPC)
Where: Cosmic Comics
When: Early afternoon

but you'll never get enough. )

Feb. 5th, 2012


How you like them apples?

Who: Lux and Troy
Where: the Red Dragon Dojo
When: late morning, around 11:30
Warnings: NSFW

The start of the school week for the public school system had Troy in a difficult spot. )

Jan. 22nd, 2012


I've seen this happen in other people's lives

Who: Lux and Simon
Where: Simon's place
When: at around 12:40pm

Now it's happening in mine )

Jan. 7th, 2012


And I've been taking chances, I've been setting myself up for the fall.

Who: Lux and Troy
Where: Lux's apartment
When: close to 3pm
Warning: NSFW

I've been keeping secrets, From my heart and from my soul )

Dec. 31st, 2011


Dug my way out of blood and fire

Who: Elizaveta, Liliya and Lux
Where: Near the Broadway Bridge
When: Sometime after the explosion

Did vampires need tourniquets? )